Legal experts Misty Marris and Dr. Judy Ho discuss legal stories in the news for Wild About Trial. Today, they discuss a mistress who is suing a wife for emotional distress.
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I hope the mistress learned her lesson.
Idk how to feel the wife is wrong and the mistress is wrong too
I would like to tell everyone here cause none of you know the truth about the poor woman Alice Bahar who was attacked by this disgusting persian family.
I know this woman for 17 years and i am 100% familiar with this story. She is the most loyal , hard working, honest and sweet person you can ever know. She worked so hard for this motherfucker landlord ( Abraham Sanieoff) who took advantage of her and used her body and soul. He lied to her, he sent her selfies of himself crying and begging her to see him. He was complaining and telling her how unhappy he is at home while she was telling him that the only thing she wants to do is work. He is the most selfish,ugly, fake nasty cheater.
When the wife found out he was cheating, instead of admitting that he was wrong, he decided to blame this poor woman and tell everyone that she was running after him and wanted to destroy his family, which is a one BIG LIE. He is a PUSSY, only a stupid nasty person can do this to another woman he used. The Sabetfards ( his nasty wife's family) attacked Alice like she is a some piece of garbage and were spreading lies about her that she is a whore.
I am a man myself and i can never ever do something like that to a person i seduced, to hurt her so bad and just walk away like nothing happened.
Something is wrong with the wife. She has a mental problem.
She was in her 20’s when they got married and he is younger than her. That’s too old for a girl in the Persian community not to be married. Obviously something was wrong with her
and nobody wanted her so they pushed this younger guy to marry her. She was like the left overs that nobody wants.
The wife is a criminal and the husband is a total loser!
He's going to cheat again ,obviously he's not happy with that monster.
That bitch is a dangerous , i would be afraid to have my kids around her. She's hiring someone because that loser cheated on her? Divorce is the answer not threats!
Clearly the wife is LOW LIFE that's why the husband cheated. Listen to the nasty voicemail she left. I can only imagine what else she did to the other woman.
Of course the sueing mistress is Persian..she is so out of line.
Why does she need 5 million, just pay for her therapy sessions lol
The wife is a bad person and has this guy on a leash lol. I don't blame the husband for cheating. Only hearing the voicemail i can tell she is a monster.
The only reason he's with her is cause he's afraid of her and she will take half of everything he's got. He's a pussy!
How come everyone is attacking the woman he was cheating with.
What about her worthless husband who slept with his real estate agent , he used his power.
If he didn't cheat on his wife none of that was going to happen.
Really???? I would beat her ass and go to jail!!! She should have known better to mess with a married man….I would beat his ass too!??!
Big deal! Nothing happened to the mistress. If that is all that happened to her, she should be thankful. Ridiculous! No settlement. Find a single man.
My husband left me because I became ill. He moved across the country and started dating someone. We reconciled and he came home. But his girlfriend pursued him, moved across country to our city, and ruined our chances of mending our marriage.
Of course, I blame my ex, and I was granted the divorce based on grounds of adultery and inappropriate marital conduct. But I can’t help but want that woman to be held responsible for what she did. He was not only my husband, but my best friend and my caretaker. I can only hope karma does its job.
Edit: I only know her name because it came up in court. I have never tried to look her up online or contact her, and I never will. I think if I see her picture, that will only hurt more.
mistress is always bullshittt

Well she shouldn't have been screwing a married man. If I was the wife I would sue her for alienation of affection if she is in one of the 9 states that allows her to do so. If she knew the man was married and still continues to see him, she gets what she deserves. If she didn't then the husband is completly to blame. But she was upset, who wouldn't be.
What about the distress the mistress caused the wife? The only reason the wife made that call was because of the distress caused by her husbands affair with that ‘lady’. She should counter claim & sue the mistress for the distress it caused her & her children, if she has any. This case is probably being pursued because the mistress is embittered & twisted because he chose to stay with his wife.
That skank is rediculous, houldnt the wife then be able to sue the mistress for emotional distress too? and she didn't get the man so she's gonna sue?
Mess with my man I won't threaten you, they will never find either of you, but I wouldn't threaten anyone
It's people like this that make those of us who are actually suffering from combat PTSD or post-stress from another traumatic event, hard to distinguish from the malingerers.
The title already sceams at me without viewing!… Get Real…. Are you Kidding Me!??
Chris looks good!
What? I cannot see difference between wife and mistress. Twins separated by birth?! Reunited by a scumbag lol
The wife and the mistress should team up and take the cheating husband for everything they can!
No she doesn't, she knew he was married and acted like her feelings were hurt, her fault just as much as the husband.
She should’ve kept her legs closed.
We have a stupid wife that should blame her man, no one else but him!! Once a cheater, ALWAYS a cheater!
the man needs to stop having love triangles they always end something dramatic