On Friday, the WV Governor amended his “Mask Mandate” to include more restrictions, and then directed law enforcement to arrest citizens for “Obstruction of Justice” if they disobey. He further ordered business owners to enforce his mandate for him, and directed them to call police on their customers, or else be arrested themselves and possibly closed.

Now the WV people are up-in-arms, so to speak, and are joining together to sue the Governor. Again. But this time we’re bringing more lawyers, and more plaintiffs. I’ll discuss what we’re planning, and also discuss the pending federal case we already filed challenging the first version of the “Mask Mandate.”

Do you have a hard time understanding why people just don’t comply, rather than assert their constitutional rights? Are you at a loss to understand why it’s important to fight this? I’ll explain, if you care to listen.

DONATE to the cause of our fight for freedom in WV: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/donations/we-the-people-do-not-consent/

Read more at https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020/11/13/help-us-sue-the-wv-governor-over-his-new-covid-tyranny/


36 thoughts on “Tyrant WV Governor Orders Arrests – NOW WE SUE – FIS Live No. 28”
  1. Every compulsion grants you a freedom. Traffic lights compel you not to cross the street whenever you like but grant you the freedom from being struck by traffic. Being compelled to work at a job you cannot abandon prevents you from going to another job but grants you the freedom from being unemployed. Complete compulsion is complete freedom. — Ayn Rand The Fountainhead.

    War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. — George Orwell 1984.

  2. My oldest Granddaughter had to wear a Petri Dish across her little kindergarten face all last year while I watched the White water Raft bus’s go up the road with NO MASKS!!! I called 5 lawyers including you but couldn’t get it stopped for my little Granddaughter 🤬

  3. Facebook cut and paste: (I had imagined to be "arguing" with The Civil Rights Lawyer dude, although I had no right because he has yet to respond to any of my comments…my bad) Unfortunately, the lawyer that I was arguing with is from West Virginia and so I have to use that State Constitution…which I had naturally assumed gave the executive branch the powers to course correct vis a vis emergency executive legislation of laws in case of say, AN ASTEROID STRIKE or something.


  4. OMG…You are right! Even I can't find a loophole…the substance is too dearthful to manipulate!! Gov Justice has to convene a special legislative session particular to covid in hopes to get them to make mask and vaccination mandates…sorry for my earlier comments

  5. I live in Fort Collins Colorado, which is a "home rule" city. The State Constitution imports to my city all sorts of powers, from that of enacting emergency city ordinances including mask and vaccination mandates which may even override state law ("local concern") to TESTING NUKES …Fortunately, Fort Collins has no nukes and our 4th of July celebrations kind of suck.

  6. article 3 section 10- due process.."and without the judgement of his peers": I wonder if this extra clause leads to some kind of strident bifurcation and additional machinery which is necessary other than that from scotus 14th amendment (maybe even 5th) due process rulings, which should apply to your state vis a vis 14th amendment incorporation (as to all states)

  7. okay..thanks for answer my due process considerations somewhere after 26:00 …your state constitution is pitifully weak when it comes to emergency executive legislation as compared to some other states…Due process…check…does not apply. Now you got me interested in your constitution..surely there must be some loophole that he can use…right?

  8. I am kind of a new viewer and I have really enjoyed your other videos, but when it comes to Covid, your reaction seems to me to be visceral-emotional-irrational which makes me wonder this: Is your reaction to Covid, or to gov Justice? And despite being an astute and obviously erudite attorney, you don't really address the issue of the "constitutionality" of vaccination and mask mandates. You are welcome to whatever opinions that you would like, but please realize that you have sort of have become, or are becoming, a civil rights icon…a vigorous fighter for the freedoms of people..which means that you also know the other side of this coin..that of "due process" compelling governmental interests in strict review analysis, and that arguments can be made for mask and vaccination mandates…arguments made BY LAWYERS not BY SCIENTISTS. It is absolute bullhockey that nonscientists cannot understand the basic concepts of this pandemic. Btw, what you say about 'masks' when you begin this video leads one to the logical conclusion that masks cause covid…could it be that this virus is simply spreading quite independently of masks, and that this is the reason for the increase in "cases and deaths" -rather than masks cause covid?

  9. Any longer the legislature makes is Nolan void if it can fix with the Constitution. There's no except in emergency in the Constitution as usual stated. If they want to make a lot counter to the Constitution must vote to amend the Constitution with a two-thirds majority. Like they did with B Liquor dies. They changed the Constitution to Outlaw liquor sales then later when they found out it was a big Fiasco amended it back again to allow it. That is how it is supposed to be done. Also one law cannot Trump another law. The health act states that you do not have to wear a mask if you have a medical condition. I know their loss says that no one is allowed to ask you about your medical condition it's under privacy law. That means the mask mandate law does not Trump the other law that says you do not have to wear a mask if you have a medical condition.

  10. The Constitution only applies to good government. We don't have government anymore. We only have corporations the city towns the mayor's office to Governor's office now Corporation. Governor is office of a Fiat governor. Governor's office in name only. The governor is the head of the state Corporation. It is West Virginia state it is no longer state of West Virginia. West Virginia state is a corporation West Virginia state ink. It's listed on the stock market hundreds of Corporations of the United States of America corporation. This is how they get away with it.

  11. They worship at the Walmart to make themselves unemployed to build a huge huge anime in China Western Civilization did that the mask the vaccine are worship symbols of the Karen welcome to mystery Babylon

  12. ,The thin blue balls do not work for the people, they swore their oath "soul" to satans asshole " government and corporations" all for revenue. For this, they are allowed to rape take, and murder citizens, again for revenue. there's no such thing as a good cop!!

  13. First question to ask is where did you first hear about this Kurronavirruz ?
    Answer is THE MEDIA where did the media get it from ? THE POLITICIANS.
    But why are doctors in on it ? They do what they are told or loose their jobs.
    What do journalists (´newspapermen´) & politicians have one thing in common ?
    Strange thing I heard "1000s of people are dropping dead like flies in Italy
    and in Germany and Spain" Very strange I do not know a single person that has
    dropped dead of this, I do not even know of anyone that knows anyone that
    has dropped down dead from this. But still I keep hearing from the media:
    "1000s of people are dropping dead like flies in Italy and in Germany and Spain".
    And of course you cannot ´go and confirm it´ why ? Because of you know what !

  14. LEMMING MENTALITY: If the ´authorities´ say that the moon
    is made out of cheese, the lemmings will say amen and add
    that UNQUESTIONABLY to their believe-set.
    "When the ´Master´ (´authorities´) shouts ´JUMP !´ the lemming
    asks ´How high ?´" The only reason the lemming asks how high
    is because he is such a bootlicker that he wants to please and
    obey his ´master´ completely.

  15. The Kurrona Religious Cult. It´s religious symbol is the m@$k, not the cross.
    And it´s God is called "Kurrona" and He is invisible and no one has ever seen
    Him and yet those who believe in Him fear Him GREATLY !
    And the more fanatical members of the cult can be recognized by they sleep
    with their m@$ks on and also take their showers with them on.
    And it will come to pass shortly that The "Kurrona" Holy Bible will be written by
    St. BiII G@tes, the Son of God ("Kurrona") in this particular religion and He will
    be performing wondrous miracles by raising the dead and curing all ills with
    His wondrous injections. All fall down on their faces and worship Him !

  16. Just subscribed after watching a couple of videos and then I see this. Now I have to unsubscribe because anyone that would challenge a mask mandate during a global pandemic will not receive any support from me. Good day sir.

  17. I've done endless amounts of research on this plandemic and it's kind of refreshing to hear that "lawyers" are waking up, yet still skeptical. First and foremost who are you supporting? Governor's can not mandate anything and that needs to be clear! More importantly the "covid 19 virus" has never been isolated! At the time of the State
    Emergency Decloration, no govenor, no public health officer, no global organization, no domestic organization had the evidence required to make the statements they made about the corona virus, it's novelty or anything about covid19. The RT-PCR test does not test for covid19, it tests for protein fragments associated with the family of corona virus that has been around for centuries!!
    April 25, 2003 the CDC sought to patent the "Corona Virus Isolated from Humans" in violation of 35 U.S.C. sec 101 which prohibits patenting nature.
    I could go on and on but all credit goes to David Martin World.

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