VERDICT WATCH: Parkland Shooting School Officer On Trial — FL v. Scot Peterson — Day 11

VERDICT WATCH: Parkland Shooting School Officer On Trial — FL v. Scot Peterson — Day 11

Former school resource officer Scot Peterson is on trial for allegedly not following active shooter training during the Parkland school massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February 2018. Peterson — dubbed “The Broward Coward” — has been criticized for his actions after surveillance video showed him remaining outside the high school while shots were fired inside killing 14 students and threes staff members. Peterson faces seven counts of felony child neglect, three counts of culpable negligence, and one count of perjury. He and his defense team believe the once “dedicated officer” did nothing wrong.

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30 thoughts on “VERDICT WATCH: Parkland Shooting School Officer On Trial — FL v. Scot Peterson — Day 11

  1. I can't get over how many times the state objected… It's rediculous, during Combs's whole closing Agularsh didn't object once and they kept on and on with him just like in the whole case. While some of what the state has said did resinate with me all of Agularsh's closing resonated with me. Haven't heard the rebuttle or jury instructions yet but for now I'm still firmly in the not guilty camp 3:57:08

  2. anybody know what happened at 2:22:48? The court clerk picks up a phone and begins conversing, and judge doesn't even look in her direction; this happens at key moment in Defense closing and implicating Medina as the one who should be on trial. At 2:23:26 Attorney Eiglarsh turns and looks at court clerk, then at the judge, and says, "Judge?" Judge is staring at his monitor and seems distracted, and turns to Eiglarsh and says, "Yes sir?" Eiglarsh motions to the clerk with his head, and before he says anything else, judge says "Go ahead, sir." Eiglarsh composes himself, looks at his notes, and continues on. what happened?

  3. All of you saying we need to take away guns, assault rifles, semi automatic weapons……..Ok, but ummm, how do you olan on getting them out of criminals hands? Its not less guns, ITS MORE.

  4. i heard this cop stood outside the bldg for 40 mins while the killing occurred? I assume his still trying to figure out where the shots are coming from? Scott thinks that just because his assigned to school duty he thinks his free from danger but then again he let kids die if he was a coward not to confront the killer.

  5. From another country, so with trepidation i dare to say. How on earth is this even happening? This poor fellow is the result of unchecked and continuing lack of consideration toward gun reform.

  6. this is unreal, this cop is getting off he failed everyone, he let children get murdered. this man is guilty as it gets. and it was obvious he is guilty and hiding it. it is sick and perverse to see this dirty cop get off. this is pure corruption

  7. Police have NO DUTY to protect you, your children or anyone else not in their custody. So says ALL relevant case law. Anyone who voluntarily relies on police protection is a fool.

  8. Este policía contribuyó con el criminal no hizo su trabajo y con su cobardía y mediocridad dejó que el asesino cumpliera con asesinar inocentes el jurado y el juez que lo declara no culpable son unos completos hijos de puta no piensan en las personas que perdieron un ser querido lo mismo en Uvalde departamentos de policía mediocres

  9. Jury got it right!! How dare these prosecutors try to make this man criminally responsible for this shooting. Only the shooter is criminally responsible. Leave our cops and public officers alone!! Thank you to all the police,officers, and military for your service!!

  10. Even if convicted it will never survive appeal. All relevant case law says police have no duty to protect people not in their custody and none of the victims were in his custody. The care giver argument is also ridiculous. Is the janitor a care giver too? How about the teachers? Why no charges against all of those people?

  11. If the prosecution actually believes this BS then they should have many many trials following this one to charge other police, teachers, adults, law emforcwment personnel…. not only Peterson. This is just unbelievable

  12. No one should be on trial if they don't want to die. Look at Texas when there were 400 cops who all stood around and not one charged even though they had full body armor. Hope he gets off.

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