Troubled Romance With ‘Bad Boys’ Leads to Teen’s Murder (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily

Troubled Romance With ‘Bad Boys’ Leads to Teen’s Murder (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily

In the woods of Washington state, an 18-year-old girl is forced to watch her own grave being dug by the very people she trusted. How did it get to this point? Crime Watch Daily Special Correspondent Kim Goldman reports.

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26 thoughts on “Troubled Romance With ‘Bad Boys’ Leads to Teen’s Murder (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. How about the fact the this innocent girl kept dating gang members, yet we want to pretend like how could this happen. She chose this life and it was a bad choice….

  2. Nobody deserves this but when you have so many signs showing that your life is in danger and choose to ignore it then you have to take some accountability for the actions behind those choices R.I.P Rachel but she could have avoided all this

  3. She didn’t deserve to die but she should have better choices. Should have never went to the party and should have stayed away from him. Dating another member of the gang and his friend was also a bad choice. Maybe she would still be alive if she cut him completely off. May she R.I.P. and her family heal.

  4. The fact the people be like OMG so shocking lord have not lived or been taught how to avoid certain things your ex is crazy and abusive and you date his gang associates and in his face 🤦🏻‍♀️ I understand being young but that’s a petty that cause her everything 🫡 stop playing games with men who don’t play fair

  5. This is what happens when everyone just bruahes off "oh she is just into bad boys" bullshit.
    "Bad boys" have been sensationalized too much already and you get idiot girls like her and the sister who are just blind to it.

    Pretty girl could of done anything and she decided "yeah this group that calls themselves a mafia is the super best choice I could make, I mean c'mon, theyvare handsome so let's be stupid"

  6. Gotta say, I feel less and less for Rachel with every new development. At some point when someone walks into an obvious fire you gotta say "hey, that's stupid, are you TRYING to kill yourself?"
    She kept WILLINGLY walking backbto an asshole. What is wrong with these girls? Are they so blind to the hundreds of better guys all around her?
    She wanted to be part of that life? Well guess what, she got in it.
    Want the "bad boys" then no one should be shocked when they treat ypu bad or worse

  7. Losing that many “friends” left her with pain and an emptiness she didn’t know what to do with and it was all downhill from there.
    Big Sis was just as naïve, they should’ve gotten the cops involved. Idk if it would’ve changed things but geesh.

  8. Good on you older sister, you gave all the bad advise to your little sister, of course a guy that sells drugs and carries guns wouldn’t hurt her. Maybe take her to the police instead of being an advisor from your short experience in life

  9. Rachel was involved in an environment of violence and death. She ignored all the red flags and paid with her life. These scumbags that murdered her should get the death penalty. They are subhumans.

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