Who Killed JoAnn Tate? Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Who Killed JoAnn Tate? Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

In a special investigation, Michelle Sigona sits down for an interview with Tate’s surviving daughter and with Rodney Lincoln, who, in 1983, was convicted of manslaughter in Tate’s death as well as assault in the first degree.

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48 thoughts on “Who Killed JoAnn Tate? Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. What a strong & brave woman….

    She is also very smart to pretend to be “dead”….

    God heal her heart, mind, memories ,
    And body . Bless her with wholeness & His love 💗: in Jesus name ! Amen.

  2. I watch a lot of crime documentaries etc. But I’ve got to say- I think this night of been the worst I have ever listened too and watched 😣 this lady is so strong and should be so proud of herself for being so strong!

  3. Did anyone remember in school that they said everyone will be writing in cursive in the future? I think they meant everyone will probably forget learning cursive, just like they said you need to learn math

  4. OMG I watch many of these episodes but this one is particularly devastating: anything with children. My heart absolutely aches for this lady recounting this story and having to have gone through this ordeal. Horrendous.

  5. That was incredibly tragic and difficult to listen to her relive that. Breaks my heart. When her and the journalist started to cry I lost it. Incredibly sad. Sick bastard I hooe he rots in hell.

  6. OMG… This is one of the saddest Crime Watch Daily episodes I have ever seen! In order for him to do what he did with no emotion, he had to be demon possessed.

  7. I have watched many thousands of murder/crime documentaries featuring countless victims stories….. but i have never felt so moved and been so emotionally affected by anyone's testimony of their 'attack….it made me urge and almost threw up. How horrific….that poor poor lady! My heart goes out to you! (this is also my longest ever youtube comment!)!

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