Who Killed Nancy Probst? 16 Years Later, Husband Still a Suspect – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Who Killed Nancy Probst? 16 Years Later, Husband Still a Suspect – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

To this day no one has been convicted of Nancy Probst’s murder. But two veteran cops, on the case since day one, are determined to see it through to the end.

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39 thoughts on “Who Killed Nancy Probst? 16 Years Later, Husband Still a Suspect – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Jasons an idiot…NO sane person is going to want to talk when this show has a clear agenda and has already painted him as a guilty. Not saying he isnt guilty but if that 1 percent chance exists that he is innocent, theres NO point in speaking on THIS show. all that would do is bolden a case against him. Jason….go back to law school. Its obvious why he cant talk. His lawyer would advise him not to, moron!

  2. I understand that someone has lost their life and no one is standing trial but Crime watch daily y'all better cut this foolishness out popping up a people home uninvited with cameras.. You're not the police.

  3. I love Jason’s Mattera style..He is an excellent journalist, radio host etc..He has a beautiful wife named Kendra and they will make beautiful babies together 👶👩‍🦲👧👱‍♀️🧒👶👱‍♂️

  4. I knew Matthew Probst personally when he lived in Pennsylvania with his parents growing up in the 1980s. We were friends during the summer of 1985. We worked together painting schools when we were both 16. He taught me how to do the first brake job on my car. Had a very odd upbringing though. His family was odd… They had a small farmette property a couple of miles from where we lived and they lived in a very run down house trailer. His dad was a constable and they seemed to be very out of the public picture. Almost to a religious fault kind of way. Matt felt stifled I could see that. Often very brooding and didn't talk a whole lot. And I often wondered what went on in that house when I wasn't around. Tried contacting him in the years since and he never got a hold of me. Guess I know why now. wish I could offer something for that grieving family that would help them. Seems so unfair.

  5. I think I’d rather take the chance with a jury than to see that monster go free for another year never mind sixteen! Poor woman’s daughter and family need closure. The evidence is all in there, I think a jury would find him guilty for sure.

  6. He had two daughters that he didn’t want because he didn’t want to pay chip support, and she married that psychopath. And then she gets murdered and he doesn’t want their baby either thank god. And soon the mistress will be pregnant… hopefully she’s watch Crime Watch or have common sense.

  7. Shit. After 16 years just do it and if he is found not guilty then he’s on the street.. right where he has been all along.
    Fuck this dude. He knows he did it

  8. So funny when they go to peoples houses and then wonder why no one ever answers ( stupid to answer questions without a lawyer present as anyone can change your words around ) not that complicated to understand

  9. The guy was working as a mechanic. Did they try to check his workplace for the gun if they’re sure he did it? They never mentioned searching or even trying to find the murder weapon. Did they question neighbors??? Too many unanswered questions. Her family should be suing for child support. Why are they letting him off so easy?

  10. A 'gut feeling' should not convict anyone.  It's unfortunate for this case, but it's a good thing for other cases where innocent people could be put in prison based on 'feelings.'

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