Woman allegedly suffocates boyfriend in suitcase; School shooter’s parents face trial — TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Natalie Whittingham Burrell joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss some of the most highly anticipated trials of the year, including YNW Melly’s retrial, the trial for Tupac’s alleged shooter, a new defense attorney for a woman accused of suffocating her boyfriend in a suitcase, and the legal repercussions of criminal charges filed against the parents of a school shooter.

Tweet your questions for future episodes to Joshua Ritter using the hashtag #TCDSidebar.

Joshua Ritter:


Natalie Whittingham Burrell:

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49 thoughts on “Woman allegedly suffocates boyfriend in suitcase; School shooter’s parents face trial — TCD Sidebar”
  1. Natalie was an exceptional guest. She has an inexplicable presence about her and is so incredibly articulate, savvy and knowledgeable. I only wish she was a prosecutor instead because selfishly I would love to see her on the side of taking down bad people

    Josh, you are truly very classy and your observations and comments are always spot on.

    I love your show !

    A dedicated fan in Canada.

  2. I love it when everybody feels the need to analyze what’s already been analyzed a thousand times before on other channels because it’s a desert of creative content out there. Thanks for the pile on.

  3. Disgusting.
    Now you have to question every case the DA and the investigator have been involved in. The investigator will never be able to be an officer of the court going forward, in my opinion.

  4. Thanks for bringing Natalie on! She's so logical, experienced, and easy to follow. She's got an exceptional grasp on the way the legal system works, and I love the discussions that take place on her channel. I always enjoy hearing her take and her explanations of why specific things are happening in courtroom procedures. Please keep bringing her back! Great convo!

  5. Great podcast updates.
    I do want to add, personally from the information that I know, the Crumbly parents need to be held accountable. To give that child a gun with obvious issues is egregiously wrong and questionable.
    From personal experience, I began cutting at 12 y/o after trauma and when my parents found out immediately, the kept me home from school, took to regularly psychiatrist appts and met with the school administrators/ guidance counselors regularly to help me cope. This boy needed his parents love, attention and help. Period. Additionally, he was under 18, so this is separate issue from the 2nd ammendment in my opinion.

  6. for those of us who have chosen careers that are clisely interwoven with other species learn that in irder to understand both the other soecies reactions. must never be forgotten for their AND our safety.. Thus it becomes secind nature for both oarties to grow in mutual confidence as they learn they can rely for orotection , direction and therefore can trust and return a devotion that in crussing these natural boundaries .mean that the itger becimes an kntegral.partnership . . Sonfor me we have here a human couole that have establushed a partnershibased on ridicule , and cutting safety measures recklesslybaway SONfor me HE choice to get in that suitcase , he hadcample oportunity to stick out avleg , arm., Even his neck as she clised that zip . Sorry but horrific as it is to watch a modern day version jf The Magician' Placing hisi assstabt in a Trunk I couid not fund ger guilty of anything other than negligence

  7. Makes me laugh when a man gives an opinion on parenting. I understand that as a lawyer, he needs to explain the case but let’s be honest between his work and the podcast, how much time does he spend with his kid??? Would you call it good parenting???

  8. I am so waiting for Sarah to go to trial. I have watched everything i can find about her and this case. I am also waiting for the Mother who starved her son to death and harshly abused him sentencing. Thank you guys for this discussion on upcoming events and trials. One thing i know is 2024 is starting with great things for us crime watchers✌️

  9. I appreciate attorneys. Knowing what I come across in healthcare dealing with different kinds of people that are scared, ill, not at their best by any means… I can’t even imagine the hard work you guys do!

  10. I enjoy this show, and as usual this was a great discussion, but is there ever a time when Josh doesn't agree with the guest? BTW, cameras in the courtroom are a disaster in my opinion. It's worse than people just acting a bit differently, there are far too many theatrics going on in front of cameras. It's almost as if some lawyers are auditioning for their own TV shows (which is what has actually happened).

    That video of the man dying in the suitcase was so gruesome . . . . my first question is why or how did he end up in there to start with? Regardless, that woman deserves a very long prison sentence, and I don't see any way she avoids that. What kind of cruelty humans are capable of . . . .

  11. Suitcase??
    XL? L? Med? Cabin? Etc
    Please tell us what size is the suitcase? Surely that's the most important piece of information? Not the victim? There's loads of victim's…. so many, and lots of perp's! Or murderer's if you prefer?
    They all carry so much baggage around with themselves?
    Have a lovely evening everybody!

  12. I am a big fan of Natalie and subbed to her YT channel after seeing her on Growing Up in Scientology. Joshua I learned of your Sidebar channel when Natalie was a guest a few months ago and subbed right away. Love true crime and can’t wait to see the outcome of the Boone case

  13. Sarah Boone is a Looney Toon.
    As we say in England “ She’s absolutely off her rocker”

    Doesn’t matter how many times she says it “wasn’t intentional”
    She intentionally left him in the suitcase. She intentionally recorded it on her phone.
    She intentionally taunted him.
    She intentionally went upstairs to sleep & left him there , knowing he couldn’t get out.

    She intentionally wanted him to suffer. And he did.

  14. That Sara Boone video is so disturbing. The fact that she thinks she has any defense is unbelievable. She delusional but not crazy and somehow believes herself to be smarter than everyone. Let’s see where that gets ya pumpkin.

  15. If I’m not mistaken Boone has been through 7 attorneys so far. This lawyer should be #8. Says a lot about Boone. 😂
    I think the parents are at least partially responsible. They gave him a gun that wasn’t secured. They knew he had some troubling behaviors and decided not to get him help, even though he asked for it. The school called them in and they just left him there. When the shooting happened the first thing they did was to text him and check to see if the gun was gone.
    And that is just a few things I think make them culpable. Maybe parents with trouble kids will get them the help they need and less shootings will occur. Hopefully?

  16. If the crumbleys get jail that will probably make a lot of other parents wake up and stop 🛑 the guns in the home , even if locked up most kids with half a brain can figure out how to access them. I grew up with my dad’s gun being on a rack on the wall ., no lock 🔒 but we never dreamed of touching it but then again I grew up back when parents disciplined kids . Curious how this will change the culture of firearms in homes after

  17. Schoolshooter's parents:
    The parents were notified and refused to take him home, and seek help for their minor child. They knew that they provided a gun. They recklessly endangered their son, and the entire community. They prosecute parents for not locking guns.

  18. The one about Tupac is ridiculous! Whose trying to like good here cuz Biden ain't running again lol so WTF is the story? I mean why pick at this guy now? Why don't they let him grow old now? Shit they're claiming they've known!? WTF they waiting on all these yrs? Like WTF

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