Legal experts Alison Triessl and Robert Sheahen debate the cases making headlines.
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Legal experts Alison Triessl and Robert Sheahen debate the cases making headlines.
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I am sorry but the guy is crazy as you prosecute the users as they pay nobey to view these disgusting depreved images which mean they are funding the people who commit these sickening acts anf rgen sell them online.
Vhild abuse especially child sexual abuse is the first crime history and should not be tolerated in ant way.
I think people with possessions of CP should be charged because they are contributing to people making them. BUT, I do agree that I wish they are doing more to find and really punish and shame those that are filming and doing these horrible things to kids. Why don’t we hear more about the people that are actually profiting from this! Maybe if their faces are plastered everywhere, people might think twice before making kids do things like this.
I agree that the focal point of investigation should be those making and distributing the pornography, but those that partake are just as guilty and should still be prosecuted when found. This is NOT a victimless crime!!!
How can he compare a child sex offender to a drug dealer? How dare he!
That old guy is a straight up nonce
Old white men scare me.
That old guy is disgusting
Sounds like Robert must look at child porn….if there wasn't sickos wanting pictures of little kids then there wouldn't be a need to take the photos. Lock them all up
He pay his crime with his life so get over it
That was his way of saying fu@k you to society/the legal system. May he R.I.P.
people you are so stupid if you think the man makes no sense. Even though watching and having child pornography in your computer is not legal and there is a punishment for that, but it doesn't solve a problem at all!!!! you caught one person who was watching it but children are continued to be molested regardless!! You need to eliminate problem with the roots meaning finding people who organize all this and punishing them! But you don't care about that.
Are you kidding me? Should be going after those that actually act on their fantasies? Isn't it better to charge them BEFORE they act on it? Think about how many innocent children you are saving!
WTF! I could throw rocks at that old fart's head! Wow!!
The old guy makes me disgusted
wtf is this dude talking about you can't compare drugs to disgusting child porn and yes if you use and get caught you get jail time at least in my state fucking pos
I agree that this dude is saying some sick and twisted stuff but keep in mind he is a defense attorney and has to defend the criminal even if they don't agree. And this show is paying him to be the "defense attorney " for the crime they're speaking about in this segment. Now I already stated this earlier but you couldn't pay me personally any amount of money to defend such a sick and horrid crime.
Tisk Tisk Noah Puckerman!
You watch kiddie porn than you're a sick fuck and should be locked up. Doesn't matter if you produced it or not. It doesn't make it any less fucked up and wrong.
I agree the gentleman, the law may be the law, but sometimes the law can be stupid.