Valentine’s Day Murder: Stalker Violates Restraining Order, Kills Ex – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Valentine’s Day Murder: Stalker Violates Restraining Order, Kills Ex – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

It’s supposed to be a day of love, but for the family of Tiana Notice, Valentine’s Day will always be a sad reminder of the day their daughter was murdered in Plainville, Connecticut in 2009.

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39 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Murder: Stalker Violates Restraining Order, Kills Ex – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. The demon ex boyfriend kept mentioning God, well now he will be judged harshly by God and sent to hell.
    The cops who neglected and failed this woman, they will be judged as well. God help us. Hold these evil people accountable.

  2. This way you got to be careful.about to the man you trust & going dating websites to meet man on online.this way i'm going to take my time now 😨

    And not jumping out there so quick to date anyone body right now.if i do i'm going do it the right way

    That's a promise to myself🙏

  3. How many times law enforcement n the justice system is going to keep failing good people…how many times?? This is not about the justice system not being perfect…nope! This is pure corrupted negligence n political agenda. The bad ones are given so many chances n the good ones are neglected n persecuted… Shame on all of them!!! Another innocent good hard working girl waisted away n neglected by the ones that are supposed to protect n serve her… Smfh! May you rest in peace hun!!! May this parasite rot in jail n then hell.

  4. So she goes back knowing better yet she went anyway. Men stop trying to get woman to listen to you, it's pointless. They won't even listen to protect they own life, let alone listen to you.

  5. I'm tired of saying it. Stop running to the police looking for someone to protect you, protect yourself. If u continue to run to the police to save you, you will die.

  6. Wow a graduate from Havard should be dating a Engineer or Nuero Surgeon from University of Minnesota etc. Yet she went to a website full of rapsit, low life's, Ex Convicts, Murders, rejects from society and perverts who want sex. There is also good men on their too, but very very few. She went their to find love. I just read you the list of the type of people on there, u never know what you pulling out the bag. She pulled out a ex con turned Murderer.

  7. I think you'll notice a pattern in all of these murders: police do zero. Absolutly useless. Time to defund and replace with trained professionals,

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