Troubled Romance With ‘Bad Boys’ Leads to Teen’s Murder (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

Troubled Romance With ‘Bad Boys’ Leads to Teen’s Murder (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

In the woods of Washington state, an 18-year-old girl is forced to watch her own grave being dug by the very people she trusted. How did it get to this point? Crime Watch Daily Special Correspondent Kim Goldman reports.

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48 thoughts on “Troubled Romance With ‘Bad Boys’ Leads to Teen’s Murder (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. With all due respect who was she praying to she died the invisible man doesn’t exist if he does where the hell was he 😳it’s ALL about money , 4200 creepy different religions and everyone thinks there is this the right one😳 commonsense says they are all fairytales proven great awakening when our ancestors👽 the one who made us introduce. It is they and universal militaries bringing us to great awakening WATCH

  2. No wonder lol

    These wannabes are nothing without guns I bet a billion dollars that none of them can fist fight as a boxer with over 15 years of experience I can take down any of these low life’s

  3. TOTAL BETRAYAL. She totally trusted her prison pen pal. This really makes it seem like finding prison inmates and pen pals to pursue romantic relationships is a bad idea. I can't believe he didn't change for her.🤔

  4. Give me a break “the north west mafia”. Sounds like a bunch of micro-penis’s to me.
    I mean just look at these idiots…all turning on each other like their idiot asses would.

  5. 7:12 This whole mail from her killer is worth reading. It screams: "narcissism" back at you…. "i am trying to better my life and don't need negative things in it". That is so ridiculous even if you only consider his attitude in this mail. I hope he dies in prision.

  6. Just one look on those lowlife scumbags, with traile trash genes. Like, who would've want them in life, beside those…lowest form of rat sewer life, called – gang's? Type of creatures, that no family want, not even mother could love those…cowards.
    Rip, girl..🤍

  7. And this is why "bad boys" should still be a bad descion. Everyone all shits on "nice guys" and Incels, but what is the worst tgey will do to you? Whine? Throw a hissy fit?
    Maybe when "bad boys" get the hate they deserve then maybe "nice guys" won't be around so much. 2 birds one stone.
    Stop dating "bad boys", you can say you don't but these videos very much prove that a significant amount of women still go for "bad boys"

  8. All those boys are, are little plastic gangsters they aint nothing without weapons!! Scum of the earth for what they did to that poor girl, she was a teenager who had her whole life ahead of her!! I hope and pray that those who did this get what they deserve and get shanked in prison!!! May she rest in peace xx

  9. The sad part of this entire episode is that Trouble announced itself well in advance with several warning signals to watch out and act with caution. Unfortunately all were ignored or not taken seriously resulting in a precious life lost.

  10. I’m so tired of people complaining about criminals rights. Each one of these sissy fake gang members should be shut in a room room 6 people and let them see how it feels . 6 punk gang members jump a 4’11” girl I hope they are tortured everyday for the rest of their fake gangster lives.

  11. Why aren’t they all in jail for life? They knew what was gonna happen and did nothing to stop it. All of them attacked her in the house bunch of Wussies. I hope the ones that were winking at the family in court and laughing about what they did get so abused in prison they can never have a happy moment again their entire life.

  12. How many Boys does it take to kill a 4’11” girl? I hope they all suffer the rest of their lives , Especially Diggy. You really need you and 7 seven of your friends to kill a girl because she dumped your ass. Loser Posse.

  13. That’s why they’re called criminals.
    None of them are capable of doing the right thing outside of trying to save their own damn skin after the shit hits the fan.
    These are evil inhuman beast.
    Seriously people get a bloody clue.

  14. Gangs kill each other. People are stupid. Young wanna be thugs and criminals don’t deserve happiness. Stay away from those people. Surround yourself with decent and positive people

  15. Everyone of these low life’s should of gotten death! Our country should kill people the way they kill the innocent victim!!! I think 🤔 that might think 🤔 about killing again!!! Kill Them by Firing Squad!!! Then u police 👮‍♀️ and judges who give plea deals and appeals, isn’t fair, to the deceased!!!! And John being a smart ass to Rachel’s Family Members!!!! It doesn’t matter how many years they got, they will see God One Day, And He’s Gonna Put Them All In HELL !!!!

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