Almost a full year of life under a State of Emergency declaration form of “government“ in West Virginia. Contrast our new life under our benevolent dictator with this 1901 WV civics textbook I found, teaching the basics of how our constitutional republic is supposed to operate. The video is grainy because that’s life in the third world. The regime was probably using the bandwidth elsewhere.


23 thoughts on “West Virginia’s Benevolent Dictator vs. 1901 Civics Textbook”
  1. Virginia needs more John's 🤔it's just very sad to me that we don't have more John's with the fire the truth the fairness to we the people. 🙏I am so happy u keep us educated because we're told opposite by cops, judges, polititions, lawyers without any care about us yet take the last piece of bread from our kids mouths. Kids now days only have a handful of truth and a bucket of lies ,fear, manipulation 🤔wat can a poor person like me do alone? Well I made my grandkids watch ur videos on education an wins under there belt ! U are wat I have left and I thank u from the bottom of my virginian heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I can't appritiate u enuff . I'd fund a billion if I were wealthy for the education an fights u do 🤔ur a sure think in my soul an I appritiate any other more except God but u are knowledge an that's power to all we the people 🙏THANKS!!!! 🙏❤️

  2. What are we supposed to do? This man was just “re-elected” by, supposedly 72% of WV. Primarily because his “opponents” did no campaigning and were virtually unknown. Does no one find it odd that his opponents had no media coverage, no platform, no policies. It’s as if someone paid them to “run” against him. Who could possibly have that kind of money and power in WV? Gee I wonder

  3. Funny is the Greenbrier resort that he turn over to his daughter back in 2017 is in full function and many other companies that Jimmy “ Steak well done with ketchup “ justice are shut down, I bet not. This is not a basketball game where you can sit down any of you prime players.

  4. I tried to post this with links, doesn´t stay posted
    wonder why, youtube is turned to absolute shittle.
    "JOHNNY FREEDOM" 1960 Johnny Horton
    "THE BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS" 1959 Johnny Horton
    "BALLAD OF THE ALAMO" 1960 Marty Robbins
    "REMEMBER THE ALAMO" 1965 Donovan Leitch

  5. "Who cares about all that." Says a fat old rich white man with gray hair and dark circles under his eyes. He has already betrayed the democratic part now he wants to destroy Bygod my home WV. He does all in the name of Republican's my A**.

  6. Why aren't the state legislatures getting a handle on these governors. It's not just WV its all over the USA especially democratic governors. Don't our legislatures know the law and the power they have?

  7. Similar problem in Louisiana…emergency orders expire in 30 days and a new order is issued so the orders never make it through the legal process for review! Not dumb legislators who made a mistake.

  8. It is our duty, as citizens of this union, to support this poor, unfortunate soul… who has been trudged down in a mire of unprecedented magnitude such as has not been seen in this nation and who, not by his own volition but by that mandated by God almighty, has been duly appointed to lead his wholly inept and ignorant flock to the safety that only he alone, can provide.
    Let us not forget the unenviable, loathsome burden under which this poor soul has been weighed down for his entire life; the burden that, were it also not given to him by his creator, he would undoubtedly bestow upon all of the poor and unfortunate, sick and injured and the meek and deficient alike, to remedy each individual ailment the cure that nearly unlimited expanses of our good American currency can provide. But in his wisdom alone, has he seen the benefit so far outweighing that which his mighty sums of cash could aid our citizenry; the benefit of his unyielding and unfettering, unflinching and unhindered by logic and/or concern, leadership of our otherwise incapable souls in deciding for ourselves the manner in which we should invest our very limited time upon this good Earth.
    Good day to you all.

    It's amazing how a nicely worded helping of complete horseshit (with the exception of his being unhindered by logic and/or concern) can sound so unshitty when read or especially when heard. Don't believe the hype! We the people, need to take back the leadership of our own lives by voting with our brains and ousting these tyrants from their purchased positions of power.
    Remember; we don't elect our leaders. We elect our fucking representatives. WE lead our own goddamn lives!!! That is not an endorsement of either political party. Political parties are for politicians. Voters who subscribe to them do nothing other than compromise their own values and stretch their own logic to the point of breaking, just to stay supportive and loyal to their "team". And if you read all of this, you deserve a cookie. Go have one. Enjoy it.

    That's all for my rant. You may now resume your masturbatory pleasurings to whichever internet porn sees you off best. Layta!

  9. Love what you are doing dude. You are a true patriot! Be careful though. A friend of mine lost his law license in Georgia for doing things similar to you. Also check out Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer on YouTube. She bucked the corrupt system in Georgia. I knew her personally and I can say what happened to her wasn't her or her husband's doing. Corruption in politics runs much deeper than any of us understand.

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