What Happened to Lauren Agee? – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

What Happened to Lauren Agee? – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Criminal defense attorney Robert “Bob” Bianchi discusses the death of Lauren Agee, who died during a lake trip with friends. Agee’s mother argues that there is more to her daughter’s death than the friends have let on.

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26 thoughts on “What Happened to Lauren Agee? – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Amigo,

    Pay more attention to detail.

    Canoe bow shape was a small circle within the V- shape/ triangle. ( circle within the triangle)

    Corpse V- shape was a small triangle within the V- shape/ triangle. ( triangle within triangle)

    Its not a match.. Very easy to see

    Also the V- shape on the body has a half inch plain border around that the canoe bow does not

    So you can dispel the canoe thoery

  2. Yes, open that case back up. I'm not a criminal investigator but seriously just the facts that were given raises high suspicion. Including the gross negligence of the investigation, indeed DNA should have been swabbed for, and rape kit done. I haven't seen everything from case but something isn't setting right with me.

  3. Look up “Without Warning” by Sheila Wysocki online or in your “podcasts” on iPhone (or android?) She’s the Private Investigator with short brown hair in this video… she’s put out all of her investigation in super easy to follow, high quality podcast form. It’s addicting to listen to. She’s still updating- last podcast was 2 days ago (March 2019!). She interviews the cop, all the kids, etc. It’s so good!!!

  4. I hope they open this case back up. I feel that they killed her. I tell you that God is the avenger. One will soon slip up and say something or holding it inside will kill them. I pray that mom finds her killers. I pray for mom.Gid said what’s done in the dark shall be revealed.

  5. They killed that girl. Why didn't they look for her? Why not go to her funeral? Because all three was in on it. drowning I don't think so. And what was they burning in a fire? Hmm

  6. Sooo frustrating! How can the examiner feel confident in calling her death a drowning WITHOUT the presents of water in the lungs??! Isn't that the indicator of drowning? Another examiner needs to look at the case…a fresh pair of eyes. God bless!! 💗

  7. the deceased family lawyers needs to take a closer look at the suspects family background if they has any political connection in TN or countrywide. Something is not just right about this whole case. Someone somewhere knows the truth and they are trying to cover it up. I'm so sorry. and my condolences to the family of Lauren Agee, concerned fellow human being from South Africa.

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