Trooper Hit and Killed by Retired Vet Suspected of Drunk Driving – Crime Watch Daily

Trooper Hit and Killed by Retired Vet Suspected of Drunk Driving  – Crime Watch Daily

Pat LaLama reports.

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14 thoughts on “Trooper Hit and Killed by Retired Vet Suspected of Drunk Driving – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I hate how he was giving the Guy credit that he was in the service and Retired. I respectfully would like to say I appreciate what you did for our country, however Sir once you got behind that wheel, drove and killed a person, a police officer at that, No matter what your Ranks are/were you are a murderer! #sorrynotsorry Officer Jamie Thank you for your Service and Sacrifice. Prayers for Comfort and Peace to your Family & Friends both at home and in Blue!!! As A Policemans Daughter, My heart literally breaks for her little Girl 😕😔💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙

  2. WHat I don't understand is that these "Cities" would rather spend millions of dollars on being a Sanctuary city, instead of creating roadside cubicles for this purpose. Every 5 miles there could be a pull off on the other side of the guardrail. Its not rocket science.

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