Holly Moore always had a smile on her face. So when both police and the coroner said she committed suicide, her family knew something wasn’t right.
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Holly Moore always had a smile on her face. So when both police and the coroner said she committed suicide, her family knew something wasn’t right.
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Very lazy Police Department !
Even a lazier Coroner !
Even a More Lazier Forensic Pathologist who performed the initial autopsy
All he had to do was wear gloves while wrapping the cord around her neck…that’s how he could get around that. It’s that simple. I don’t think she committed suicide. I think she was murdered and made to make it look like a suicide..
Everything is possible nowadays, people are being murdered for the silliest reasons let alone this. Hope authority take real action and not make guesses.
There's seems to be a lot of these cases that point to shoddy and/or incomplete police work. Why not just take the X-rays when you had the chance originally. Just do it, no excuses.
Thank You
Cops are lazy. So sad for the family.
Just fought with her boyfriend, was depressed, was off anti depressesants, and there is no way that she wouldve killed her self?
So that first investigator flat out lied
Anti-depressant medication withdrawal can cause death from the side effects. They say not to stop them at once and not without Dr's guidance for reason of suicide and the severe withdrawal side effects.
I sincerely hate how it’s always assumed it’s a suicide if the victim was depressed and/or taking antidepressants. I’ve been taking antidepressants for more than 10 years yet I have never wanted to kill myself. Everyone deserves a fair trial, even once dead.
It’s terrible when official people seem to want to prove that they are right instead of trying to determine the truth
A sudden death of a healthy person should be thoroughly investigated
My brother broke his collarbone and was able to ignore it for about 2 minutes until the adrenaline went down. After that he couldn't move, cough, laugh. Breathing hurt for him. He couldn't even put on a shirt for a couple weeks because he felt his bones grinding on each other he would just put his good arm in the shirt and pull the shirt down over his slinged up arm
Sounds like some people making money on these poor peoples inability to accept their tragedy even if it wasnt suicide which it most likely is there isnt enough evidence to secure a conviction to anyone this family will go broke on hiring these people
A victims family should NEVER have to investigate their loved ones death! That is the job of the investigators. You see this all over the country. Police, detectives and coroners refuse to do their jobs correctly or at all. That's just pure laziness from departments that we depend on and trust to do their jobs. What happened to "serve and protect?" Seems to be just a paycheck for them now. This has to stop! Police need to start doing their jobs!
The police and the D.A. will NEVER admit they did wrong. Because of their pride or covering up this girl won't get justice? These people should be ashamed of themselves if they let this POS get away with murder. RIP Holly. My condolences to her family
i kinda agree with the parents. women are more likely to od or drown themselves. they dont commit in messy ways like hanging or shooting them selves
The fingers stuck under the wire is what gets me. So many unanswered questions here. I think at the LEAST it should have been investigated because the possibility of homicide is there.
I also agree with others that you can never say “I know so and so and they would never do that” because no one really knows- it’s what we would like to believe and probably a coping mechanism of some sort for families. I couldn’t determine if she was or wasn’t suicidal by this 7 minute video but I think all possibilities should be considered.
Look, even though not everyone who is depressed or on medication is suicidal…doesn't mean this is not a homicide. Her collar bone was broken and the doorknob to the place she was hung was
WIPED CLEAN-that says A LOT.
No parent wants to believe that their child took their own life.
As much as you don't wanna believe that your kids are capable of doing heinous actions it can be true

Unbelievable! Doctors, cops, forensic doc and more and every one REFUSES to do their damn jobs?????????? I hope every dumb, compliant, brain dead and pure lazy trash public official has been FIRED. This is appalling
Suicide 100,%
"he wanted her all to himself" noooo every boyfriend likes when his girl gets naked while drunk infront of roommates yeah?
Don't know the facts,but you can't say stop stop stop if your being held off the ground about a foot by your neck
Those Castle Rocks cops suck
The whole point of this show is that it wants you to belive the opposite to what has happened. Its reality thats all what it is. If it was suicide cwd will say its murder
When all the technologies are available why are these lazy,incompetent and corrupt officials not using them. Their salaries are a waste of public funds . What a disgrace.
Im surprised that officer was actually kinda owning up to the fact that mistakes were probably made on their end and sending it out to be further examined. Doesn't seem like that happens nearly enough.
These parents are always swearing up and down that their kid would never commit suicide because there was never any signs of it.
Well guess what, sometimes there aren't any signs.
I had a friend that committed suicide, he was 25. He had depression when he younger but it was the "be lazy and lose motivation for life kind", not the "life sucks I'm gonna end it all" kind. When he died he was a nurse at a hospital and was taking certifications for a different position. He was doing well and living a normal life.
Anyways the family is getting ready to go on vacation. His parents, his younger brother and two of his siblings that are married are coming along with their spouses. The night before they were talking about the vacation plans and what sights they wanna see and activities to do.
The next morning when he isn't up yet and his alarm has been going off, his dad goes in his room to wake him up. Except he isn't there. They search the house and find him hanging in the basement with a picture of him and his siblings from when they were kids. No note. No explanation. No signs. Just the picture.
His parents too say that there was never any indication that anything was wrong, they never saw this coming. Same with his friends and co workers. Everyone was shocked.
At some point that night he got in a dark place mentally and couldn't get out. Sometimes people kill themselves when you least expect it.
Shame on her family
Terrible nobody care
Beautiful girl
What about her boyfriend
I don't believe she killed her self
Suicide Meaning No work for Police! Bastards
The cops in this case were extremely incompetent and should be kicked out of the police force.
Dear Families, ANYONE can commit suicide, because its uncomfortable does not mean that your family is immuned, stop the bullshit of NO WAY, SHE WOULD NEVER, uh, yes, she could and most likely did, you do not know every facet of her life!!!!
The authorities want to be right even when they're wrong and when they find out they were wrong then they will not admit that they were wrong! law enforcement transferred it to another agency but they probably told them if they find anything pointing to foul play just cover it up so we don't look stupid!
.nothing i hate more than lazy police
Boyfriend has friends in high places
This story very disturbing
I believe in the Safety and Well-being Women, Children, and Men
This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:
For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…
Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…
No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.
Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…
My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,
I will continue Praying for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…
Keep everyone SAFE
Your Life is important
Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
Jason Sandifer,
I think the roommate did it.
What is wrong with these people that they would refuse to re-examine the case, look at new evidence just so they can stick to their original position which in this case was WRONG? Why would they be so pig headed that they would prefer to not be proved incorrect at the expense of a family’s grief and a murderer being allowed to go free? This is CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR by the people that are sworn to defend and protect us. DISGUSTING…
Google this case. CBI ruled it a suicide agreeing with the polices findings. No explanation of all this other evidence found. You can read about the significant amount of evidence found in more detail and they only have explanation for one thing. This is just a joke of a case. It proves that even when going to a higher up source, they still have the potential to stick w their own
This coroner is so out of line!!! Why are there so many people in these positions that have such a hard time admitting when they are WRONG and do the right thing!!! I know people in general can’t stand admitting when they are wrong, really, who does? But in the long run your a better person for saying “I’m human, I error, let’s fix this”. SMH
So with all that happening in her life they still say she wouldn't have done it
Sometimes the family are the last to know when a person just can't take anymore
I despise officials that hides their incompetence behind the power of their position….