Update: Pamela Hupp charged with Gumpenberger murder (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

Update: Pamela Hupp charged with Gumpenberger murder (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

It’s a story that is almost too bizarre to be believed. Russ Faria is still reeling from the brutal stabbing murder of his wife. Now, Pamela Hupp emerges in connection after Russ is convicted of the crime.


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22 thoughts on “Update: Pamela Hupp charged with Gumpenberger murder (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. The use of a jury is like an audition and who ever does the best performance wins. The jury goes by emotions, and the prosecutor can just speculate and bring up teories on how something occcured and why the defendant did it.

  2. These cops, prosecutors, Judge, Jury, City should all be sued, fined, fired, charged and more. Take 4 years of their life. Take a $150k for each child and Russ plus other losses. And she called the life insurance money ….."Proceeds." Huh!?!?!

  3. So he's convicted for the murder without evidence yet they can't go after her because "there is no physical evidence" in the meantime she gets to cash her life insurance, the justice system is messed up.

  4. she is so bitter that Russ got out!!!
    she stupidity thought she could manipulate people with murdering twice…….
    lazy stupid cops let it happen once……..

  5. It’s sad they believed one dishonest lady and not the 4 people who were with him. Four days before she was made a beneficiary to her life insurance policy.

  6. Russ is of wonderful and caring character who has been thru so much thank fully the real culprit and the truth came out on Hupp blessings to him and his family who have endured so much grief and pain too much

  7. This is where I sometimes really question jurors being just normal everyday people. Seriously what the hell do we know about crimes and convicting people really? Maybe a bit more than years ago with all these crime shows but we are far from experts! How many innocent people are convicted due to juror stupidity? If there's no physical evidence then there should be no way to convict a person unless the circumstantial evidence is very strong to support a guilty plea. I know there are some murders with no physical evidence so other factors have to come into play, but seriously sometimes it's just obvious to a persons guilt or innocence. I think they need to have professionals as jurors. If it was me I don't think I'd trust the public to make the right decisions……

  8. This bitch makes me crazy!! When people change their story …..it's usually cuz they are lying!! Some do have bad memories……but it's more then that……it's the policy, etc. How in gods name can so many cops, detectives be so damn stupid!! Everyone believes this bitch!!!?! Then guys lawyer says he couldn't put anyone on the stand or ask questions??? !!! Why??? Is it not funny how many times a person gets to KILL before they are caught??

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