Uncuffed: Woman Allegedly Confesses to Stabbing on Facebook

Uncuffed: Woman Allegedly Confesses to Stabbing on Facebook

Jason Mattera, defense attorney Mike Cavalluzzi and Dr. Judy Ho debate the cases making headlines.

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19 thoughts on “Uncuffed: Woman Allegedly Confesses to Stabbing on Facebook

  1. I just have to mention, when this segment ended & it shows the “Crime Watch Daily” logo etc.. where is Chris Hanson??? 🤔😢 He needs to be standing in front .. After all, he is THE MAN !!! & the main reason I’m a subscriber

  2. Jason Mattera is the main reason I watch CWD, he never coddles anyone, he's genuine and makes no attempts to hide his disgust with some of the people he interviews, you can tell he feels for a lot of the victims, and he's also very attractive, so that part doesn't hurt. The worst is Elizabeth Smart, I absolutely feel horrible for what she had to go through but I've never seen a survivor of a crime milk their 15 minutes as much as she has, she somehow manages to bring up her ordeal in nearly every interview she does, and she has that Mormon thousand yard stare. I think that if her dad had been more mindful of the safety of his children, he wouldn't have hired random drifters to do housework for him knowing they could see his kids through their bedroom windows when he was painting the exterior of the house? Sorry but Mormons are very creepy, and while I'm glad she survived such a horrible thing, but she's made that her entire identity, and no way would she have gotten a job as a crime journalist if she weren't so well known.

  3. Not all truly battered women report to police and I have personally witnessed heard in many occasions ignoring those reports from battered woman and or witnesses to such incidents. Even attempted murder has been ignore by cops who know damn well that such crimes have been committed by men , from a normal woman. Not written by a bitter ex, or a scorned woman or a fake woman, or a woman who has murdered claiming abuse but could should have acted aggressively in self-defense on many an occasion.

  4. This is a prime example of what is wrong with our legal system and the bottom feeders that prey upon it. Its not about finding the truth, its about who can lie most effectively. When wemon can kill and get off by slandering their victim as an abuser and the lawyer knowingly helps her do so and is considered ethical. Than we have a crisis of justice in America.

  5. WHAT IN THE ENTIRE FUCK?? HOW CAN YOU CONFESS TO KILLING YOUR BOYFRIEND ON FACEBOOK LIVE. You denied having anything to do with his death. When you go to court you plead not guilty claming self defense. When you get out on bail your trifling ass goes on the run. I hope you are not gonna try to act like you are not playing with a full deck of cards. Maybe you are on the ROLLERCOASTER OF STUPID!!! SMH

  6. you can't be "mad"??.. not defending her but you can't even state a natural human emotional reaction, in conjunction with the facts (of self defense if that is indeed the case)

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