Judge Caprio reprimands a Rhode Island man for blaming his wife for not using the correct coins in a parking meter.
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the lady crying i think it was crocodile tears soon as she heard 35 dollars which isnt much btw she just said ok in anger. lmao
Spanish lady made me so mad girl is this America we all work don’t think your going to get a free ride or act like it’s owed to you. That crap I’m so sick of
I'm not sure I knew that.
She only had to pay $80. It would be $500 in Los Angeles
Is this some tv crap like judge Judy or rinder bollcks
What a colossal waste of everyone's time and money this entire system is, all so that Grampa can make jokes.
This Judge has always been amazing. Compassionate and firm at the same time.
This honorable judge is such a nice guy. He’s very funny you’re very handsome man. I was actually seen before him, and he gave me a break. I have never in my life met such a fair judge that gave me a break.
They got rid of red light cameras my county here in CA because at the end of the day the monies collected in fines was far less than money spent keeping the system up and collecting fines.
do you make any content?
Women, huh
I'm a woman on the northeast coast and have never used a parking meter in my life. My boyfriend has always done that stuff for me 

I like watching Caught in Providence. The judge is such a sweetheart. He actually has compassion for people.
U can put quarters dimes and nickles in the parking meters in wisconsin
I feel bad for that first woman – her marriage must be tough.
I love Judge Caprio
Who knew traffic court could be so interesting. What a great judge. More of this show plz!
I adore this judge. I'm betting the kindness & humanity he shows makes a big difference in this city.
The lady who didn't know to stop at a red light before turning right, yeah, that's starting to happen a lot in California. I hate those drivers. They put other drivers at risk because of their ignorance.
I love that Judge
I like this judge!
The first wife who got thrown under the bus. I feel so sorry for her being married to that guy. He just walked off so disrespectfully. I pray he doesn't hurt her in any way over this…
I think he’s on the couch sleeping after this lol
The husband knew she jammed the meter up with dimes…That's why he jumped in first and answered just quarters
Such a kind man the judge is.
Every time i see this judge I'm always smiling
I wish I went to court on TV comedy day and got a reduced penalty or have it dropped.
I’m used to watching trials and interrogations of psychopaths. It’s nice to know that a lot of people who break the law are sometimes just normal people who made a mistake
I like this judge.
Would love to work with this man!!!
What meter only takes quarters? The meters where I live take everything but pennies