Alexis Murphy remains missing after she disappeared in August 2013. She went on Twitter to tell her friends she was off on a road trip. But somewhere along the way, Murphy vanished. Who’s responsible? UPDATES:
What happened to Alexis Murphy? Virginia teen remains missing

They find a broken fingernail diamond stud women's hair in a camper, it's a very least they should have gotten a warrant detained him until they got that warrant so he couldn't move or do anything else. For all the police know that girl could have been alive and he had to act, they don't even say they put a person watching the place or watching him you just don't know. I've seen people get healed for less things than what he was found with and they got lucky that he let them in there They should have looked at all of the tapes before they went that way They got extremely lucky that he was sloppy and he didn't try to clean up his crime scenes
I was a paramedic in the small town where this happened.
Why didn't they search the camper earlier they had probable cause before they arrested him
He looks like a monster
I have 2 girls this hurts..
Heaven has a Angel named Alexis Murphy. RIP, missed & loved Forever😢
This is crazy more that 80% bodies are found in gated closed or big like field areas. Drive cop, scope the area. Took you all that long
Forever 17
He probably was a serial killer, those pictures could have been his other victims. The police is so slow, it's sickening.
This makes me so angry.
This makes me angry.How the Fu#k u find those evidence in this man camper and u going think is another person who did it because the liar creep tell u to look at another person who happen to be black.Then u gonna say maybe u got the wrong person.U guys are so dumb.Its sheer racist,So what u want to say that the black guy took alexis to randy camper get the key open it,kill her took away her body and disposed of it. Why he didnt leave the body there? That wouldnt make sense taking away the body. .I can bet that black murderer guy dont have any clue that where randy live exist. because that camper was in such a remote area
how the authorities wondering if they got the wrong man when alexis nails ,hair and blood was found in his camper
she had a lot to contribute and monster just took her away
she would be a big influencer in today social media world ,if she was that big when u have just fb and twitter now we have ig and tiktok
She was fine asl😢
So sorry this happened to Alexis, she looked like a lovely person, thinking of her family and friends🥰
And now they have found her body . Rip may you and your family finally have peace . Randy your a peice of shit
Taylor has been killing probably his entire life. That prosecutor is a modern day warrior. He said exactly what I think: one shouldn't get away with murder just because they are proficient at disposing and hidding bodies. I hope this case will set the precedent of convictions based on strong circumstantial evidence without a body.
I think as women we just always be aware of our surroundings and not be so trusting of people…. It sucks we have to think like this but unfortunately in today's world you just can't trust everyone….
this is one of my best friends cousin, there was such a relief when they had finally found her.
Alexis Murphy case has ALREADY BEEN SOLVED!! Her remains were found and this case is CLOSED! PAY ATTENTION!!
I just seen this on tv , and i do want to say even though this is old, but my condolence still goes out to the family, and my heart breaks for what happened to this young lady, but please ladies be smarter as in do not follow people you don't know, or even get in a car with someone you don't know what ever one it maybe, and i dont care what the reason is and or what the person tells you, do not Just follow with your car back to where ever they are going, you dont know who this person really is and what their true intentions are,
This dude looked shady as hell i dont care what the dude would of told me , i would not follow him for any reason, she ended up following him as they seen her car following him from behind, to many people are so gullible and naive you have to have better judgment and think before you do something, there are sick and twisted people out there you have to be more careful and be more wiser…even with people you think you know you still gotta be careful some people wear a mask, but especially with someone you don't know and just met or talk can't trust so easily..
You have to give credit to the police and FBI for not wasting anytime and getting this creep off the streets. While they didn't find her body I give credit to this prosecutor for getting closure for this family. I'm really impressed with the police work here.
Call due respect to the family turning down the offer of disclosing her body for a lesser sentence they did exactly what I would’ve done said fuck you dude you will die in prison
And let me add it’s always the short little pussy boy you know the kid that got the shit kicked out of him in high school that does this shit always the short little man
Daffy duck is a creepy idiot what a clown why would he keep that shirt in his trailer what a box of rocks
Wow this B son of the KKK killed our sister and this pig needs to stay in jail for life .
I live in Lynchburg not far from where this happened that white guy hope he burn in hell
so when did he kidnap her? or did she follow him to his trailer? how did he get her car? so many questions
Alexis drove off after the killer Randy Taylor. To avoid victim shaming this media piece isn't disclosing how Damian Bradley "knew of Alexis". She went willingly to Randy's but didn't expect death to follow.
Black folks we fight and we might shoot . But white folks are sinister
If anyone tries to abduct you put up a fight. Chances are they are going to kill you anyway. You stand a better chance of surviving if you put up a fight and cause attention immediately. Never let anyone force you to get into a car quietly.
My concluding thoughts are they are both serial killers knew of each other perhaps even knew each other which is how one knew how to describe the other tag team if you will I think both of them were the right ones
This story is so sad I think about this beautiful young lady from time to time. Be at peace ❤️
Alexis Murphy’s family is kick•ass and selfless denying his request of reduced sentence. I think that Donald Duck knew something about Jessie Matthew’s which is why he used him Or he got in Alexis phone and looked up the other gentleman. Alexis couldn’t had been his first victim he had some type of practice (strictly my opinion)
This is so sad, I would have been 17 years old in 2015 as well. I'm now 24 years old and it seems a lifetime ago, Alexis lost her life far to soon. Just as she was coming into adulthood and about to start her life. I hope the monster that violated her and cut her life short never sees the light of day again. And he doesn't have one day of relief behind bars.
May the Great Spirit watch over family. 🙏