Former ice cream truck driver Michael Keetley is facing a retrial for allegedly shooting six people on Thanksgiving 2010, killing two brothers, and injuring four others. Prosecutors allege Keetley was out for revenge after his ice cream truck was robbed for $12, but mistakenly targeted the wrong suspects. Keetley’s first trial in February 2020 resulted in a deadlocked jury. The former ice cream man is facing two first-degree murder charges and four counts of attempted murder.
Reason For Retrial: Defense attorney’s argued Keetley was too badly wounded from his own shooting, to carry-out the shooting in Ruskin that killed two people. Weak witness testimony led to a mistrial in 2020, after some state witnesses failed to identify Keetley as the shooter, identifying another man in a police mug shot packet. Defense witnesses were more exacting in their testimony, which led to a jury deadlock of 10 not guilty, 2 guilty, and eventually a mistrial.
#MichaelKeetley #IceCreamManDoubleMurder #LawandCrime
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Mr Beckwith we finally meet
3:08:39 – classic comeback

Time to catch up on Pt 2.
Sorry I missed you guys and gals in real time
For someone who hasn't got 100% perfect hearing, I find it hard to hear some of what the defence lawyer is saying, because his voice is so sharp and loud, and he is saying the words too fast. It's easier to hear what the prosecuter is saying, because she is speaking a little bit slower, and pronouncing the words clearer.
Eww that one lady prosecutor with red hair is rude. She gives women professionals a bad name.
I don't get it… 2 guys robbed & shot him, so he shot 6 people that DIDN'T rob & shoot him?
The witness did excellent, his testimony won the case, with him having immunity he was quick and quirky with his answers! The entire defense case is that the defendant was disabled, this guy smashed that to bits…Shame on defendant dude killed the wrong people. Dude was just a major underachiever and looking for a reason to be alive, getting revenge gave his underachieving self a purpose for once!
This same Defense Attorney defended the movie theatre shooter!
This is absurd this trial has been going on for over 12 years. His last trial 10 of the 12 jurors voted not guilty. He should of been released till the next trial started 10 years later.
the fact that 10 people said not guilty and 2 people were still convinced he was guility despite the fact that the eyewitnesses IDENTIFIED THE WRONG PERSON OUT OF THE LINE UP. Is franky disturbing
why am I craving ice cream?
This witness is a lawyers nightmare..
guilty of SOMETHING..paranoid of everything, and everyone is out to get him..ugh..finding truth here, a drawn out mess..
I pray TRUTH and JUSTICE into this courtroom and light to expose all darkness..
Bringing in a convicted felon in to support a case against a victim that stood their ground in the face of a robbery just doesn't work for me. I really don't care if it was $12 or $12 million… That said, my advice is to stay postured for scalable options at all times. Ask me how!
I absolutely LOVE This Judge!!!
And I dont know about yall.. but The icecream man who used to come by our home everyday.. I dont believe he ever carried a gun… I just dont believe the ones who drove by our home and sold my children icecream and candy.. I dont believe they carried a loaded weapon… js… I started following this court back when The trial of the school teacher, and mother of 2 boys was murdered slaughtered by her jealous BF. And his ex testified that he had stabbed and bit her in a different state. But I love this Judge and The state prosecuter Justin Diaz who was doing that trial. Kay Baker Was stabbed to death by Matthew Terry.. I have been following this Court ever since… And Of coarse I watched the Alex Murdaugh Trial with the world…
Frankly, the Judge should intervene, Escobar is badgering the witness.
Escolar’s attempts to impeach Mr. B did not convince me.
This Escobar lawyer is so hostile and the witness is holding his own.
Haha, Mr Becwitt seems, not subtly, to become hard of hearing when confronted.
The Ice Cream trucker helper is endearing in his spontaneity and transparency. And funny too!
It sounds to me like this witness is ok with lying on the stand as long as he has immunity. He said he didn't want to lie on the stand that's why he demanded immunity. So now that he has immunity is it so he can lie on the stand?
I find it really hard to believe that this guy was selling kids ice cream!!!
You know it when I was younger didn't understand the rules of law in the courtroom which I still don't understand fully. I was always of the mindset why don't they just tell it all why don't they tell it all why did they have to let this out and that out and the other out and no one gets the real story that's how I felt. I rolled as I am and no better I still feel that way to a point.
What a loser this prosecution witness is. SMH he wouldn't know the truth if it smacked him in the forehead
No wonder his wife divorced him . He's annoying as a tick on a hounds arse
They have nuttin 4 this witness
The bald attorney needs a Xanax, or to cut back on the coffee.
The prosecutor, questioning Keetley’s previous friend/co-worker, is ALWAYS SOOOO condescending & abrasive!! These are THEIR witnesses!! Her redundant, ridiculous questions & arrogance is nauseating!!!

Baldy boy and baldhead bowling alley go to Bosley
This dude’s keepin’ it spicy and I’m here for it
I have been waiting for baldie to finally defend his Client since I last seen him(popcorn murder trial) and he was just as good if not better
3:08:38 "Does that mean if I go on the wall downstairs and p–s on it, it's mine?" Love this guy
I'm lazy and don't want to look. Is this defendant on trial for killing the people that robbed/shot him? I'm just getting into this one
Hostile witness Beckwith is.
Im shocked the judge didnt shut this arrogant witness up. Typical 3x Felon who thinks hes the smartest, morally superior man on earth. This defense attorney is pretty ruthless but thats what the justice system requires so a defendant gets his day. This witness has no excuse. Hes just a loser.
Those defence lawyers shout a lot
How did the prosecution only object to relevance once and why did it take so long
Didnt stop him from shooting