Using a Scammer’s Own Script Against Him! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Scammers overseas will try to sound legitimate by using scripts, but what happens when I get ahold of a script and use it against them? Watch this video to find out.

A common scam is to impersonate investment professionals and try to get you to invest in Bitcoin mining. Don’t send them your money. Only invest with licensed professionals.


33 thoughts on “Using a Scammer’s Own Script Against Him!”
  1. Hi my name is Darin and I have a question for you Mr. Pleasant Green I recently called out a Nigerian scammer for scamming me and stuff and Facebook restricted my account is there a way for me to appeal that thanks for any help you can provide

  2. I really enjoy watching your videos. I learned a lot from your videos and know what to look out for when it comes to scammers. I enjoy the way you mess around with the scammers and I really enjoy your sense of humor towards them.

  3. Fun fact. Video on 7:53 is a video from the Russian ponzy company called "Life is good". That's why they yell "Life is good". This company scammed 18 thousand people for 160 mln USD. The company was shut down in 2023 and the owners are under arrest.
    So, the scammer from a video was inspired by other scammers from Russia ahahaha.

  4. 7:53 In that video, I can hear the Nigerian accent even in their whooping at the end. Such a bad voice over. So, I wonder how many scammers have zero success and are just at home w/ a rooster cock-a-doodle-doo-ing in the background like in another one of your videos? I hear the name 'Blessing Chisholm' and can already tell this is a Nigerian who made that name up. No white woman has that name, and saying she's from Russia adds even more hilarity. And the scam sucks badly. I wonder if every scammer, honestly, has victims?

  5. You can easily determine that she's a scammer with her or his first few massages in chat box
    Trading Cryptos or Stocks, Forex are a complete separate expertise than Crypto Mining
    Using algorithms and AI for trading these is also a complete separate and even divided from the other two so, you're making a YouTube video for educational purposes but if that was me, talking to the person, i just simply block her/him by just reading the few first paragraph of their text

  6. Loved the introduction to this video, lol. Started off with a serious news story and you focused in on a scam in the comments. Sounds like something I would do. This is perfect πŸ‘Œ

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