It’s supposed to be a day of love, but for the family of Tiana Notice, Valentine’s Day will always be a sad reminder of the day their daughter was murdered in Plainville, Connecticut in 2009.
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It’s supposed to be a day of love, but for the family of Tiana Notice, Valentine’s Day will always be a sad reminder of the day their daughter was murdered in Plainville, Connecticut in 2009.
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The minute a person reports that hey this person is stalking me and is violent rather it's husband or wife or friend or co worker who ever it should get delt with right there and then it's so sad that it always comes down too tragedy the law cares more about protecting criminal rights then innocent people who doesn't deserve too lose their life this way it's sad man it really is

What side must have went through in her mind and knowing that she had been stabbed to death. Her screaming wail was the sound of a person mourning the end of their own life
I got some crisps quite healthy tortilla ones
Oh my I feel the pain for her mom and dad

Tiana didn’t deserve this
Ooh man this broke me. The system failed her. Poor Tiana.
So sad why wasn't someone with her that night I would never go home on that day with a stalker on the loose seems her mom woulda told not go home on that day and why these young ladies don't have guns an watch your environment
Thank god to her parents, trying to protect other people's children. I feel so bad that they had to lose their child for these laws to be put in place.
i hate when somebody has to pass away for a law to be changed , passed , or stricter!
No need to be mad at my dad (God) raising children in the " Lords word" is only the first step. They have to surrender to Jesus themselves and fornication and shacking up is sin which can leave us open to the devil's tactics without divine protection. all of us women need to learn to stay chaste it would save us an entire lifetime of trouble
trust me I know.
Our young women are being contuellaly :violently killed in which these restraining orders are given to help to no avail, what is the purpose, the women continue to be the victims of domestic violence!!
This case is so sad. How could those Police ignore her so many times. I really feel for the family. Unfortunately not a lot you can do bar lock these scum up.

The police aren’t worth the shirts on their backs . Just worthless . They dropped the fucking ball. She did everything she was supposed to do and they failed her . I wonder if more families sue the socks off these police departments for negligence, will they revamp their protocols for domestic abuse victims .
Over here in reading Pennsylvania, cops like to side with men. My ex strangled me. And got away clean. No arrest. They said well we’re not arresting him because he has a scratch on his face. (From me not being able to breathe trying to get go off me). I offered to even take a lie detector test. (This was 2 weeks ago). Since then I’ve been to that police department 6 times. And nothing. Was done. Each time.
And that 911 dispatcher doesn’t know how to handle situations. Didn’t even soothe her on that phone call. People really irk me.
This is why people dont trust the police, im so disappointed in the police
I feel so sad for her family and the cops failed her badly
When someone is stalking, you need to take matters into your own hands. Victims need to be armed and learn self-defense. Forget the police and politicians.
Them scum cops should also be in jail!!!
is this an American show or Australian bc why is that goose boy hosting it 'sorry can't stand the guy, only if u new lol.
Awe this poor mother.

Another beautiful black women failed by the system, these shit ass fucking cops don’t LISTEN
They all hit me but this one really hit hard bc she was trying her best to save her own life and begging for protection. Smh
OMG! I have CHILLS! My cousin held onto this poor baby girl as she was fighting for her life-he was her neighbor-this poor family!!!!!! What a horrible way to lose someone-prayers to this family, and god rest Tianas beautiful soul! She was ABSOLUTELY FAILED by the system!
Women avoid finding relationships on social media.
Be safe you have one life to live.
Be smart.
What an Evil Heinous Monster….. CONDOLENCES to Tiana's Family, RIP TIANA

1: the red flags
2: the screaming bloody murder 911 call
3:10 million dollor wrongful death suit shit
That police department totally failed Tiana. Had they done their job she would still be alive. God bless the Tiana family.
What a horrible and incredibly sad case. That police department should be sued & jailed. Shame on you!
why is it so hard to just believe black women? the idea of eugenics is alive and strong. smh we are no different or “stronger” than any other woman. it’s sad that we have to die for someone to believe something was wrong.
Ladies carry protection at all times…