‘Unspeakable’: Prosecutor Delivers Powerful Opening Statement In Parkland School Officer Trial

‘Unspeakable’: Prosecutor Delivers Powerful Opening Statement In Parkland School Officer Trial

Prosecutor Steven Klinger delivered a powerful opening statement Wednesday in the trial against former Parkland school resource officer Scot Peterson. “It was an unspeakable, horrible day,” Klinger told jurors. Peterson, who is dubbed the “The Broward Coward”, is accused of not following active shooter training during the school massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February 2018. Seventeen people were killed.

#ScotPeterson #Parkland #LawAndCrime

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28 thoughts on “‘Unspeakable’: Prosecutor Delivers Powerful Opening Statement In Parkland School Officer Trial

  1. I talked with some high up people in law enforcement and let me tell you this guy is guilty of Not doing his job, he needs to sit in prison, instead he will be set free because it's hard to prosecute cops especially Scared Cops who run from trouble and just want everything to be ok……

  2. I just think this is added torture for the victims and their families. I mean this monster just had his way in the school. 6 minutes and this monster caused so much carnage and destruction. And than it just leaves and walks out like nothing happened. So now even with trained officers in the school they still can’t protect kids. I hate playing what if but who ol knows what would have happened if the shooter was confronted earlier?? There is a reason these mass shooters choose to use this type of weapon. In under 10 minutes 17 people were murdered and a lot were injured. If anything the SRO was negligent but the fault lies with the shooter. I mean why not charge the person who sold the shooter the weapon?? Why not sue the social media companies that did nothing when it was posting violent things and other things of concern?? There are a lot of links in the chain that led to this tragedy happening but in the end it comes down to the shooter who decided to carry out this heinous act of violence.

  3. Isn’t the argument a good guy with a gun would stop a bad guy with a gun??? As much as I think these officers were negligent the end of the situation comes down to the shooter. These poor victims and their families have to hear again that if something was different their loved ones might be alive. It’s true torture.

  4. With the type of weapon this cop had he would have been killed also no doubt. What he did was morally and ethically wrong however criminal charges? We see cops wait for backup to arrive in intense and serious situations all the time 🤷🏽‍♀️.

  5. I believe I heard a few teachers testify that they had 40-60 students in their classrooms at the time of the shooting. I don’t know the dimensions of the classrooms and I wonder if it is possible to put that many students in a corner tightly enough to prevent a shooter from firing through a broken window in a locked door. I know that this does not change whether the deputy did or didn’t respond appropriately, but wonder if that could have been yet another systemic problem that I’ve heard testified to.

  6. I have a serious question. Why is it that in most cases, we have senior citizen, out of shape and retired officers filling the role of SRO's in our children's schools? Shouldn't it actually be the youngest, most fit and ready men on the force? Fresh out of combat possibly, (if mentally and emotionally cleared, etc.) but at least in his prime and ready for action. What role is more important? I mean what did we expect this old overweight elderly man to do in such a situation?

  7. I am just over 30 minutes into this opening and I am yet to hear anything against Peterson, is all I have heard is the sad story of what Cruz did. This case is just a joke and should never have been bought to trial.

  8. They wanted this man to go in blind, sacrifice his life absolute madness , when several officers did Exactly the same as him , pure scapegoating this man due to massive failures , Look at how and why this is happening , and this judge is heading down the same path as Judge Elizabeth , System is broke ,NOT GUILTY.

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