TikTok killer convicted; Mom sentenced after daughter dies on Mountain Dew diet — TCD Sidebar

TikTok killer convicted; Mom sentenced after daughter dies on Mountain Dew diet — TCD Sidebar

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Joshua Ritter breaks down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. He discusses a husband on trial for murder more than a decade after the disappearance of his wife, the conviction of a former TikTok star for the double homicide of his wife and her male friend, and a mother sentenced in the death of her daughter after bottle-feeding the girl a diet largely consisting of Mountain Dew.

Tweet your questions for future episodes to Joshua Ritter using the hashtag #TCDSidebar.

Joshua Ritter:
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39 thoughts on “TikTok killer convicted; Mom sentenced after daughter dies on Mountain Dew diet — TCD Sidebar

  1. Hello she didn’t understand and that’s funny she didn’t understand how to do a proper care for her baby but she sure did understand how to open her fucking like come on give me a break here y’all need to

  2. If you want more viewers, stop being a talking head- no one is interested in that. Show the materials, evidence, photos…and not your talking head. Just trying to help. I personally(like many others) avoid the narrator’s story telling crime reviews and documentaries without hard work evidence being shown.

  3. I’m from the UK and the justice system here lacks any strictness (js that an actual word) just to say I love your accent on voice it’s really soothing. Don’t worry I won’t stalk you haha! New subscriber here! Ty x

  4. He was always going to lose it in the dock! Narcissistic nut case! He losing his temper as her partner and friend and murders them so he’s not gonna be a calm person in court. I can just imagine how he was never told “no you can’t have that” and never had any consequences for any actions during his life! Poor beautiful lady and her friend may they rest in peace not he’s finally slammed into jail!

  5. Your explanation of the difference between direct and circumstantial evidence was sensational! I appreciate how you provided various examples of the concepts and terms you talk about throughout, as it assisted in understanding. You’ve got some chill professor vibes!

  6. IDK? Are we sure that heavy-set mother knew any better? I mean maybe she was raised exactly the same way? Oh man, I'd have taken that little girl in in a heartbeat, but looking at her surroundings in the photos, there doesn't appear to be a terrible case of neglect, unless I'm missing something. I just don't think she had any clue that this could cause death to her daughter.

  7. It's unbelievable that he shed tears after being found guilty of double homicide. It’s clear he’s never faced real consequences before. The audacity to cry after committing such heinous acts shows a disturbing lack of remorse and understanding of the gravity of his crimes.

  8. They are tough men when they're committing murderers how about when they hear the verdict they don't like the outcome and cry like little babies that's not so tough after all

  9. I had a friend in high school whose parents had to sell their Mountain Dew they had because they couldn't get their daughter to stop drinking it. Plus, I have heard the doctors say, that Mountain Dew isn't good for anyone. weather that's true or not I don't know. What I do know is you never give a child Mountain Dew, Pepsi any of that kind of stuff.

  10. As soon as I learned what TikTok was, I said "This is a pedo's dream, a conspiracy breeding ground, an amplifier of ignorance & hate, and a bully's paradise… this will lead to many murders"
    TikTok = endless young girls dancing + infinite teens each trying to out-do each other = perfect recipe for violence & ab*se.
    I didn't anticipate that it would also be a Chinese intelligence resource…. there's not a lot of good to offset that much bad.

  11. If that woman almost killed her son (with sugar) before this happened to her daughter, she wasn't just negligent, she knew what she was doing! She shouldn't even have had custody of her daughter or at the very least they should have kept an eye on her.

  12. You would be shocked to see the diets of the pediatric population. It’s insane and yet, parents seem accountable to no one. Rarely, if ever are parents confronted or educated about the importance of adequate nutrition.

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