When Heather Elvis met Sidney Moorer at work the two began an intense love affair. But Heather’s fairytale romance turned into a nightmare when Sidney’s wife, Tammy Moorer, found out about the relationship. Not long after Heather and Sydney broke off their affair, Elvis went missing. Three years later, her body has yet to be found and suspicions surrounding the Moorers continue to circulate.
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I think the police should have dug up every bit of mulch and all of that around that property. They found a bag of concrete there is there any concrete laid on the property if so I would be digging it up she had to be put somewhere. Something to me just stands out about that fresh mulch all around the property something just has stood out about that since day one.
Despite the crime, which is horrible and I hope the murderers rot in hell, you don't date a married guy knowing he's married, no matter what.
Well, it’s simple as that: Stay away from a cheating husband, especially if he got caught by his jealous wife. It’s not worth the drama.
She should it have gotten involved with a married man
I dont know WHAT to do? Stay away from a married man!!
The morals have deep roots for our protection!
This girl was 20 at that age you don't make good choices I know I didn't I don't care what she did she deserves justice and to be found these people are sick and the way the wife acted was more childish
Look into this couple's past I feel Heather was groomed for a setup. There possibly could be others involved their past will reveal this.
Heather's mother is beautiful. It's easy to see where Heather got her looks.
Hope she's found one day so her parents can have some form of closure.
The fact she knew he was married puts her as responsible for her actions as that loser,
MESS IN ANYONES LIFE OR RELATIONSHIPS, ESPECIALLY A MARRIAGE!!! you both are the cause the problem, for fake "love", manipulation and false interest and lies by the loser 38yr old.
The fact that a 38yrs old is messing with a 15yrs old kid and
No one Not kick the shit out of him???? he's a rst loser child predator.
That Sydney is bad new man he had to do it
You can be messing with married me sis people crazy now a days !I feel like it was definitely a set up they Lured that baby in to the woods and something !
Maybe saying he left his wife was to lure her out to her death. Why go to such an environment to meet someone unless they got something to hide. She is not the first and won't be the last young woman to get involved with a married man. It's not a good thing to do, but I won't crucify her for that. Most times, the woman is at fault but not the man knowing he is married and not saying that. Unless there was someone else, she knew and called her there. Sad situation
she didn't deserve to die like that but why not find a single man, I hope this can be a lesson for everybody, young, single, married.
She gets home from her date @ 1 a.m. and Sidney calls her within minutes? Seems he was watching her.
She didn’t deserve to die. The wife didn’t deserve the way her husband cheated on her. People need to learn boundaries! If you don’t like the scenario you are in, don’t hurt people! Get out and then make an adult choice to do things the right way!
you out here harassing a teen bc your husband has no respect for you ?!?!? also for the idiots in the comments, you cannot be a home wrecker unless someone invites you in. i can’t believe y’all are blaming her for her death and not the married man with the crazy ass wife.
People need to stop messing with peoples husband and these women need to take up issues with their husbands instead of the chick none of these guys are worth losing your life to death or jail pro are so comfortable with sleeping with a married man then wonder why stupid people kill these side wenches
She kinda had it coming dont mess with peoples relationships you dont know how crazy people are. If she didnt she would be alive
If a man or woman is married their off limits. Because if my husband was cheating on me and I wasn't done with him l may decide to just walk away and end the relationship or l may decide to go after the other women violently.
I believe she was brutaly murdered and disposed of for messing with somebody elses husband. Rest well young lady.
The header says "mysterious". What's the mystery? Never trust the maintenance man. Don't mess with the maintenance mans pecker if he's married. Also the only thing that's worth doing at Myrtle Beach is fishing on Apache pier.
Some of you insinuating that Heather deserved getting killed because he was a married man need help. She didn't deserve to lose her life because of it.
Her mom looks really young
I’m sorry for their beautiful daughters tragic passing
that's all we need to know.
This is why you don’t be a home wrecker and respect relationships and boundaries. No she didn’t deserve to die,but you never know who’s life you’re messing with.
The couple probably both killed her but the sad part is that she tried to move on and she just posted a photo of herself on a date. Her first date since her break up.
This an epic and classic example of enjoy now pay later.. Be careful what youre enjoying though
Plenty of young girls experiment and engage in relationships that they shouldn’t. DEATH isn’t the answer though. TOTALLY WRONG TO MURDER HER FOR A MAN’S INFIDELITY.
Play with fire, you get burned…..

Don’t sleep with married men & wreck families
Is Heathers & Brittanee Drexel’s disappearances linked?
Did they check their cell phone pings? Like wow
She is absolutely adorable. And he isn't attractive in the least yuck
Don't know what he said to her. Poor girl