This Prime Activation Scam is Getting SCARY – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Scammers are getting into your phone or computer by pretending to be Amazon support! Be careful what links you click on when activating your Prime Video!

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25 thoughts on “This Prime Activation Scam is Getting SCARY”
  1. One way to stop this is for the countries that send financial aid to India Bangladesh and so forth tell these governments to crack down on these scammers or the Aid stops , also to let these countries purse charges on these scammers

  2. My dad nearly got scammed by one of those “it’s ur kid I broke my phone I need money” scams but luckily my mum knew more about this sort of stuff and told him about it actually being a scam it’s horrifying to know what could’ve happened

  3. These guys are criminals. They lost their heart permanently and will rather kill someone else just to live another day. So there is no point telling them back “you have the nerve to place a huge debt on a granny?” Because the answer will always be a “Yes , come find me bitch!”

    Btw good video.

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