Bethany Decker, a young mother, vanished in Virginia in February 2011. Decker’s family has long suspected Ronald Roldan had something to do with her disappearance. But he stopped working with police when he was charged with the attempted murder of another woman, Vickey Willoughby.
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All victims families pool money and have him taken out.
This justice system is fawked! He will absolutely burn in hell!!!
Bethany’s mother seems off. Like she doesn’t care about her daughter’s whereabouts.
He was arrested for Bethany's murder 10 year's later
The former live-in boyfriend of 21-year-old Bethany Decker, who was last seen in her Ashburn, Virginia, apartment almost 10 years ago, has been arraigned on abduction charges.
There are also new details of the case against Ronald Roldan, revealed in a recently filed charging document. He was extradited to Loudoun County on Tuesday after he was released from a North Carolina prison for shooting a girlfriend there.
I am angered about these stories, I find these stories very very disturbing
Prayers and Deepest Condolences to this women's family.
Hurting Women is NOT ok
This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:
For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…
Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…
No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.
Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…
My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,
I will continue to pray for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…
Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
Jason Sandifer,
Just WOW!!!
When one partner abuses another,…and the abuser gets off with a 'slap on the wrist,' OF COURSE THEY WILL CONTINUE TO DO IT. WE (victims and survivors) are told to 'call the police,' 'take out a restraining order,' go to a 'safe place,' but DO NOT TAKE THE LAW INTO OUR OWN HANDS, DONT HURT THE ABUSER, etc, etc. The reason that women end up taking the law into our own hands is bc THE LAW WONT PROTECT THE VICTIMS, AND BY THE TIME THEY DO STEP IN,….THEY STEP INTO A CRIME SCENE, AND WE ARE THE ONES IN THE CHALK OUTLINE……Wake up ppl!!!! Help us, protect us, something….if the law wont take us seriously, then what hope does a victim or survivor have….NONE. SMH…..
They'll free him in a couple of years, and he'll continue to kill.
Wanna bet???
Evidence wiped out?!!! You have a fucking WITNESS! TGE VICTIM! DIES THAT MEAN NOTHING! BULLSHIT! This is why he is able to continue to abuse and murder! Look at Bethany! Im sick of this. Where are the victims rights?
Ok. I just cant watch this shit anymore… How the HELL was this guy not charged with attempted murder because of a technicality on the search warrant?!!!
Sue the judge and deport him!
He basically killed her/ tried too. And he gets 6 years like wtf!!!!
He was so obviously responsible for Bethany Decker's disappearance!
Wait this women is blind with a bullet stuck in her skull and he is getting out?
Umm those 2 crazy fucks lived in the same apartment complex that my wife and I lived in many years ago and we both remember those 2. Vicki is no innocent party because she’s just as damn insane as Ronald. Damn near everyone in our complex knew who those 2 were. I just saw this so I’m like WTF? One night the police were called because those 2 were literally shooting at each other. They're both fucking crazy as far as I'm concerned.
I just watched in ID Disappeared the bethany decker story. Everyone knew it was him. I hope he can bring her family closure after 9 years
It is unbelievable that there are people in prison for drug charges longer then this guy got for almost killing this young woman. Our justice system is completely broken.
This is nuts
This is sickening
Our justice system has serious flaws if that clown only gets 6 years in prison. It's a shame when criminals have more rights than the victims do.
I sincerely hope someone guns him down the second he’s released.
What a monster! He shouldn’t be allowed out of jail! Abusive people are cowards. Anyone who harms another person to control or punish someone don’t deserve to live. There are so many people who sick and sadistic that think they are entitled to harm someone else! These people should be punished more severely. Abuse is an epidemic- and I get it’s usually a cycle and my heart goes out to those who were abused but once you cross that line from victim to predator- you should be held accountable!
He attempted to kill her & he got 6 years!!! She lost an eye for Gods sake
This guy killed bethany decker and I can't believe he ain't been charged over it ???
Is the government protecting Vicki? Since the Search Warrant was too broad and no evidence found on Bethany and they didn't arrest him? So instead he was free to break someone's neck and shoot her eye out? Well thank god his rights were respected. Because the Criminal is who matters. Such BS. Yet hundreds of innocent people are in prison. How did they find evidence on them??? Are they only corrupt with the innocent?
He killed her
Omg how didn’t the attempted murder didn’t stick ?? That’s BULLSHIT
He killed Bethany Decker. No Doubt. He is everything but a man for killing a young, pregnant woman. I pray they find her one day so she, her unborn child and her family can get the justice they deserve.
Not every immigrant is bad but I would never recommend a person that is born in USA to involve themselves in a relationship with someone that has not been here for at least half of their lives. We live in peace and bad things happen all the time. But our culture differences and how we treat others is not the same. Specially when it comes to the value of women. This is a sad story and after all that’s been said I don’t think this girl is alive. This one was lucky to survive his abuse.
She cheated. No sympathy. Karma is a bitch
The show Disapperead brought me here
Ugly peace of shit
the story doesn't explain all the details of Vicky's case, she shot him and he wrestled the gun away from her and shot her.
That monster…if you release him from prison, their shall be more victims…the guy is totally insane and very dangereous.
Smh I dont feel sorry for her or anylbody that knew she was having an affair.. I feel sorry for the husband and child
sounds like this Bethany girl was a real winner she didn't even want her own son and she had a loving husband but wanted to whore around instead..why waste time and money on someone like her?
U who rul america and decides if someone is going to jail, wtf is wrong with u!?
the guy is very dangerous, he needs to stay locked up.
not victim blaming but how did these women fall for him in the first place? as his whole body language/physical demeanor looks nasty/trouble in several pics I've seen of him.
After this Monster does 6 years in prison he will be deported back to Bolivia !I hope they find evidence soon and charge him with Brittany's murder !
Drain the swamp deport him
Vicki I'm so sorry for what happened to you
Abusive ass hole im not scared i wosh o was still in the nc just to show you i dont play you would be telling me where bethany is and going 6 feet after.
Unbelievable! Poor police work! He will kill again!