Utah Cops Shoot Man Driving Car with ‘Sovereign Citizen’ License Plate

Utah Cops Shoot Man Driving Car with ‘Sovereign Citizen’ License Plate

Bodycam footage shows the moments before and after Utah police fatally shot 25-year-old Chase Allan on March 1. The Farmington Police Department said Allan was pulled over after an officer noticed an unauthorized license plate on his vehicle that featured a U.S. Seal and read “American State Citizen, Utah.” After Allan refused to step out of the car, officers attempted to remove him from the driver’s seat when he allegedly reached toward his waist, where a concealed firearm and his seatbelt were. Several officers shouted “gun” as they began opening fire on Allan, who was hit 12 times. Allan later died of his injuries while receiving treatment at a nearby hospital. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie has the details.

Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie

#Utah #Police #LawAndCrime

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21 thoughts on “Utah Cops Shoot Man Driving Car with ‘Sovereign Citizen’ License Plate

  1. This is what happens when (a) private citizens are allowed to carry guns and (b) law enforcement officers are not given adequate firearms training. Even with the armed police we have here in the UK, this would never have happened like this.

  2. People commenting like wanting to live like slaves i’d rather die for my dignity and self sovereignty than living enslaved with brain washed population

  3. It’s long been my assessment that the sovereign citizen is using their nonsensical argument, not because they believe there is a righteous fight therein, but because there is a fight within them. I think the vast majority of them are harboring a grievance they’re incapable of reconciling, and use the state as a straw man. This young man obviously wasn’t ready to fight and die so he didn’t have to register his car.

  4. A “sovereign citizen” is an individual that is subject to a judicial system and process separate from that of the common citizen. That would be police, politicians, military, judges etc. What you’re referring to as a “sovereign citizen” is simply an individual citizen that sees the supreme court as the highest law in the land.

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