‘We Were Lied To’: Director Calls Out Netflix’s ‘Making a Murderer’ Over Planted Evidence Claims

‘We Were Lied To’: Director Calls Out Netflix’s ‘Making a Murderer’ Over Planted Evidence Claims

A new DailyWire+ docuseries promises to set the record straight on the case of Steven Avery, a Wisconsin man exonerated by DNA evidence of a wrongful rape conviction but later arrested for murder. The case of Avery and his nephew, Brendan Dassey, became an international sensation following the release of Netflix’s “Making a Murderer” in 2015. Now, a rebuttal series, “Convicting a Murderer,” features members of law enforcement telling their side. The Law&Crime Network’s Angenette Levy spoke with director, Shawn Rech, and series host, Candace Owens, about the project and why they say “Making a Murderer” misled the world.

Watch episode one of Convicting a Murderer: https://bit.ly/3RheRra

Angenette Levy: https://twitter.com/Angenette5

Candace Owens: https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO
Shawn Rech: https://twitter.com/shawnrech

#ConvictingAMurderer #StevenAvery #LawAndCrime

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41 thoughts on “‘We Were Lied To’: Director Calls Out Netflix’s ‘Making a Murderer’ Over Planted Evidence Claims

  1. Your wrong!!!! Brenden has a disablitly he was intitled to adult suppervision which you have no clue to what his needs are first ..next they twist his story over and over you miss lead him into thinking he was going back to school…if he would only admit to what you served him up on a plate of your ideals of what happened …..that phone call was steven saying why did he say he did something that never happened

  2. Having Candace Owens on … forget it
    I watched the NF version it did not make the guy look innocent at all it make it look like the mistakes made in the first trial got the guy off and he killed again when he got released.
    Obviously to if cops waned the guy out if the way it would have been a hunting accident. The purposed scheme was way to complicated

  3. Is this a valid angle? Something that makes this case different than some other"netflix" cases, is that Avery (and the niece) had LOW average IQ. That always made me question Steven an his nephew's abilities to lie and manipulate, or lack thereof. At the same time, their low IQ could have affected their adaptation to social life negatively and thus caused them become criminals or brought up some other mental issues… 🤷‍♀

  4. What is would like to have seen addressed in what percentage of her body was found in the burn pit. You can't cremate a body in a fire pit. So where's the rest of the body? And to pretend like their cops are so above the rest is beyond me. Any legitimate cop would've bowed out, not keep nudging their way into the investigation. I believe they're both innocent and the crooked cops know what strings to pull! I feel for this family, it's not right!

  5. The only thing totally certain in this story is that the prosecutor's camp is guilty.
    The powerful stick together. Since the dawn of time, the police have defended the law, which is itself unjust and designed to protect the powerful. They perpetuate injustice. They drive the poor and marginalized into the ground. The police are the descendants of the mercenaries hired by feudal lords and capitalist factory owners to break strikes with violence. Notables are corrupt by nature (otherwise they wouldn't be notables and would have distributed or used their wealth to share it and make social projects), and for their “I'm a respectable man” myth to hold, all the other notables have to play the same game. That's why they stick together, do each other favors and apply a law of silence (omerta) even more powerful than that of the Mafia.

  6. I would be sooooo traumatized by the police from Wisconsin I don't trust the system I don't trust the media the most haven't people notice the press is the worst? I don't know by I do believe in Stevens innocence and I do believe Brandon has mental problems and the police made him say things and they didn't care they killed that kid and that man's life just because he was defending his rights and the corrupt police

  7. The fact Brenden had to name six or seven different manners of death before the police got frustrated and gave him the answer should have been proof enough if coercion,

  8. Nothing will ever change the fact that the cops found Theresa’s car BEFORE it was officially “found”. Why is NO ONE talking about this smoking gun 800 lbs gorilla??

  9. The conflict of interest alone is enough to set Avery Free! The investigation was not completed it had no other suspects just Avery. The investigation says one thing but physical evidence says another! Even if he is the real killer the evidence wasn’t there in court. His nephews the key eye witness had his story wrong because not a drop of blood on said crime scene was found. Keep trying

  10. The conflict of interest alone is enough to set Avery Free! The investigation was not completed it had no other suspects just Avery. The investigation says one thing but physical evidence says another! Even if he is the real killer the evidence wasn’t there in court. His nephews the key eye witness had his story wrong because not a drop of blood on said crime scene was found. Keep trying

  11. Rolling my eyes!!! Go ahead and get on the bad side of government or town government and they will straight up destroy you through the justice system with ease. Qualified immunity protects them if all does go wrong but it wont. They have perfected it through smaller convictions that will never see the public eye. Just sickening. Now COME ON! The guy kills a girl who comes to business to take photos. Burns her right out front of his door barely hides her car on the property with couple branches. Yup that sounds so brilliant a 3 year old would know better. REALLY???

  12. I don't care what they say, that interrogation/police interview of Brendan Dassey was a disgrace. That should never have been used in evidence against him, and Dassey should not be in prison.

  13. He is guilty without a doubt. His face said it all when the verdict was read….he was NOT SURPRISED at all. He is where people like him belong.

  14. It was obvious it was a setup. The police killed the lady to set up Steven Avery and they didn't care that the nephew was collateral. I do not know how a jury could convict someone when the evidence proved it was a setup by the police. Crooked judge, crooked DA, crooked FBI, and crooked cops. And for the jury to not see through all that I believe they were crooked too. Then more crooked judges and crooked supreme Court. The sad fact is that people who've never been on the wrong end of a crooked Court don't believe there's a problem. 30% of convictions are of innocent people. Some that deal with it over and over in their life. Law enforcement are the worst criminals of all. CROOKED

  15. The POS prosecuter of Steve said the murder happened in the garage. The POS prosecuter in Brenden's case said the murder happen in the bedroom. The two POS judges were in the bag for the prosecuters. This is a tragedy. I feel so bad for the Avery family.

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