Wife kidnapped and tortured to death by husband released on bail – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: Young love may be fleeting, but for Tierne Ewing, her middle school sweetheart became her husband. Despite their many years together, Tierne and Kevin’s relationship went from doting to destructive.

Kevin and Tierne got married when she was 18, and they eventually had two children together. Kevin, however, had a penchant for abusing his wife. Tierne was even hospitalized after one instance and obtained a Protection from Abuse order.

They split up and reconciled several times, but the last and final time occurred in July 2016. Kevin reportedly held her captive for 12 days and spent the time torturing her and beating her ruthlessly. He even threatened to kill her parents while she watched.

On the last day of her captivity, Kevin drove her to a bank and left her alone momentarily. She called police and was saved when officers arrested Kevin.

A judge set Kevin’s bail at $100,000, which he posted. He was released despite prosecutors attempting to get him back behind bars. Kevin was also not allowed to possess any firearms or communicate with Tierne.

Unfortunately, the protective order would not be enough to save her.

Weeks after his arrest, Tierne ended up at Kevin’s house with his mother. On August 30, 2016, Kevin’s mom called Pennsylvania State Police to report she and Tierne had been held hostage by Kevin, and he managed to cut off his ankle monitor and leave with Tierne.

Police searched for Tierne and Kevin and eventually located them in a nearby barn. When they arrived, they heard gunshots and found Tierne dead. Kevin shot himself in the head but was still alive and airlifted to a hospital. He died a few days later.

In 2018, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed a bill called Tierne’s Law, which strengthens protections for victims of domestic violence. It also allows judges to determine if an alleged domestic violence perpetrator will continue to pose a threat, and if so, the judge can use the information when setting bail.

Let’s look back at the heartbreaking case of a mother who could not escape the violence of her own husband.


47 thoughts on “Wife kidnapped and tortured to death by husband released on bail”
  1. Some people just don’t feel lovable.😢( Tierne) They are too trusting and they are easily fooled that bad people can fake being nice. They’re a narcissists dream .You’re free now. God bless her family.😰 RIP TIERNE🙏💜☮️🕊️

  2. I will never understand why women pick men like this. Men who are abusers in horrible people. It makes me feel terrible for what happened to them. But at the same time, it’s really hard to feel bad for people who could’ve left and totally avoided the situation to begin with. Before kids were born, of course.

  3. Sure , why not let an obvious kidnapping, wife batterer just walk away? Certainly he wouldn't dare to do something even worse, right? Unbelievably atrocious that any elected judge would even have the ability to make a decision that completely stupid.

  4. Where do these sicko depraved sub humans come from? Allowing this abuse for this many years without getting law enforcement involved?! And what the H is wrong with our pathetic justice system? How was this monster pervert ever allowed bail to start with??!!

  5. Not! Hard to believe people are like that,..They have a demonic spirit within them,..can't trust family, friends, or spouses sick sick worldly people,..& innocent ones fall prey & victim if they are not taught life skills of today,..narcassists psychopaths demented people roam lurking for victims to devour, truth be told that's how it is.

  6. Every one of those Judges,thatv "cause," death…should be suspended for life. This case was so clear, so I can't believe that America can't even save citiz3ns that suffer from domestic violence. That's just….awfull..

  7. Why why why. What a monster.
    Theyve just found Chimpanzees go on murderous rampages like this. This "human" is nothing but a large carnivorous monster.
    Seems like the ENTIRE system is geared up to cater only to the criminal minded male!!! Judges letting him off and cops trying to save his life!! 🤢🤮
    Do female lives not matter??

  8. If only Tierne realized that the first bullet to her forehead didn't kill her and just played dead instead of asking "why did you have to shoot me?". That way he would've shot himself after thinking he killed her and they would've been able to rush in immediately to treat her wounds while he passes away from his a few days later. I always think about that whenever I come across this case. It makes me so sad.

    Also, people blame the judge for essentially giving Tierne a death sentence when he ruled against her, but I think equal if not more blame should also be placed on his family for paying the $5,000 to bail him out. Kevin and Tierne were together since 8th grade, so surely his family would've had some knowledge of his violent nature and mistreatment towards his wife over several decades. I don't understand why they felt compelled to bail him out after learning that he was in jail for torturing and holding her captive for 12 days. Like, if they were equally terrified of him, they would've just left him in there, so either they were completely oblivious to the abuse or they didn't give two shits about Tierne or her family's safety and their wellbeing. If it's the latter, I would want them to be charged with contributing to her death.

  9. And I will bet you anything, that sickening judge sleeps just fine at night. They compartmentalize and rationalize to the point where they can't even see their effect on the bigger picture. Just a broken system all around.

  10. This is so heartbreaking. The system is so broken. Prisons are literally being over-filled with the addicted and mentally ill (usually for possession and other petty crimes and often for the inability to "successfully complete" probation), while violent monsters and manipulative sociopaths get bail and go on to commit further vicious crimes. It sickens me.

  11. That headline is wonky and confusing! I had to read it several times because it didn't make sense. It says wife who was kidnapped and tortured to death by husband released on bail. It makes it sound like wife was kidnapped and tortured to death by husband was released? That doesn't make sense! How about Husband or man who was released on bail or who made bail, then kidnapped and tortured his wife to death. Sentence structure and/or punctuation matters.

  12. I hate most men, they have no conscious, everything's about the junk in their pants, most are not worth to walk around free, hell they will even rape their daughters sisters granddaughters. What the fuck

  13. I haven't felt for these victims unlike I feel for her, because shoe on the other foot if she was to kill him for the things he did to her she would be sitting in prison probably looking at life even with all this evidence. I'm just hung up on it.
    Plus if he would do this to his wife, I'm pretty sure he would wiped those kids off the face of this Earth had they done anything

  14. I love watching TCD but they are very poorly edited! It feels like a 6 minute video that’s on a loop for 18 or 20 mins with a lot of clips repeated several times and a lot of times these videos have no resolution and just end.

  15. Justice system completely failed. He had a violent past before all of this and was never jailed? Then he abused her repeatedly and he got bail? It’s annoying these judges are above the law and can’t be held accountable for their decisions.

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