WATCH LIVE: Parkland Shooting School Officer On Trial — FL v. Scot Peterson — Day Eight

WATCH LIVE: Parkland Shooting School Officer On Trial — FL v. Scot Peterson — Day Eight

Former school resource officer Scot Peterson is on trial for allegedly not following active shooter training during the Parkland school massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February 2018. Peterson — dubbed “The Broward Coward” — has been criticized for his actions after surveillance video showed him remaining outside the high school while shots were fired inside killing 14 students and threes staff members. Peterson faces seven counts of felony child neglect, three counts of culpable negligence, and one count of perjury. He and his defense team believe the once “dedicated officer” did nothing wrong.

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47 thoughts on “WATCH LIVE: Parkland Shooting School Officer On Trial — FL v. Scot Peterson — Day Eight

  1. I think I now get what the judge was doing… Maybe he wasn't biace maybe he was just trying to give the state every opertunity to prove their case because he didn't really think they had a case. I'm glad he's questioning them 4:33:37

  2. I'm afraid the Defense isn't very effective, witnesses obviously do not like him very much and mistrust his questions, prosecutor has a far better rapport…also the questioning of the defense is weak and not very relevant

  3. So this one officer is supposed to be a caregiver, a SWAT team member, and an officer with a small pistol without proper radio information, by himself with 4000 students? And this is why this prosecution team is a total joke.

  4. At 1:29ish…defense attorney wants to drill down on blaming failure of technology (radio communications) for his client's inability to follow training protocol. Sure, it was not helpful that the radio system was unable to handle the number of calls. No doubt about it. And, it may have been why he hunkered down during the entire shooting. But you know what could have prevented this ridiculous fiasco of a massacre from happening? Stop the regime that CHOOSES to sell military grade assault weapons to mentally impaired freekos. STOP handing out mass killing weapons like candy! This has nothing to do with rights. It's 2023, not 1776. There's a monster in the classroom, Y'ALL

  5. Crazy trial. He was alone with one small gun, the radios failed, shooting lasted only few minutes, huge buildings and area, echoproblems. Sad for all families in all kind of ways.

  6. The female prosecuter needs a better and longer skirt. Too tight and short. It s a courtroom, not nice and does nt flatter her as a woman and lawyer. Jugde Judy would have commented her skirt length.

  7. What's going on with the cameraman? Did he fall asleep around the 37:00:00 mark? I don't want see the guy typing on his laptop. I want to see what's going on at the front of the courtroom. Jeez this channel is bad for that

  8. I hate how this defense frames his questions adding personal opinions under the guise of "correct." He's also making no points with the jury through his harsh: "YES..OR..NO['s]?" to these witnesses!

  9. I know what the debriefing would result in: the Coward from Broward would be found wanting—but not committing criminal acts. If the legislature wants to make Peterson’s behavior illegal, pass a law. The caretaker claim seems like a stretch.

  10. There is not one scintilla of evidence that anything he could have done would have saved a single one of these victims. In fact, he could have got himself killed as he was easily outgunned, and that might have angered/ inspired Cruz to take even more victims. This is the most baseless prosecution I have seen in a long time. Taking another victim for Cruz, which probably has him delighted.

  11. The defense keeps calling civilians to say they don’t know where the shots came from. Who cares? Scot Peterson was not a civilian, and he was trained and practiced in ascertaining where shots come from.

  12. My problem with this guy going on trial is he did what he was trained to do. Right or wrong thats what they are trained to do . This is a horrible idea that is be pushed by politics and emotions . Not the law !

  13. If you want the SRO to run at the shooter then we have to provide better training, the problem is the gung ho police don't want to sit around a school day after day doing the mundane job waiting for active shooters, those police want daily action. Dealing with active shooters is an extremely traumatic and overwhelming event. This trial is a joke and not the answer to the problem, So many things went wrong, you have to address all issues.

  14. Basically, the only officers that went in the building were the ones with special training, the ones without stayed outside the building. If you want to protect the children then the schools in general need to be locked down better and you need more then 1 SRO per 4000 students. Also, everyone knew Cruz was a loose cannon, yet everyone let the kid go to that school. This is the problem, children with psychological issues need to be in different schools and not mixed in with the general population. There is a distinct pattern with all these shootings and no one is addressing it. they are playing the blame game.

  15. They making him a scape goat to make it look like they doing something,Mr Peterson shouldn't be on trial..
    They didn't even have radios that worked for goodness sake with all the technology theses days and they can't get a radoi to work,so they give us a scape goat to prosecute. Ridiculous

  16. So they were interviewing him as a criminal from within minutes? Those are not witness type questions they are suspect type questions. Something doesn’t smell right here…

  17. Than why are the Da’s not suing the company for the broken system, or the maintenance person who is suppose to check all theses radios? Why not sue the front desk ladies just staying sitting at their desk and not going out to help themselves, or make sure everyone had ALL the information?

  18. They need to fix the sound. Been watching loads of court cases and this is the only one that failed to ensure the sound was reasonable. Sound is crucial to enable a transparent and accurate viewing experience.

    Though I heard enough to realise this defendent is no more guilty than the other hundreds of officers.

    All guilty or none guilty.

  19. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Wow! In all my years of watching multiple trials daily… this is the FIRST time I’ve even seen a judge question the prosecution so extensively regarding a JOA Motion 😦 – I’ve seen judges give leeeeengthy speech's on why a JOA is being denied… but this was a 1st for me. GOOD JOB JUDGE! We don’t quite understand it either!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  20. Wait….cops get paid to stand around and do nothing all the time. Why single this guy out. All cops are cowards. That's why they became cops to pretend to be tough and bully people.

  21. Rey sad! If your going to draw gunfighters pay, ever now and then you have to step out into the street! In another terms, there are times you have to go into harms way!

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