Who killed Kanika Powell?

Who killed Kanika Powell?

Kanika Powell was a young, ambitious woman who went from serving in the military to working for the U.S. government. She was gunned down at her doorstep after a series of strange warnings. Today her family is begging for answers: Who would want her dead, and why?

More: https://truecrimedaily.com/2015/10/09/unsolved-national-security-worker-gunned-down-amid-mysterious-circumstances/


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21 thoughts on “Who killed Kanika Powell?

  1. Her murder had nothing to do with her work.
    This crime was clearly done by a man who lived in the area possibly within one of the apartment complexes. Someone she was not aware and someone who felt comfortable enough to keep showing up at her door. This is a mentally ill stalker that got spooked when she showed up at the stairwell.

  2. Look into Sean Green’s case. Three months after Kannika’s death, he was shot & killed 25 miles away from her home while at a red light. He was also a Gov worker with Top Secret Clearance.

  3. The Constitution grants to Congress the power to raise and support armies and a navy, to suppress insurrections, and repel invasion among other military-related governmental roles. Thus, the main source of legal authority in this area is federal law. If Kanika, knew about top secret government information, they made sure that she would not share this information with anyone else. Which resulted to her losing her life. Far as a investigation goes, it is, what it is at this point. The authorities is not looking to solved this murder, it's just another cold case like all the rest. These people would wipeout your entire family when it comes to protecting their secrets.

  4. As much as this one baffles me, it also just seems like one of the cases that there is a motive, but we just don’t know of it yet. For one, if it isn’t work related, she had no boyfriend, and robbery wasn’t it either…then what could it be?

    It’s sad because she sounds like the kind of person that was well loved by everyone in her life, and then someone cut her life short. When a victim like her ends up dead it’s hard for me not to empathize with them and their family. She had so many things in life ahead of her, yet sadly she and her family will never be able to see all of those things come to reality. My condolences.

  5. This is such an odd/strange case!! Fake FBI door knocks, that sounds scary asf!! Fake package deliveries?? This is crazy && scary as hell to me. She was murdered in cold blood PERIOD!! I pray for answers!!🙏❤

  6. Just think about this. You work security at a top facility and you're "friends" with someone who works there but knows some top secret stuff you shouldn't know. Then they wind up telling u about it just in confidence or even feeling like they just want to tell someone and since u work here its not that big of a problem. Someone finds out that you know this information and then they confront that person about it and then that person tells them like "Yo I'm sorry do whatever you gotta do. I shouldn't have told her". Because they not really your friend or they got scared so bad they threw you under the bus even though you probably even just over heard this conversation or got it told to you. So then people start showing up at your house because they feel you know something. As people all it takes is for me to THINK you know something or you hiding something and that will put me on a different level of thinking towards you cause now I know you know something that could tear my existence apart maybe. Government definitely had something to do with this. I used to work for the Government and I remember going to a camp with Secret service agents, Cia, FBI and all them there. You couldnt even take your phone out while you were on the campus because if you took a picture and someone seen it a enemy could recreate the inside of the campsite from just this picture that they were seeing that may have barely had anything in it. And they are extremely secretive. Could be just like the movie Safe House with Denzel Washington.

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