She was a small-town girl visiting her big-city sister over the Christmas holiday in 2010. But before the high school honor student can ring in the new year, Phylicia Barnes vanished. From 2018:
Who killed Phylicia Barnes? Honors student vanishes while visiting sister

Twisted not sure what role she played but heard some things
He's in trouble again. He beat up his girlfriend..She said he choked her and violated her repeatedly for hours
Sick sick sick
That sister seems very shady I wouldn't be surprised if she was part of it 🤔
Oooooo that’s the older sister ex wow
Why nobody crying is people that strong cause I’m not my son was killed 2019 I’m still crying
How the Eff did he beat this case! I’m shocked! 😮
Now he's in jail for assaulting a 19 year old. Pos
They said no evidence. So the witness he called and told him he needs help with her body wasn’t evidence!!!!!
Its been 24 years, we will never know the truth
The sister just straight up creepy and weird and she looks weird and you can tell she's no good
The sister knows something her response is very telling hmm 🤔
He said she was a good influence lol the sex tape sisters
Today makes 13years😢
The dad didn't look like he was worried or crying.It was stated he wasn't in her life.Her mother encouraged her to reach out to him and the sisters.That sister need to be charged with the bf.
I’m sorry but her sister put her in harm’s way smh
I believe her sister knows wat happened to her 😢
And the Father? A deadbeat to his heart! Nothing but nothing could make me choose.
No deal Deena had something to do with it!! She was mad that the drugged out dopedealer had sex with her younger sister. Who would not be mad with your blood messing around with your man or woman. Come on girl you will get it in the end, just don't you worry Deanna Lamar's is coming.
this is disgusting and appalling that verdict 😢 RIP
His day is coming and that's for all involved
Baltimore is corrupt
Beloved dad? He’d been a deadbeat dad for 8 years until she found her half siblings on FB. Her sister is trifling. Letting her drink, giving her weed and engaging in sex acts with her. Lock him and her sister up to!
Why isn’t the older sister being looked at for molestation, at the very least? Wouldn’t be surprised if she was involved in the death.
I remember when this happened. I live around the corner from where she was last seen
Man fuck the Deena, Micheal, and the Dad he wasn't even really in her life for real.
So after the sex filled night either the sister was upset after sobering up and killed her by accident or Michael tried to havr sex with her and she declined and he killed her.,put her in the tote drove to his families house I south baltimore and left his phone there and drove to Harford County to dispose of her body. Mystery solved . Nonetheless, the sister knows what happened to her sister
When did this all happen? Awful and the sister should be shame of herself!
The sister is trifling. And the judge was full of shit. There was more than enough of circumstantial evidence to convict. If the victim were a blond haired blue eyed middle class or rich white girl, the judge would’ve convicted him.
He would not be walking around my city after my child died
She was one of my after school counselors when I was in 3rd grade. Our school had kindergarten-12th grade together, so she was a student at my school. We had purple ribbons all over campus when she was missing, our after school spent days making purple ribbons for people to wear, hand out to students, and give to neighbors/friends to spread awareness in hopes she was still alive. My family, and the entire school, would sit and stare at our tvs when we got home hoping to see she was found safe. I remember it like it was yesterday. My family, and several other families from our school attended her memorial and it was one of the most heart wrenching things i have ever witnessed. I’ve graduated now, but our school has a little area on campus just for her that everyone respected. It devastated us.
Oh the sister professionally deflected the question about the tape just pro smh
Her sister misled everyone from the beginning. She should be prosecuted for lying!
He got away with murder he and big sis going to hell
Some women are so male identified that they'll ignore any and all warning signs that a man could be a rapist or murderer then doesn't care no matter if it's true.
The justice system doesn't care about femicide
Her sister was involved that was her boyfriend she knew of everything this is sad
Wow! Cannot believe that scumbag got away with murder, scot-free. The one time you actually want to see a black man get the book thrown at him! SMH
OH HELL NAW!! … Any other time you're drilling somebody for information, why didn't you double down on that sister's account of what that tape was about, and how she came to end up in an orgy with her little sister, and her accused murderer?! I WANNA KNOW!! Cuz now it makes me wonder if she had some involvement..
Sometimes I wonder how much of this show is staged. How is she saying Felicia's father takes her to the spot, but you clearly hear him asking, "which way is the best way to get down here?", followed by "he's never been here, until today"..
She was NOT! a good influence on her younger sister. She was purposely corrupting her.
Her microexpressions tells a different story than her mouth… That's all I'm going to say…
It's alot that still saddens, and sicken me with this but this one thing takes me under. Its a woman, a mother that stands by this loser side knowingly well, aware of his actions. To anyone that had a hand in the process of him seeing the light of day shame on you all. This family has been failed Justice ⚖️ 3 different occasions that's almost sadder then why we're here. I pray for the continued healing for Phylicias loved one's. It was some light in your darkness we know this clown is a monster. An any judgment that man could've given him will be no match for the marker.
has the sister been interrogated cus wtf