In the woods of Washington state, an 18-year-old girl is forced to watch her own grave being dug by the very people she trusted. How did it get to this point? Crime Watch Daily Special Correspondent Kim Goldman reports.
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So sad shes beautiful the world lost another beautiful soul
Here we go with the same lines .." she was bubbly" i think its scripted. They all say that
Yes, another Nobel peace prize winner…
This is another problem when a young girl sees the good in everything, its hard , they must learn the other side also, with the good, Wolf was hiding in sheepskin
Rip Rachel
I wouldn't touch a "man" like Diggy with a bargepole. Girls, find a man who is compassionate, who loves humans (and animals), and who strives to educate himself and get a stable career. Find a man who understands your past, supports you, and wants to grow with you. Stop dating losers who disrespect you, are abusive, and disregard the wellbeing of others. They might act tough, but they're simply overcompensating for their fragile egos. Any man who would hurt a woman (or animal, or child) is a lowlife loser. RIP Rachel.
What “bad boy” . That guy was not a bad boy . He was a criminal right from the start . A jailed convict. And the fact that her family allowed her to mix with this crowd is beyond me.
Oh yeah women going out and actually seeking criminals to date but yeah everyone hate "incels" or "nice guys" instead…
Better to be killed by a handsome asshole than give a shot or even listen to not as good looking guy who is bummed out being alone right?
RIP beautiful bubbly Rachel…
Good God these women just seem to beeline to the lowest common denominator.
This is one of the most disturbing ones I've seen. Anyone expressing anything other than empathy is a sociopath. No one should die like this… this was beyond cruel.
I met a young lady years back. Her bf would make her strip down , after she'd come home from work. He would sniff her , clothes, and checked her body.
That is definitely a very controlling, jealous and sick man to do such things.
This is creepy.
Imagi Studios
totally deserved… she literally dug her own grave with this clown, no tears on my end
She seemed such a lovely lass so trusting and a beautiful soul.i just listened to mr ballen podcast all about this, i just have a soft spot for her.
Six kids dying makes me think something else is going on.
This girl could have done allot better than this sleeve bag.
Rachel was lost and in a crowd she did not belong in. Maybe in a way she was in a hurtful relationship because when people are sad they tend to be very vunerable to others, especially bad others. Maurice is worse than "Diggy," appropriate name since Diggy kiled and buried her along with his stoogies. Maurice was reachable, but he chose to listen to darkness instead of light. He had many chances to change his behavior. Diggy was just dumb period.
Look at these wannabe tough guy bozos. Lol. North west mafia. Gang meetings? Gang secrets? Smdh These idiots claim she passed on their gang secrets to rival gang. Lol yeah. Ok. What secrets? She told rivals their secret password whenever someone knocked on their clubhouse door. Or she told their secret handshake. Geez. These clowns put in work on a civilian female. SMH. Bozos
Fucked up by her own foolishness.
Rachel and I were romantic for some time during our school years. I know this is crass, but she had a spectacular crotch.
I remember watching a movie based on her story
She deserve it 100% should've listen to her dad. I am sure she slept with the whole crew
Some woman always seem to be attracted to the biggest f- ups, line up 100 good guys, put one bad apple in there and they'll go straight to him,yep, you did it again, amazing!!
I would murder a million people just to be with you.
Ahhhh, that is so sweet. That should be on a Hallmark Card.
She was pretty. Guy she dated that killed her was fugly. I don’t get why girls like her are attracted to complete pieces of shit. They saying nice guys finish last while bad boys get the girl is 100% true. I’ve seen it happen and been apart of relationships where I treated girls like shit and they loved me more for it. I’ve also been a gentleman and treated girls good and had them cheat on me with jackasses.
Elizabeth Banks?
I don't feel bad.
Dumb Girl
Dumb choices
Religion prevents that
I’ve been up since 2 a.m watching these! Thank goodness for being off work on the weekends
What unseen evil in that town drove all those ppl to die
"Mama bear". LOL She raised her daughter to be a druggie and screw thugs. Some "mama bear".
Detective Pince repeatedly talks crap about the killers and it's hilarious.
They really were "buffoons."
See how these evil abusers attract to the kind hearted woman . These videos always pick the cases where the young lady is so pretty . I noticed this . We must bear in mind that women who are less attractive can be a victim of abuse . I feel for all those victims that are murdered .