Melissa Moore comes face-to-face with Daun Slagle, who managed to escape a potentially fatal attack by Moore’s father, known as the “Happy Face Killer.”
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Melissa Moore comes face-to-face with Daun Slagle, who managed to escape a potentially fatal attack by Moore’s father, known as the “Happy Face Killer.”
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How the cops let this animal go! A complete madman , to want to try and kill an innocent baby by trying to crush his head .A complete coward .It is a miracle that this lady fought back and managed to live to tell her story .
she left out the part where she was drunk while getting into a strangers car with a baby , she preformed Oral S**x on keith while the baby was in the back seat …
Shes getting money off of her dads killing at least her dad Gave her a career
Wtf? “We’ve already let him go” ?
Well go pick him up again!! How on earth do Police get away with being such dangers to the community? They are very likely responsible for the deaths of many women. Such derelict of duty should be a jailable offence.
Never put me on mtv
Here is what the police did wrong with the lady interviewed on this video.
The police should have given her an EXACT time when they were going to release the monster so that this lady would know how much actual time she had before making the decision to press charges or not. But, the police was vague and just told her think about it but make the decision quickly. That is why this lady called too late and he had already been released and because of the police vague talking he was able to go out and kill a bunch of women. Good job by the police again.
Please use the expression “cant wrap my head around this” one more time! We can’t get enough of that stupid millennial phrase!
Poor lady should not have survivors guilt, she is so lucky she and her baby survived, she said he transformed into another person, the FBI should study this man ie his unhinged behaviour, does he stand his ground with other inmates (hardened criminals) in prison? (He is probably in a protected unit) Or does he just attack women.
Her husband was a piece of trash mysoginist abuser
Lol so y the fuck u gna get in a car w a man when u hav a man, so stupid
The survivor here is amazing. When she said to the daughter I'm glad you didn't see the monster as a little girl.
This is humanity at its best the compassion this lady has for the child of the man who tried to kill her baby.
My grandmother went to school with this man. It's crazy to think about..
Can't believe she even had to beg cops to drive her home, that should've just been standard fukn procedure in that situation, drive the woman and her baby home , you just gonna make her walk herself home with her baby after that ???!!;??!

I mean what's even the point of a police force if they didnt see young girls with babies home safely after an attack… Omg.
Her eyes locked on you when you walked in. Wow
I saw the girl on TikTok her after is the killer
She was a prostitute in the movie maybe that's why she felt safe getting in the car.?seems strange she would get in a stranger s car with a new born baby
The Lady’s husband is a POS, like damn you’re not mad he tried to stomp out your babies head and try to convince your wife NOT to press charges
The survivor's husband was so judgmental on her, then wants to let the serial killer free.
MORAL OF THE STORY LADIES: If you have a husband and this ever happens to you, better be cynical/skeptical and check his motives. Chances are, he wanted you killed, and if you ever survive, he could be someone abusive.
I'm glad the survivor not only divorced him, but pressed charges against him for the abuse.
Just watched The Happy Face Killer on Lifetime. They portrayed Dawn as a whore.
wow the horror on his daughters face..I got chills
did he kill the missing bridesmaid?… Marty evans?..
Was her baby ok….I don’t know why they just stopped talking about her child and what happened to them after the attack
Dawn's husband was a total jerk. I hope she divorced him.
Of course she didn’t deserve what happened but she really shouldn’t have been out there at that time of night with a small child getting into a strange man’s car. Especially if her initial reaction to him was to be creeped out by him. There’s just something strange about her story that doesn’t quite make sense.
So she's using her father's crimes as a way to get a career? What a repulsive human.
See something say something or you could be almost as guilty. People need to be held accountable for their actions.
You weirdos in the comments upset because she call her dad “ DAD” are idiots. Some of your fathers have abused women, committed crimes and done have horrible things. Did the love stop NO, it’s real life deal with it.
Listening to another channel about this man…his father gave him a tremendous amount of abuse as a child.
She gets into a fight and takes her baby and jumls in a vehicle with a strange man. Yeah, she seems reasonable.
Hearing a woman talk about the person who put her on this Earth is unnerving. The Dad is a POS but to keep saying , "My Father".. Be quite.
Why was the mother even asked if she wanted to press charges? The guy should have automatically gotten a lengthy prison sentence for trying to crush a 4 month old's skull!
Seems like she likes calling him dad or daddy amh
This is so strange. Isn't this weird, an I wrong.