Wife stands by Marine husband who killed girlfriend (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily.

Wife stands by Marine husband who killed girlfriend (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily.

Yvonne Baldelli went missing after moving to Isla Carenero, off the coast of Panama, in September 2011 with Brian Brimager.

Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/09/13/island-of-lost-dreams/


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44 thoughts on “Wife stands by Marine husband who killed girlfriend (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily.

  1. Yvonne met the fate Brian had planned all along. Seems he didn't really want her anyway and she ignored the signs. Not sure what it is about women that want to prove that they can take a married man, like he not gonna treat them like they did their wife. It's naive to think otherwise.

  2. You see what happens when you snoop around ladies? If you already suspect him enough to hack his email account, then you should have already been gone. Why even confront him? Stop snooping and mind your own goddam business…

  3. you cannot reprot someone murdered or daed unless you have a corps to provide and if you cannot provide the corps and later the persons corps is found you will become a supsect automaticly .Be carefull about how you phrase a complaint on a person you suspect was maybe killed casue those words may go a lot further than you think cause to the law the only people who would know that the person was dead before she was found dead would be the people involved in the murder . If i was a cop and you told me my sister was murdered and you did not have a corps to support it and that i found her body my first supect would be you for caliming that she was dead before her body was found

  4. Now….when I watch these cheaters being killed? Male or female……I have NO empathy! My spouse of 27 yrs found a newer, hot, young girl. But….what they did? Was rub it in my face, send me ass pics of her, etc. Why? Why……when I was 100% faithful, stood by him when we had nothing, etc? Now….since finding her….he started treating me like really bad. Anywazs, I already said too much as usual. Just beware…..guard your heart!

  5. If you are in a relationship…chances are high one of the two will cheat at a point. It just happens…i don't know why. I am talking cause of all i have heard and seen till now.

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