They ILLEGALLY Arrested Him And Immediately REGRETTED It! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

Stray Dog The Exposer’s channel:
Bustillos v. City of Artesia (10th Circuit Appeal)-



Criminal court records (Case No. D-503-LR-201800064)-

DHS 2010 Bulletin-

DHS 2018 Operational Readiness Order-

Homeland Security Act of 2002-

Irizarry v. Yehia-

N.M. Stat. § 30-22-3-

Brown v. Texas-

Keylon v. City of Albuquerque-


42 thoughts on “They ILLEGALLY Arrested Him And Immediately REGRETTED It!”
  1. Once this guy wins his lawsuit, he should pull all of the arrest records that Baily has executed over his career and look for other 1st and 4th amendment violations that he as criminally done.
    From there, hopefully the NM law enforcement entities will get retrained.
    Baily is going to lose quite a lot, house, boat pension.

  2. It might have been more productive/ educational to the officers if the man stated that he “is an Auditor and that the police were falling into his trap for a lawsuit…..and this is how he makes a living.” Was the second cop the supervisor ?Does this guy plan on getting arrested & have someone drop him off , so he doesn’t get his car towed or the cops know his vehicle and get targeted later? If this was a trap for a lawsuit, does he have a lawyer on standby & ready to take the case?

  3. Police can legally ask for your ID anytime they want. But until you have been "officially" identified as a suspect of an articulable criminal act, and are officially being detained for the corresponding investigation … you DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES have to give them your identification.
    In other words, the officer has to be able to state the criminal activity they've detected or suspect is going on. Then, and only then … due to the evidence and/or circumstances surrounding it they've identified you as a viable suspect of said activity. Only at that time are you required by law to produce Identification.
    A phone call into dispatch because someone doesn't like your presence and considering it "suspicious", IS NOT A CRIME WITHIN ITSELF!!!! Therefore, there would be no reason for him to have to produce identification.

  4. After watching videos like this, I often go to the Facebook page of the department that got an F to comment and redress my government as is my first amendment right. I am often confronted with a page that does not allow comments. This is a violation of our constitutional rights. I have not been able to report these violations to Facebook. Does anyone know how it can be done. Their complaint pages have no way to report this specific issue.

  5. 1. Not surprising in that particular state. 2. Not that unusual for a LEO to believe that the laws are whatever they want them to be. 3. The real reason for the arrest? Ego and hurt feelings.

  6. Cops violating every civilian’s constitutional rights including their parents, spouses, children’s etc. great video for every school to show how these government employees treat lawful civilians in public on public property. Make your children proud. NOT

  7. This particylar type of case just goes on and on. When will the Police in America learn this. Surely this type of knowledge must be in built into the training of Police officers and thus saving millions in litigation. Struth the same goes for mycountry of the UK !! Annoying !

  8. So ignorance of the law is not a defense but rather and excuse — and this cop learned that the hard way …. hope he gets a settlement to either pay off his mortgage or send his kids to college — or both.

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