When Heather Elvis met Sidney Moorer at work the two began an intense love affair. But Heather’s fairytale romance turned into a nightmare when Sidney’s wife, Tammy Moorer, found out about the relationship. Not long after Heather and Sydney broke off their affair, Elvis went missing. Three years later, her body has yet to be found and suspicions surrounding the Moorers continue to circulate.
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Dating a married man with a psycho wife never good
Did anyone else see her dad’s shifty eyes?
They are both gulity as sin. Disgusting that the judge allowed them to leave the state. Theu both need to convicted of her murder. They killed her and hid her body so no one could find it. Such a evil couple i hope the law does not stop until they are both convicted of murder. Such a despicable couple. She is an narcissistic evil killer witch and he is a murderous pedophile. I pray the authorities find hearther's body. I dont think she is alive. Tammy moore made sure of that.
Tammi, Sidney. Mi fate solo

Idk how they didn’t get dna ! They need to find dna evidence
She got 30 years for her desaperance .she lure her there.tild him to tell her to meet hithere. Is a possibility.but could be samone else too .
I wish the dad and mom knew their daughter was pursuing a 38 year old married man to begin with. I have a feeling they may have been able to put the brakes on it one way or another.
Why that place? why that time? why openly threaten her?
They got away with murder
She was way above both them nastys anyways how sad
They let them move to Florida???!!!
She made a mistake to date someone that is married she wasn't so innocent sucks she died do
No doubt they'd killed her,feel sorry and hope family get justice
Don't mess with married man or women. Nothing good comes out of it. Heather is so young and beautiful, she would have met the one if she didn't get killed. My condolences to her and her family and I hope she r.i.p. this is such a sad story..
I am extremely angered about these stories, I find these stories very very disturbing
Prayers and Deepest Condolences to this women's family.
Hurting Women is NOT ok
This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:
For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…
Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…
No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.
Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…
My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,
I will continue to pray for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…
Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
Jason Sandifer,
Wow,that couple is homely…dude is creepy looking.
In the other couple the girl looks like trailer trash Tammy on YouTube I think it’s so ironic how her name is Tammy lmaooo!!!! She looks just like her ! I hope the Rest In Peace!!! No one deserves to be taken from there family
So many things wrong. These parents are the ones paying the price of all of their actions!
Why do they let them out of prison despite the murder charge and even leave the state?
Unbelievable attraction, she thought it dead .
Don't get involved with married individuals!!!!
Who handcuffs their husband to the bed at night!
control freak
Oh hell no !!! We don’t want those killers in Florida.
I seriously don't think the Moorers were intelligent enough to make Heather vanish like that.
I'm not 100% convinced Tammy is guilty. It wasn't her phone that night, she's not the one that went out and bought the pregnancy test etc…
Heather was getting fat and ugly too so stop fat shaming Tammy.
Heather a dumb little girl.
Sydney is a liar.. they both responsible for the disappearance of heather..they should be interrogated much on where is the body of the young lady.. when there's evidence of lying.. dont let them free
Is there an update?
A lot of ppl are shooting slugs at the wife saying Heather was beyond beautiful ext.ext. Well she was also beyond stupid ext.ext. because the wife is still alive she aint! Also everyone is criticizing this dudes looks well, guess what he obviously had something they both liked! And as far as the work deal Well guys! We all know that regardless of what ever may had or not happend. Everybody needs to make a living to survive! Killers as well im just calling it how i see it. Heather was less than smart and unfortunalty put her self in that situation!
All for the D***,
Follow up video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlF46P-c6zY
Is there any updates on this case :(?
How did they get rid of a body in 5minutes ?
Bad dye job on both those idiots. He looks like Scott Peterson with that hair
Nothing is in stone and one day he’ll cheat again and they will turn on each other mark my words it’s so sad for heather’s family wow
He got 30 years in prison and so did she. Pieces of garbage.
these girls will never be obedient.
they are SO guilty
"She's the kind of crazy that'll kill you"
-Candace De Long
F.B.I. Profiler (RET)