Woman claims TV coverage tainted her trial after fatally shooting husband – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: Imagine dialing 911, and in addition to police showing up, a television crew arrives ready to record at the scene of the crime. That’s what happened to Victoria Rickman one fateful day in Atlanta.

In the early hours of September 13, 2013, Victoria called Atlanta Police to report that she shot her ex, William Carter, after he had raped her. Police got to the scene and found William dead with gunshot wounds all over his body and a handgun on a nightstand. He had been shot in the chest, back, head, and arm.

Police took Victoria to the hospital where she underwent a rape exam. Though the test confirmed she had sex, doctors supposedly did not find any internal trauma or injuries matching her rape allegations. Meanwhile, the investigation was still being recorded by a television crew.

William and Victoria’s relationship was tumultuous and fraught with allegations of physical and sexual abuse. They got engaged at one point but broke up before making it to the altar. One time, Victoria reportedly tried getting into William’s house and she was arrested for battery. He had previously been taken into custody on charges of sexual battery.

Victoria was arrested on suspicion of murder the same day William was found dead and naked on the bed, and in December 2013, she was officially charged with malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime. She went to trial in August 2017 and was convicted on all charges.

A judge sentenced Victoria to life in prison without parole, plus five years for the malice murder and firearm charges. She appealed her conviction, but in April 2020, the Supreme Court of Georgia affirmed the lower court’s ruling.

Let’s look back at the case of a woman who fatally shot her ex while the investigation all played out on television.


41 thoughts on “Woman claims TV coverage tainted her trial after fatally shooting husband”
  1. Please don't let this wicked evil killer and list out ever. She will kill again. Her fake crying on the phone drove me nuts. It is these kind of wiched women who make other women look bad when they tell the truth. I don't know how her lawyer sleeps at night with such lies too during her defense knowing a man is dead shot mercilessly by her client.

  2. some people are good actors of fake crying and emotions that is a terrifying skill more if its a girl who claims sexual assault and rape and a country where they favor women in trial even when in the wrong i heard a country where a word of women can get you chared for that stuff even if your reverse rapefd twice people don't take that seriously but 1 word of a girl who knows how to act all hands on deck

  3. Tori: do you always dress like a prim pearl wearing soccer mom type? Because seriously, no real proper pearl wearing soccer Mom will have vamp like friends like the accused or hang out with or ……

  4. This is actually pretty fricking sick!! That many men will date sick wenches like this cuz they are Desperate!! STOP …… with the SICKNESS….Both Women & Men ! DO NOT date people who give out RED FLAGS! Yall see it …. But want SEX so IGNORE FLAGS!!

  5. She is another Amber Heard. They think their looks and innocent act can get them away with anything. Im surprised Johnny Depp is alive.
    I AM domestic abuse survivor and there is no way I would act tge way she did on the video. I nevet had my abuser say he was AFRAID OF ME!!?? She was playing the victim because she thinks shes better, prettier. Sexier than other women. How DARE HE SAY NO TO ME!?? Thank God she video taped his words and her words and actions. She is a MURDERER. There is No way any chance that a woman afraid would talk to her abuser like that. Abusive men assault right away if you open your mouth. No bitching, no complaining, no telling them whats going on in your work life, family life, friendships. Abusers blame you for EVERYTHING. NOTHING YOU DO IS RIGHT. EVERYTHING IS WRONG . VOICE, WORDS, ACTIONS, LOOKS, CHOICE OF MUSIC, MOVIES ON AND ON.
    Please If you are in an abusive situation. Secretly make plans. Dont tell ANYONE unless its your Mom or Dad. No friends. They betray friends all tge time. I had movers come when he was at work. I switched my job. Make sure all important papers are with you, expensive items, t.v equipment thats in your name etc. Never talk to them again. EVER. NO MEET UPS. NO EXPLAINING. ETC.

  6. I don't think TV skewed her results, that video that SHE took clearly shows she is manipulative.
    "Oh, why are you mad at little ol' me? I'm jjst a pretty girl, teehee, c'mon, just lemme in even though you told me no several times"
    Really? Cause it sounds like she is the one who dosnt understand "no"

    Grow up as a manipulative pretty girl, be prepared for no one to believe you. Be better than a shallow pretty person nobody.

    It's sad that looks trumps personality so often these days, in both women and men.

  7. Strange when most of these are evil men but there are some evil women oit there. Since she is guilty, no one seems to care too much about victim blaming when she claims to be raped… yet when someone does the exact same thing as her just withoit the murder suddenly they are all pure as white snow and there are no manipulative women who coast by in life by their looks and pick TERRIBLE men

  8. Defendant lawyers must really ask their clients to dress down. "Don't do your haor well, don't wear much make-up, wear a frumpy sweater or bad suit"
    I mean yeah it's probably one of their worst days but if these women do themselves up that much normally that they are known for meing sexy they can do their regular routine for court.

    I bet because in her case it's her own sexiness that is biting her in the ass where her sex life is one of the reasons she is in trouble. "Make yourself look less sexy so you can be seen more as a random victim of an evil man, not a attention seeking minx who kept CHOOSING the wrong men"

  9. I have adhd and like no inherent physical depth perception plus hilarious clumsiness as a result and I have more bruises from getting up to brush my teeth in the morning than this crazy psycho ever had in any of those photos lol 🤷🏻‍♀️😵‍💫 She is a slap in the face to all true victims of domestic violence and sexual assault also.

  10. Sounds like battered woman's syndrome! She suffered years of abuse & didn't realize it! She shouldn't be charged for defending herself! Just because you have a beautiful body, doesn't mean nothing!

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