Update: WV Judge in Traffic Stop Video: Trial Just Ended – Everything Law and Order Blog

You may remember the West Virginia Circuit Court Judge who was pulled over in a traffic stop by the Moorefield Police Department, resulting in the dash cam footage going viral on various Youtube channels, including my own, which is where it was first released to the public. Judge Carter Williams ended up being formally charged with judicial disciplinary charges. While those charges were pending, Judge Williams got in trouble again due to allegations he left Walmart with merchandise, but without paying. More judicial disciplinary charges were tacked on…. Well, his judicial disciplinary bench trial just ended, following three days of testimony before West Virginia’s Judicial Hearing Board, which is sort of an ethics court comprised of judges and a few appointed citizens.

Read more: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/06/16/wv-judge-in-traffic-stop-bodycam-video-update-trial-just-ended/


35 thoughts on “Update: WV Judge in Traffic Stop Video: Trial Just Ended”
  1. UPDATE:

    The Supreme Court in West Virginia imposed that the judge be:

    Suspended from his position as circuit judge in the Twenty-second Judicial Circuit for a period of six months, without pay.

    Required to maintain compliance with the JLAP monitoring agreement for a period of two years, violation of which is reportable to the JIC.


    Fined $5,000

    Required to pay the costs of the disciplinary proceeding, but not the costs associated with Dr. Clayman’s review of VCAP records.

    There was another subsequent incident where he left Walmart with items he did not pay for. The judge said it was an accident and no action was take in that incident.

  2. I honestly don't quite understand what the big deal with this judge is? He was just voicing his displeasure at being pulled over like any other citizen does at times. I didn't think his behavior was really that bad. Doesn't he have the same rights to freedom of speech as everyone else? Just because he argued a bit, but he still asked to receive a ticket. I don't think that's any different than what most citizens do. I kind of think the police officer was harassing him a bit by continuosly asking him about his behavior when he should have just went and wrote the ticket.

  3. Cops see someone is upset and antagonize them by asking stupid questions. Next time I'm gonna let them ask me a bunch of irrelevant questions then I'm gonna go to court and say they detained me longer than they needed to, to write a ticket.

  4. I hate being in state of mind that compells me to "defend" corrupt state/city workers. But it definitely looks to me as though this "hero cop" who is supposed to be serving and protecting the citizens is doing everything he can to escalate this encounter solely for the purpose of antagonizing the judge so that he can be the one who cuffed and kidnapped a judge

  5. When the first words out of his mouth were "I'm Judge Williams", before the cop even said hello, you know he was expecting to be let off with a warning. His excuse was so pathetic! He knows he's not supposed to be using his phone, so if it fell down between the seat and the door, he should have just left it there. There should have been no reason that he couldn't wait until he arrived where he was going, and then simply open the door, get out, and look under the seat. And why would he be holding the phone 📱☎ in his right hand AFTER he picked it up off the floor, when he can't use it? Any normal person would have just left it in the console, shirt pocket, or passenger seat, because holding it and driving with the steering wheel in that hand, is just plain stupid. 📵 He only apologized later to the cop, after he knew he could lose his law license 🎓 😡for how rude and belligerent he was. 🤡💯🧠🕵 He thought he was King in that community.🤴 What a moron.

  6. Can you imagine getting a ticket, bieing pissed about so you decide to track down and show up at a police chiefs or say a police commisionre etc, showing up at their house to complain about a ticket, what do you think would happen to you, id bet any money you would be leaving in cuffs. Whi exactly does this judge think he is. Unbelievable.

  7. Cop made him feel like he wasnt part of the team which the judge obviously felt like he was but not anymore so now the system will have to rid itself of him before he exposes it as gov money grabbing operation against the public , When you think about all the ways gov taxes or takes money from the people it's a miracle the people aren't all homeless and starving, but that's probably just around the corner with what democrats in Washington are now doing with inflation and climate change policies .

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