Sara Kruzan served 19 years in prison before her release for the murder of her pimp, a man she says raped her at age 11 and trafficked her for years.
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Sara Kruzan served 19 years in prison before her release for the murder of her pimp, a man she says raped her at age 11 and trafficked her for years.
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She is a hero not a criminal
I was touched and I only remembered it just a couple months ago it’s soul crushing
Krazy Story

Bless her, we need more heroes. Police refuse to do anything, and our lawmakers are a part of the problem.
Epstein did not kill himself. #pizzagate
I feel like kicking that mothers ass…
Dads- you all need to be there!Thank goodness she killed that bastard!
She should of been given a bloody medal for what she did Sending love light strength peace prayer’s & lot’s of hug’s god bless hun KAZ

If your mother's boyfriend is molesting you, find someone you trust , not your mother because she might defend him or feel useless.
She is a strong woman. Bless her. I’m sorry she had too go through this.
she said GG fucked her when she was 13 in her jail interview. i wonder if the producer told her to say 11 instead
Hello Sara Kruzan, thank you for sharing your story .
That woman ain't gonna say mother because that skank bitch ain't no mother… OFF WITH THAT BITCH HEAD … I wish we had the right to hunt down these sick fuckers and off with their mother fucking heads frfr… I swear I'd be out there every day hunting these sick bastards… And any one who is responsible for doing this to a kid or even selling their kids deserves for their head to be chopped the fuck off sick bitch…
The guy was a sex trafficker. Why on earth did they charge her with a crime? She was defending herself and finding a way out.
As far as I'm concerned she did society a favor
I clicked on here hoping Sara reads comments. …….. you are an unbelievably beautiful strong intelligent wonderful person. I wish you nothing but happiness. …… with your well deserved long overdue freedom.
Check out hear episode on ear hustle! It’s a podcast! Episode called “dirty water”
This poor women was robbed of her child hood. Hope her mother and pimp rot in hell.
This is just another example of how the system screws women in the legal system.
1979- I'm 11 years old and we have a small loaded pistol in the drawer. After my mom's bf had sex with me again (I had put him in jail he got 6 months for "loving me too much".. and he's out and back for more) he beat me, verbally abused me, and cut my front teeth out with a 7 inch hunting knife while sitting on my chest, threw me on the ground and lay on top of me threatening to kill me.. anyway so he's exhausted from the sex and falls asleep and I thought, " I oughta shoot him'. I looked at the gun drawer and back at him but then decided that i obviously wasn't worth it or the police wouldn't have let him back in the home. MY ONLY REGRET IN THIS LIFETIME IS THAT I DID NOT KILL HIM THAT DAY. It would have brought my power back. I recently tried to find if he is buried somewhere so I can piss on his grave, but no luck. KILL ALL PEDOPHILES and RAPISTS.
Damn this is just terrible. Heartbreakingly terrible
Her jail sentence is too Long …
This is so fucked up and I hate stories like this. It is so common. They always punish the victim.