A New Hampshire man faces trial for allegedly shooting and killing a minister he frequently prayed with. Twenty-eight-year-old Brandon Castiglione stands accused of killing pastor Luis Garcia of the New England Pentecostal Ministries Church in Pelham, NH on October 1, 2019. Less than two weeks later, Garcia’s stepson allegedly opened fire at a wedding event hosted at the church, injuring three people, including Castiglione’s father, Mark Castiglione. The 28-year-old was charged with two counts of second-degree murder for allegedly “knowingly and recklessly” killing Garcia.
#MinisterMurderTrial #BrandonCastiglione #LawandCrime
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Some of the most important testimony coming from the pastor about keeping Brandon in order during church services…and the sound keeps breaking up.
Come on with the audio! This is not normal for Law And Crime!
I don’t have an opinion ether way. I'm a trial junkie, and I just started watching it knowing nothing about it. The defense's strategy appears to be that they got tunnel vision with Brandon. I think the defense is doing a great job creating reasonable doubt. All it takes is one juror to have reasonable doubt to hang a jury and create a mistrial
I was brought up in that church and I can tell you it's a very toxic place, (No i'll intent) Amen…
So he gets the gun,puts bullets in,takes safety off,pulls the gun and shots someone dead and they want to want. Let him go !
No he has to go to Jail
i don't believe the female defense person knows a thing about what she's trying to do…don't make a lick of sense to me
Worked at the jail he is being housed in. He showed many signs of trying to claim an insanity defense.
This case is so confusing. Why didn’t the defence question the minister? I think he’ll be convicted as he was in the house, his gun was there and there was no sign of a break in. I don’t know a motive and the actual evidence is thin. I think Brendan has some mental health issues or some kind of diagnosis. It’s an odd one this case.
Knowing Brandon personally, he has been bullied by the Londonderry police multiple times with the same result. They arrest him on charges with no admisable evidence and the case is dropped. Now with this case, it involves taking another person's life. Whether or not I think he did it, the LPD has failed at their duties in gathering evidence. The jury won't be able to hear the results of his last case for obvious reasons, but I believe they should.
Probably explains a lot now why he was constantly writing all the time
What did I miss? Why does he want to represent himself?

Where are all the comments lol? There’s only 2 plus this one??
. Bizarre religious belief’s. + easy access to guns. Lori was convicted and so will he.
This guy's public defender is trying to say use the old one armed man defense. This guy is going to prison. I don't understand people who commit murder. It's so short-sighted.