Update: WV Governor Mask Mandate Challenge – FIS Live no. 29. Attempt 2.0. For some reason my first attempt was verboten for peasant eyes and ears. Looks like this has passed official scrutiny so far. This is an update on our litigation in federal court challenging the WV Governor. We’re hauling him into federal court on Monday morning. I discuss the Governor’s response which we received yesterday, as well as the official reply which we just filed this evening. Great conversation, I appreciate you participating live, for those of you who survived the censorship attempt!

DONATE to the cause of our fight for freedom in WV: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/donations/we-the-people-do-not-consent/

Read more at: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020/11/20/governors-response-to-our-federal-mask-mandate-challenge/


45 thoughts on “Update: WV Governor Mask Mandate Challenge – FIS Live no. 29”
  1. Pleas of emotion… Pleas confusing the emotionally gullible to rule… Kingdom… Monarchy…. In America.
    Logical fallacy to violate without accountability under color of law.

  2. What a breath of fresh air. I’m out here in California living under Emperor Palpatine mean Our dear leader governor Gavin Newsom. He and Nancy Pelosi get to break all the rules that they make for the rest of us.

  3. Mr Civil Rights Lawyer,

    I'd like to suggest you contact
    VIVA FREI on his YouTube channel.
    You two have some common interest regarding YT.
    It would also make a fun livestream to see ya all together with Robert Barnes.
    Best of luck.

  4. Didn't Nancy Pelosi without a mask just go in to her hair did (9th district & speaker of the House) then subsequently blame the owner for her wrongdoings under her own mandates? Though she and her comrades make the laws, just a point of order to bring up at court if so inclined… and a seemingly prudent point that even government officials can't even follow their own mandated.

  5. Really glad you noted Legislature's job & Constitution. NCSL site's statement has me puzzled.
    I don't know law, Just trying to fill brain with Use of Constitution & States' Processes.
    'Legislative Oversight of Emergency Executive Powers' >>
    During emergency – "Executive powers expand until the emergency ends.
    These powers include authority normally reserved for legislatures,
    such as the ability to suspend existing statutes or effectively create new laws" <<– THAT. =
    Each State is listed at bottom on Length and Handling, (Ending) Emergency Orders.
    Some have NO Plan in place! Does that mean Anything Goes – (barring constitution) ha ha . .
    and – One may petition legislature to END Orders, whenever?

    Anyone with answer or suggestion, please say. Thank You all.

    Mosquitoes will always Suck Blood, One May get a Cold sometime through their life, even Flu;
    Why does this "Covid" have to be SO Different?
    Numbers have NEVER been correct; Lies are Higher. Recommendations from One of Conflict.
    No Trust. Masks Won't work & make One looked Owned; That's One's choice. I'll smile. lol

  6. Look at it like this: The constitution is the electrical outlet; government is an electric powered household vacuum cleaner. It can not operate without being plugged into that electrical outlet. The power to operate comes from the constitution; without that power it can not operate. Government like any electric powered household appliance, can not operate without being plugged into power, which in the case of government is the constitution.

  7. Here's a tid bit of info during a white house press conference Dr. Fauci came to the podium and stated that never in the history in airborne respiratory diseases have asymptomatic people been the drivers of epidemics. He also went on the air during a 60 minutes interview stated that masks ABSOLUTELY do not work. There are even disclaimers on the mask boxes as well as on their websites that the masks WILL not mitigate people getting Covaids. With these deaths 1.5 in 2018 and 1.8 in 2019 from TB how come they didn't have us wearing masks because TB is far more deadly and more contagious than Covaids and it actually has a vaccine and it has drug resistant strains of it.

  8. Youtube has cheek they deleted two of my ch. in the last ´purge´
    (remember those from the Sovijet Union back in the day ?) for
    exercising my right to freedom of speech they hated that and
    labeled me also a ´rrazi´. When the @D£ is running the show,
    expect anything.

  9. I got to thinking about what you were saying. And I watched an interview with Jimmy Dore and Glenn Greenwald. And now I think you are correct.
    I might use different arguments and I might have different views on science. However, I now support your mission.

  10. I believe the argument that is going to be used is the best interest for the public health, and that’s fine. Problem is that we live in a Republic. Two wolves and a sheep are voting what’s for dinner. Well, we know how that vote would go, but it doesn’t fly in a Republic.

  11. Could be that they are asleep now. You are probably right about the use of firearms in the introduction being the straw that is being grasped. I recommend using John Brown as an introduction. You’re a pretty smart guy. I think you can work an introduction using his radical behavior as an abolitionist. Point being that someone needs to understand that the people will tolerate tyranny up to a certain point and then it boils over into a violent revolution. Why would we want it to get to that point?

  12. The government is not responsible for keeping me healthy, or any one else for that matter. The only oath that our representatives are responsible for, and the only oath our representatives voluntarily uttered, is to preserve, protect, and defend my rights, as are enumerated within the first ten amendments. Within the frame of those ten enumerated amendments, all of the pieces of that freedom and liberty puzzle fit nicely, and perfectly together, and it is the sworn duty of my representatives to make certain that none of those pieces come up missing, or are distorted or damaged in any way, for their very lives hang in that balance, for they swore a solemn oath, which never expires. as long as they live. It is the duty of every American to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. Any representative who dishonors their oath, inherently causes themselves to become the very enemy that they swore to protect our Constitution from. Being that ours is a government Of the people, By the people, and For the people, and the foreigners who reject that very idea, are passing through our Republic at their own peril, and alone, and should do so with no expectation of positive assistance from any patriot. There is no room within our form of government for a medically induced martial law, whether or not the health threat is either real, or imagined. All of the factual science says that this scamdemic is only a figment of the machinations of the kleptocracy, and prevailing eugenicists, who appear to be upstanding, philanthrophic billionaires, where appearance is but subterfuge. See on YT; "Exposed: WHY BILL GATES MAKES VACCINES" rense.com/general77/bols.htm

  13. @The Civil Rights Lawyer, play your banjo for your intro! I'm sure you could find an appropriate tune that they won't censor you for. Your own rendition of Battle of New Orleans, perhaps?

  14. I don't fear my government nearly as much as I fear people like Jean. 1:31:40 She may not violate the law, but she promotes collectivism(communism) instead of individual rights and freedom, which is what separates a Republic from a democracy. A democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb sitting at the table discussing what to have for dinner, and a Republic is similar, except the lamb now is holding a loaded shotgun. I would like to pay Jean's fare to Honduras, where her face diaper may help hide the fact that she is just another unwanted, gullible, meltable, leftist snowflake from the USA. When we are given the unwavering facts, (no fake news)Americans can best determine for themselves whether or not to wear a mask, socially distance, or any other stupid thing that "Simon Says" demands for us to do. When Simon cracks the whip in his collectivist State, the slaves shape up. When Simon cracks his whip in a Republic,(especially while wearing a stolen lab jacket) and if that Republic is strong, Simon(and his minions) gets shipped out, because that is how the framers designed the software, now we need to punch any key to wake the beast, which resides in every patriots DNA.

  15. The questionably-lawful State of West Virginia is the brainchild of the B&O Railroad, and a B&O Railroad lawyer, who was the worst tyrannical President ever.(another RINO) B&O refused to run their trains through Virginia, a then-Confederate State, so Virginia was down-sized to accommodate the railroad's passage from Baltimore to Ohio, without having to go into so-called hostile territory. A super-condensed version of just a little trivia from the vantage point of a Constitutionalist.

  16. Any law which is contravene to our Constitution, is nugatory, null and void, and the Berkley County Prosecutor should be aware of these facts, or risk exposing himself/herself also as tyrants, and losers, worthy to be subjected as criminals, to the supreme law of the land themselves. The AG should keep his nose spotless, and clean house. Any one who wears a face diaper is aiding in the fear porn of DrFauchi and his minions. If you must wear one, resist as long as you can without getting trespassed or jailed. After making your entry into a business, take your mask off(if you want to). If the manager tells you to put your mask on, or leave, leave your mask off and refuse to leave. (Don't get loud or violent)The business cannot force you to leave, and they cannot put their hands on you, lawfully, and they cannot detain you. Continue to shop. If they call the cops on you, and the cops tell you to leave, YOU MUST LEAVE, or they can, and will, trespass you, and if you then refuse to leave, they will take you to jail. With every order the cops give you, ask them, "what will happen if I don't comply", but in the end, you must follow their lawful order, but at this period in time, lawful is a suggestive word, temporarily suspended, and no longer chiseled in stone. Whatever you do, avoid jail, unless you are looking to catch tuberculosis or have your wallet down-sized. If you knowledgeably believe you have grounds for a lawsuit, it is necessary to record everything, from start to finish, because a half hour video is worth a million well-spoken words in court. If you get trespassed from Walmart, you are automatically trespassed from all of their stores. I am not a lawyer, and I did not stay at the Greenbriar last night. Do you own research before attempting to conquer tyrants, for their numbers are many, and they play dirty. Record, record, record, and live-stream if possible, for they may steal your phone, but, with the world as your witness. We must resist so much that it will wear the tyrants down, and eventually wear them plumb out. "When injustice"/govjustice "becomes law, resistance becomes duty" (Thomas Jefferson)

  17. Man they don't like smart people who are good and have morals. Your a threat to them. But know this, if you weren't right they would never bother you. So keep up the excellent work. We all appreciate it, thanks! 😎

  18. A PRC (People's Republic of China) Think Tank did a list of U.S. Governors that were 'Friendly', 'Hostile', or Ambiguous/Neutral' to China….Jim Justice is listed as 'Friendly Towards'. Link to Article: https://www.axios.com/china-rating-us-governors-bff6cc73-e485-44f2-98d0-b7639af3f0aa.html to see the list, you have to read the Report in Chinese, but here is the list for 'Friendly' Governors: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EWD5lhkXkAAeiKT?format=jpg&name=900×900

  19. The majority of West Virginians were so busy watching the overpowering national circus, that we neglected to keep an eye on the babies here at home, that we should have been watching. Guess you could call it child neglect, and I, for one, would have to be found guilty, as charged.

  20. Are 18 USC 242, 18 USC 115, and 18 USC ss 2385, terroristic threats?, and if so, who are they a threat to, or are these the supreme laws of the land? Murdoc vs Pennsylvania – 319 U.S. 105 (1943) – NO STATE or city shall convert a "right" into a privilege , (which is exactly what is happening all across our nation, and it will continue as long as BilGates can profit 2 trillion dollars from our misery. All eugenicists, and their supporters, are the biggest scourge to humanity that the modern world has known, and they are all guilty of crimes against humanity. Guilty until proven innocent, just like us, when we get cuffed and stuffed. Why would anyone withdraw from the WHO, a criminal organization, but sign executive order #13877, releiving big pharma's liability responsibility, to us, while simultaneously establishing the foundation for "Warp-Speed", which will allow the FDA to approve any poison they so choose, to FORCEFULLY give, for free, to every person in the USA, at the hands of ex-retired General Gustave Perna., and the U.S. military. The standing army, (which includes over 800,000 cops, w/007 license)which our founders warned us about. Is this Armageddon, or the mark of the beast?

  21. Government is not your friend, never has been, never will be. The Old Latin translation of the word "government" is "mind-control". Governments are responsible for over 250 million murders in the 20th century, not counting the 40 million discontinued lives of unborn babies. Ronald Reagan was quoted as saying that the nine most terrifying words in the English language were, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help", and even he trampled our Constitution with unconstitutional laws, from the bully pulpit. There is no "left or right", only freedom or tyranny.

  22. Page 39 of this government report states that the PCR test is not a valid test for covid-19 fda.gov/media/134922/download Articl 1 Section 3–WV Constitutional rights can NEVER be suspended (case law "Steel Seizure 1952") Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. (Daniel Webster) They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. Necessity and National Security is the plea for every infringement of human freedoms. Hegelian Dialectic–Problem, reaction, solution 18 USC Chapter 115 Treason, sedition, subversion ALL persons, or entities, who oppose the Republican form of government (personal freedoms vs collectivism)which our founders gave to us to keep and protect, ie., marzists, communists, nazis, socialists and etc., must be brought before our military courts to be tried, under 18 USC Chapter 115, and/or 18USC ss 2385, and given the maximum sentence for such crimes against our rightful government, which have a chilling effect on all Americans who view the Bill Of Rights as the most important part of our Constitution, which verifies our GOD-GIVEN rights, and sets the boundaries which our elected officials MUST NOT cross, and when they do unlawfully cross, it is at their own peril.

  23. It's the back door of suppression – a control tack..

    The 4th states what?
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    Note – The right of the people to be secure in their persons…

    What does secure means?
    No delay or omission by the Secured Person in the exercise of any right, power or remedy shall be impair of any such right, power, privilege or remedy or operate as a waiver thereof or of any other right, power, privilege or remedy then or thereafter existing.

    The 5th
    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

    What does – nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process mean?

    What is your life?
    Who controls your liberty?
    When was due process given?

    ADA is a law – it's a civil right!

    The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) supports the protection of privacy of medical records.

    How, who can decide what you need for a reasonable accommodation that is an adjustment made in a system to accommodate or make fair the same system for an individual based on a proven need that can vary daily.

    Accommodations can be religious, physical, mental or emotional, academic, or employment related and are mandated by law. 

    So officer – is this store policy above the law? Did your oath not state that you would defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

    Tell me who issues a business lic.? Does not that lic. Require that all laws shall be followed as a condition?

    Then if the Commerce clause, provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 8) that authorizes Congress “to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with Indian Tribes.”

    Then that commerce clause which has traditionally been interpreted both as a grant of positive authority to Congress.

    Then does that not make said LIC the property of the public?

    If this business is open to the public – then explain under what
    conditions can discrimination be allowed?

    If this business is traded on the open market – does it not fall under the laws of SEC?

    Getting my picture big Corp!
    Trying to use the practice of Private property is a scam!

    Your a legal designation for the ownership of property by non-governmental legal entities is a Business lic.

    Private property is distinguishable from public property which is owned by a state entity and from collective or cooperative property which is owned by a group of non-governmental entities.

    So officer – are your not a corp. rep. using color of law to uphold a business policy of which their is no contract in my name?

  24. healthimpactnews.com/2018/did-a-military-experiment notice the similarities of the inventors and perpetrators of REAL mass casualty pandemics. (Lockstep 2010) "Declaring virus pandemic based on PCR tests can end in disaster" was described by Gina Kolata in her 2007 NEW YORK TIMES article, "Faith In Quick Test Leads To Epidemic That Wasn't" June 27, 2020, Rona-1 9 "PCR tests are scientifically meaningless" offguardian.org/2020/06/27/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientifically-meaningless globalreasearch.ca/covid19-pcr-tests-scientifically-meaningless/5717253 "Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive, Maybe It Shouldn't Be" nytimes.com>2020/08/29>health>coronavirus-test

  25. West Virginia gets what it votes for.
    Maybe there should be a way if stopping stupid people from voting.
    We had a good choice. People were told to write in S Marshall Wilson for Governor. I know my family and I did.

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