Who Killed JoAnn Tate? Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Who Killed JoAnn Tate? Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

In a special investigation, Michelle Sigona sits down for an interview with Tate’s surviving daughter and with Rodney Lincoln, who, in 1983, was convicted of manslaughter in Tate’s death as well as assault in the first degree.

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17 thoughts on “Who Killed JoAnn Tate? Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Rodney Lincoln’s family has set up a GoFundMe page for him! Over 36 years? I know it happens all the time law enforcement feeling pressured to convict, but putting a story in a little girls head who was attacked by a psychopath – injured & her mother was just killed to convict the most convenient person with NO PROOF! That is SHAMEFUL! This victim: Rodney Lincoln has no chance @ 70 + years of age to be compensated? AGAIN BEYOND SHAMEFUL AMERICA! 😱
    I gave a donation!

  2. Wasn't it Tommy Lynn celas or however you spell it, sorry. No one should give her shit for being wrong, she was 7 and confused! Rodney had an solid alibi and no evidence at all of being there. I solely believe in his innocence and glad that he got out!

  3. Why aren't this women more careful? My grandma was always afraid to date after her separation from her husband for this very reason. You single women, it is bad enough if you are alone, but when you have kids, you need to be very careful who you date and/or associate yourself in anyway. Be careful & bringing monsters into your childrens' lives. They should be more important than picking up some awful asshole.

  4. a HUNG jury?! the 1st trial?! Did they not hear the same evidence?? htf could you possibly get a HUNG jury?!

    Sometimes the US judicial system pisses me off, a lot of times actually : /

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