This Cop Doesn’t Understand Basic Civilian Rights – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.


Ga. Code § 16-7-21-

E. P. v. State of Georgia-

Ga. Code § 16-1-3-

Lloyd Corp. v. Tanner-

Citizens, Etc. v. Gwinnett Place Association-

Ga. Code § 16-11-36-

Ga. Code § 40-1-1-

Ga. Code § 40-5-29-

Wynn v. State-


45 thoughts on “This Cop Doesn’t Understand Basic Civilian Rights”
  1. Clearly this has become a civil dispute between Panera and the petulant child Mr. Frank. All the cop had was Mr Frank's assertion, without proof that he owned the property, and that there was no longer an agreement with Panera to allow their customers to park on the adjacent property. Velasis is the only reasonable cop who does not come across as an arrogant a$$ that I have ever seen in these videos. On the othe hand, Mr Frank, who while he CAN legally keep people off his parking lot, is acting like a jerk for no apparent reason. The police are not in a position to adjudicate who owns what part of the parking lot, read tenancy contracts, order and read surveys… They can only operate on the basis of what the can see and hear as it applies to the law. Clearly the driver was NOT loitering or prowling. Also, I believe that the courts have ruled that police could only require you to present them with the ID in the course of a traffic stop, and could not stop random drivers who had not committed any violation and demand ID, despite what state law might say. No traffic stop was occurring. This was a ridiculous escalation by everyone except for the woman who wanted to sit in the shade and eat her Panera.

  2. Sorry, AtA but you're wrong on this one. Cops in most states have discretion to enforce laws, which is important because there are so very many laws, many of which are conflicting. The first officer chose not to be a dick on behalf of the dickhead alleged but unproven property owner. End of story.

  3. Even if he had an agreement with Panera bread to have his parking lot be used as overflow parking is still technically HIS property and if she has been told to leave, then she shouldn’t even be anywhere on that property, it’s still his property.

  4. "strong protections for private property" – except for what owners are allowed to build on their property – e.g. you can't build a house without permits (some very useless), can't build a business without proper parking lot sizes & handicap spaces, etc. There really isn't alot of protections to private property against government intrusion/commands – just against other citizens.

  5. I love ATA, this one not at all. Some lady parked in a parking spot with a sign that says she can park there. Some random dude says no.

    I loved the how the officer kept on saying "maybe tell Panera to take down that sign. To avoid confusion"

    Also, she was in a huge moving truck or whatever it was, if I was in a big vehicle I would probably also park further out away from other cars.

    Sorry, ATA I disagree. The cops were correct. Resolve the situation peacefully, tell the "property owner" to use two hands to remove a sign he has a problem with.

    Cops A+

    ALSO, do cops actually have record information to public city ownership?

  6. In the video wasn't sign to seen on the border from this place about private place, for e.g. : "No Trespassing, Authorized Personnel Only, Stay Clear". How can a person knowing, that in this area, not allowed to park?

  7. Rare and strange miss from ATA. The woman was parked in a large parking lot for a bit under an honest misunderstanding that a sign meant what it obviously said. And then she left…
    But a whiney property owner got annoyed, so… TRESSPASS!

  8. Mr Frank could just remove that sign since it's on his property and it doesn't belong there.
    Simple. Idk why everyone thinks the cops need to clean up a simple mess that the person themselves could fix! It's ridiculous.

  9. Your grades are wrong. The cop was originally 100% correct that without evidence of who the property owner is, he can't do anything. Then the cop does the opposite by asking the lady to move. Any random person can claim they own something, but without proof of ownership, it's just meaningless words. How can a legally binding "trespass" be valid without any proof of ownership?

  10. Let me start off with this first. Click bait. The thumbnail shows a black officer not knowing the law. Wow. The officer was nkt black. I dislike this channel. Wish it stop popping up on my feed. This not a real audit. The officer gabe this lady a break. And the "owner" was being a real jerk. The signs where she could park and she did. So whats the harm? If anything the cops should have got an A. The "owner" should have got a B-.

  11. It’s pretty clear to anybody watching this video. We don’t know about the legality of the lot and all that, but Mr. Frank is undoubtably a piece of shit. The woman who wanted to park in a shaded area. There is no competition for spaces looking around there and he just keeps harassing this woman not to park there when she said she’s going to be leaving very shortly, what kind of human being does something like that instead of harassing people why don’t you go fix the fucking sign the business has up and take care of your shit properly so that when you do bother the police about matters like this, that you can show some semblance of being a competent person. It’s still won’t change the fact that he’s a piece of shit that won’t let somebody sit under a shaded tree in a huge parking lot full of open spaces but what are you gonna do some people are just terrible.

  12. whoa the first one i actually diasgree with here…. signage said she could park there, if the signs say shes permitted to be there then he has no legitimate reason to say sjes trespassing……. a 4 dollar can of spray paint can fix this whole situation

  13. Okay I understand not taking the word of just anyone that claims to own a parking lot, but on verifying the individual does own the property the customer she be informed they need to move and if they refuse after then trespassed from the property. However the Own of the lot needs to insist the the business removes the sign or paint over it or something mot just cover it, so there can be no confusion on where parking is allowed. a cover is not sufficient.

  14. Bor, I've been binged watching your video and this is this first time I disagree with your grading. The property doesn't deserve an A+, yes he was in his rights to call the cops and have the lady removed, but he didn't do the basic thing which was to remove the parking sign. Is he going to trepass everyone who parks in the parking lot thinking it still belong to the other business? The female and the cop had the valid argument, I think this whole scenario would have been avoided if he had just taken down the parking sign.

  15. ATA seems to entirely rely on the spoken claim that it is indeed his parking lot. For all we know, and for all the officers knew, the manager was already in some sort of civil dispute with Panera and was asserting his right prematurely. Why does he even care this much? It's a giant parking lot and it's almost empty.

  16. Mr. Frank gets an F- for trying to ruin a person's life who was just enjoying Panera food who reasonably thought they was in the right area to enjoy their meal, but wanted to imprison that person.

  17. Once again a cop isn't educated on the constitution he has sworn to uphold. However, I'd much rather the cop give people additional, nonexistent, rights….than the standard of temporarily stripping people of their rights by constantly violating them. When the cop doesn't know I'd MUCH rather them err on the side of caution and common sense, than immediately excitedly jumping to the side of respecting their authority by excessively forcing them to obey whatever it is that they want them to obey.

    But regardless of how refreshing this particular scenario was, where some innocent wasn't flexed on with a taser…THE true underlying PROBLEM is STILL the exact same. Which once again is the cops being uneducated, and undertrained on the very scope of their jobs… which is knowing the laws and constitution that they are sworn to enforce, protect, and uphold.

    However, while the biggest, truest, and most consistent problem IS the enormously inadequate amount of training and education ALL law enforcement receives…this video also proved something else extremely important: Even though the underlying issue of education would still exist, if Law Enforcement Agencies would make some drastic changes to how they vetted their candidates for employment, by requiring certain personality types (natural demeanors similar to the officer's in this video)….it's pretty apparent that those changes would undoubtedly make huge improvements to the absolutely abhorrent current state of this country's law enforcement.

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