What’s on Lori Isenberg’s computer? Idaho Benadryl murder case – TCDPOD Clip

What’s on Lori Isenberg’s computer? Idaho Benadryl murder case – TCDPOD Clip

Lori Isenberg claimed her husband Larry Isenberg died after falling off their boat. But autopsy results show Larry died from excessive amounts of Benadryl, not from drowning.

Watch the full podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCMq8baqBUQ
TCDPOD: Boating accident or murder by Benadryl? Plus, did Gannon Stauch’s stepmom kill him?


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20 thoughts on “What’s on Lori Isenberg’s computer? Idaho Benadryl murder case – TCDPOD Clip

  1. She just got sentenced yesterday, May 24, 2021 to life in prison. No chance of parole for 30 years. The judge said something about credit for time served, I don't know if the 30 years reflects that or what, but she'll most likely die in prison. He sounded like SUCH a good, decent man. I saw part of the trial as it was live streamed. I was able to hear victim statements from his daughter, one stepdaughter and part of the statement of a second stepdaughter. Larry also had a son. Lori had at least 5 daughters. Long story but Lori had embezzled over 1/2 million dollars from an agency that helped people) and 4 of her daughters conspired with her, (they rec'd money for work they didn't do, etc.) they got tiny sentences, a small restitution and community service… I heard the statement of one of the four who went along at first and one that had no knowledge. They both said what a wonderful man he was. Grandfather to their kids etc. They and Larry's daughter said what a great husband he was to Lori and how happy they were. He went missing (after she drugged him and pushed him overboard) the same day as the the story of her embezzlement was to hit the fan. She didn't want him to find out. Now she is saying the benadryl cocktail (massive amount of benadryl) was meant for HER and Larry drank it by mistake. She said she knew her life was over and was going to commit suicide. Obviously just lies.
    From the description from his daughter and two of the stepdaughters, his death was a loss to our community as well as his family.
    I've also read statementd in the paper from his son these past 3 years. HEARTBREAKING. Such a good father. They were SO close. Whole thing is an absolute nightmare.
    If you pray, please pray for his (innocent) family members, as well as every victim of monsters like Lori, and their families.

  2. She's involved with a BIDIRECTIONAL communication program using the imagined speech method and EEG. It's a cop scam. Lori was hiding next door to me in Springfield Oregon while she was hiding from the cops. Her and Jesse Wade Powell and some of their family. After that trip, she turned herself in and the police shot and killed Jesse shortly after. Probably why there's a gag order on that case. A few people in Oregon have been murdererd over this whole thing.

  3. You really have to take a LOT of Benadryl to overdose on it. I am curious what his blood levels were. It would be easy to slip liquid Benadryl into a person's drink if they were drinking alcohol, but it would be far more detectable in any other form of liquid, as you would NOT be able to hide the taste of it as you could in an alcoholic drink. In the liquid form of Benadryl 1 tsp equals either 12.5 or 25 mg. An adult can safely take 100 mg, so this had to be done over the course of short period of time and given the fact that it was more than likely put into a drink with alcohol in order to hide the taste, the alcohol itself will increase the effects of the Benadryl and make the person drowsy within an hour or less after taking it. The person would probably have to drink several drinks with the Benadryl before they would overdose. Given that alcohol and Benadryl together will make a person extremely tired, they would have to consume the drinks in rapid sequence before succumbing to the effects of the mixture. MUCH more information is needed on this case before any kind of determination can be reached. Since this is a murder case, that means that it had to go before a grand jury in order to get an indictment. What evidence was presented to get that indictment?

  4. What was done to my innocent infant daughter in Florida ! I suspect that not only was her diagnosis a LIE, the medical procedures were tortuous and the medications were contraindicated ! I was forewarned not to have her…that is true and SHE was murdered at All Children's Hospital …that is a FACT !..On another note, I would agree that computers reveal a plethora of information @ someone ! Providing someone does NOT go into their apt when they are not there and screw with their hard drive …like when I lived in Greenwich, CT and worked in Scarsdale, NY !

  5. Ok, there was a toxic level of Benedryl in his system. Where's the proof she gave it to him? How do we know he didn't overdose himself? I'm curious to know what is on that computer. If she ran searches on how to poison someone, that obviously puts a nail in her coffin.

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