Woman Goes Missing Day After NASCAR Talladega Race – Crime Watch Daily

Woman Goes Missing Day After NASCAR Talladega Race – Crime Watch Daily

Where is Theresa Benn? Andrea Isom has the story.

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26 thoughts on “Woman Goes Missing Day After NASCAR Talladega Race – Crime Watch Daily

  1. He sure enough has killed her, specially if he waited 15 hours calling anyone!! Prayers 🙏 and ❤️ for the woman's family. I hope he gets everything he deserves!! Prayers 🙏 and ❤️ for the children in this sad time of there mom being murder!!

  2. Oh god… An attorney! I love when people jump to "he must be guilty" because he knows he's being targeted and lawyered up… You would be an idiot not to hire an attorney

  3. Just me or I watch a lot of those show I think everybody is missing in America what the heck wife husband young old and most of them are in good shape good mind but they are missing
    Other part of the world u rarely hear those cases u will missing person either due to illness but in America it s coming a lot no disrespect to any of the families they lost there loved one I think whenever I meet anyone I will have to ask him if he is missing at least something I can do to reunite him with his or her family
    This is way too much I don’t know is it because America is a big country or what trying to wrap my head about this I hope I won’t be missing one day as well and I have no one to ask or search about me

  4. The second you turn down an interview about such a situation, you're 100% guilty unless you physically can't at that moment and offer to reach back out. It was obvious that this guy clearly had the time to talk though.

  5. If you're in a toxic relationship, whether the man or woman wants to opt-out, let it go. Move on. Never take a life because your negative emotions take over your reason. Humanity is very F***** up.

  6. Sad n sad indeed. I just wish she went with her friends and she come home. She's so beautiful and young how could anyone hurt her. Hope not. All our prayers are with the family. Hope she comes home soon.

  7. Reporter: "Do you still love her?"

    Dickhead: momentary pause………….."I still care about her."

    I have never heard a widow or widower say they only care about their spouse that died. And not love them still. That is ridiculous. Idiot.

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