Update on My Creepy Cops Search Case of Putnam County WV – Everything Law and Order Blog

To see footage of police officers secretly inside someone’s home, where there’s no criminal investigation, or even charges, and where there’s no legal justification, is scary.

I get asked all the time for an update on the Creepy Cops Search case out of Putnam County, West Virginia, where plain-clothes police officers from the sheriff’s department’s “Special Enforcement Unit” were caught on hidden camera literally breaking into my client’s home, sneaking in through the window, searching the inside of the house for non-existent drugs.

Read and see more: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/07/22/update-on-my-creepy-cops-search-case-of-putnam-county-wv/


33 thoughts on “Update on My Creepy Cops Search Case of Putnam County WV”
  1. Damn, a civil case thus means they go free and the taxpayers pay the bill. These thugs belong behind bars for a very long time! The public should be protected from such thugs!

  2. Put your cameras up high with wires that aren't easily accessible.. Or in this situation cameras that aren't noticed. Not all, but a lot of cops only care about money and control. Not your safety. At least in the states.. I imagine their beginning shift briefings go something like this: Bring in as much money as you can no matter who you hurt… and if you have the extra time as long as you don't cost us more money.. protect some rich people. AND KEEP THE JAILS FULL!

  3. I have a specific thought (no other things concerned).. and that is.. IF the cops in a specific circumstance are pleading the 5th it would be rather unacceptable from a general moral standpoint that they would ALSO expect "qualified immunity"… because.. they are either at a place doing things "as a police officer", then they DO have qualified immunity, but also obligations when it comes to upholding the law.. So.. Technically they would be "professional witnesses" in that circumstance.. IF they are pleading the fifth then they are not there in the name of the law, but in the name of their own selves… Regardless of how the other things in a situation works, I'd say that the foundation for those two ideas are in opposition to eachother and therefore the idea of joining them is abhorrent to me.. The fifth is not in any way something that should increase the probability that someone think of you as guilty outside of the evidence, BUT! at the very least pleading the fifth does mean that you actually accept that this is something where you personally would/could be held liable IF you actually "did it".

  4. @thecivilrightslawyer I wasn't able to find any updates…where is this at today? Also, thanks for all you do to make the world a better place. The other 300 and some odd arrests? Bet they have Shady actions written all over them.

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