Woman kills mom with skillet to hide flunking school; Girlfriend of slain cop says she was framed – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: A mother beaten with a skillet and fatally stabbed by her daughter in a confrontation about the girl’s academic suspension. Plus, a cop’s mysterious death leaves a community seeking answers.

Caitlyn Becker joins host Ana Garcia.

Ana Garcia

Caitlyn Becker


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41 thoughts on “Woman kills mom with skillet to hide flunking school; Girlfriend of slain cop says she was framed”
  1. I’m not sure what happened in Karen’s case. I will wait for the trial for more information. But do I believe that there could be a multi agency, multiple people cover up involving the police department??? Hell yes. And the DA saying that was not possible is absurd. It’s happened in the past and will happen in the future.

  2. I'm calling for further investigation into Jennifer McCabe!! Who is she! Who is she to Karen? Who is she to the deceased? Who is she to the party goers? She did a suspicious search and may be putting words into Karen Reed's mouth!! She seems suspicious to me!!!

  3. EVERYONE has a violent streak!! EVERYONE!!!! It's a part of being a human! Most of us can keep it under control, but at some point, we don't know when, it has been brought out. Just a slap on the cheek could be considered violent. As far as using that energy to better her grades, it doesn't always work that way. I never got better in math no matter how much energy and effort I put into it! Not everyone learns the same and not everyone gets it all!!!!! Putting so much pressure on a young person like that can be detrimental to a young person and this is what happened in this case and in another case I heard about a while back before this one!! Stop expecting so damn much out of these young people! Stop pushing them to meet or exceed YOUR expectations and the expectations of society!!! Society needs to change for the better! Money needs to be replaced with love and kindness. You work, you get what you need in return.
    Some have what it takes to do some things, most do not!!! Let them walk their own path!!!!!!
    As far as the family standing behind her… GOOD!! That's what family does! Maybe the mom was so overzealous about grades and the family knew that and the daughter knew what might happen and got scared and overwhelmed and freaked out. Mom could have been the major boss of the house with a wussy father who also may have cowered in her presence too. We do not know the big picture. Maybe the mom was going to put a beat down on the daughter…. We just don't know what goes on behind closed doors!!!!
    Getting rid of all the unnatural things in the world will help. First one… All the chemicals in our air, food and water. Its breaking brains!!!

  4. How can the phone signal he was at the house, but never went in?
    My understanding is the phone can place him at the residence. But how can it say he never went in?
    If he phone health app says he went up & down 3 flights of stairs, it wouldn't take walking around as stair climbing. I would believe his health app.

  5. The only information that is going to help solve this case is the autopsy. He would have to have had a brain injury from being hit by a vehicle for him to be injured enough to lay unconscious outside long enough for hypothermia to occur. If someone hit another person hard enough to leave glass stuck into their bumper from a broken cup… glass in a bumper and break a tail light… that's a pretty hard hit and she would have had to do it intentionally, but nobody said they were fighting or anything that night. You have someone who seen them pull up and told them were to park they were not fighting well on the phone.

    The cops girlfriend doesn't seem to have done anything bizarre… imagine drinking and being out tell bar close except you are the designated driver so you are less intoxicated and possibly not even intoxicated at all… your boyfriend wants to continue to party probably with people that you don't know to well. You tell your boyfriend to go check the party out and come back to tell you if it's good… he could text her, call her from inside the house or he could come back out and talk to her in person but he doesn't do any of those things so she leaves probably because she is tired and she doesn't want to deal with drunk people or parties so she leaves… i would look into how long she was there waiting but it is suspicious that she didn't message him and say were are you, are you coming back out but her not doing that could be a sign that she wanted to leave but didn't want to upset her boyfriend by telling him that she did not want to join him at the party so she seen her oppertunity to leave after he had not come back outside for 20 plus minutes. It is a litte wierd that she did not message anything along the lines of ok im just going to leave.

    Jennifer has inserted herself into the investigation with suspicious activity, I would really like to see if she had a romantic relationship or close relationship to anyone who had any animosity toward the victim. The search is bizarre… to me the search indicates that she knew he was dead. She looked up how long does it take someone to die in the cold… very bizarre thing to search. I believe victim and a party attendant may have gotten into a fight… it's possible that the killer saw the victim leave the house to maybe check on his girlfriend he forgot about or something. The man had a cocktail glass in his hand… did he leave the bar with it or was it a matching glass to the residence of the party. Either way a cocktail cup suggests that he was drinking at the location of the party and were the cup came from would indicate if he was there for a period of time.

    It is possible that a party attendant attacked victim and left him unconscious outside where he died because of his injuries and the cold. I am absolutely surprised she isn't charged with manslaughter but they are going with intentional homicide why are they doing this? because the force needed to cause those injuries could only be intentional if it was in a drive way or parking area rather than a high speed limit road way.

    It may seem super far fetched that 11 people could have the same story and be doubted… they are doubted because the scene, motive, injuries, google search… all of this is not on the witnesses side it sure would be easy to say well he never showed up so that's the end of questioning but where is the friend who watched them pull in told them were to park… how could he see them arrive and not be concerned that they never came into the house… well those text messages are there he can't erase them so they have to be part of the lie even though behavior doesn't corroborate with victim never showing up.

    11 people saying that he never came in and they never seen him is a big deal but the fit bit app is a major deal and the autopsy and crime scene doesn't fit the narrative of the victim being hit by a car.

    Why would a party full of police lie about what happened to a fellow police officer… the only reason they could or would is simple corruption… corrupt establishments would have a motive to kill a whistle blower and the back up to try to get away with it.

    testimony and eye witness accounts won't hold as much ground as the fit bit, autopsy, and crime scene.. the reason why this case is so controversial and bizarre is because it doesn't add up.

  6. People act like the police don’t do fucked up shit. I would never walk in a house full of police even if I was one.
    If she Googled how long it takes for someone to die in the snow that seals it. The wives are going to lie for the husbands. I cant believe these 2 women aren’t more smarter.

  7. This first case reminds me of Chandler Halderson from Wisconsin, who was 23 at the time in 2021, killed his parents when they caught on to all his lies about his jobs and college degree.

  8. I COMPLETELY agree that the “motive” was NOT “just” getting kicked out of school. Maybe she was “triggered” in that moment BUT there was HATE there for a long time. That was unadulterated vitriol, pent up rage and resentment. 💯. No one will ever convince me otherwise. It’s CLEAR she had a VERY close relationship with her father and NOT at ALL like that with the mother. She wasn’t even a LITTLE bit “clever”! From the very beginning it was BEYOND STUPID! The best part is her breaking the window from the “inside”. 🙄🤡. How she EVER got a “scholarship” will be a forever MYSTERY to me. I do agree the her sentence was VERY lenient!! Her biggest supporter (the victims own husband and his daughter) is the one who the Judge had empathy for. THAT is why she was given 15 to “life”. PERIOD. As for Karen, I actually heard that her story was that she felt like they weren’t actually “invited” and Karen felt unwanted and that’s why she dropped him off. I never personally heard the story about her driving away because he just never came out so if that’s the case I’m torn now too. But if the initial story which I heard is actually true, I’ve watched her DETERMINED Attorney make a VERY compelling case that to me is BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT for her INNOCENCE. I can’t believe that the Commonwealth hasn’t at least dropped the charges “Without Prejudice”, FOR NOW at least, anyway.

  9. Brenda was FAR from stupid the daughter is just EVIL the man urged his child but didn’t guide his child in the CORRECT DIRECTION.. of all things you MURDER the one person who brought you in this LIFE…. Then to attempt to cover this up

  10. Can they not test for dog dna to see if John was bitten? In Karen's case.
    Good theory on how John got run over.. but he would have had to have taken a cocktail glass in car on drive over. Although i have seen people do that lol.
    Just because 11 preople say John didn't enter house doesn't mean its not a lie . These are people with lives, families, some cops & in justice system. They may not know what went on or they do & were involved but being associated with it is disruptive to their lives, future so they will go along with story that distances themselves. Esp. If not directly Involved, they are going along with story their friends are sticking to, It feels safe.

  11. Not the same thing but omg I remember my mum telling one of my friends that was failing at school BUT new every single thing about music, the artist, the reason behind the music, age, weight, eye colour of artist when the track was written, released everything you name it she new it. Then my mum proceeds to tell her if she applied that brain to school work she wouldn’t be failing 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I just looked at mum dumbfounded and burst out laughing 😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ the point is she was right lol

  12. Oh – AND THE PLOW DRIVER NOT ONLY DID NOT SEE A BODY AT 2 am he saw a fire edge where the body was – 4 family members of alberts and McCabes own a firs edge – THIS IS A COVERUP BY CORRUPT STATE POLICE


  14. At 33:35 you state there is "Video of the car backing up" – this video is NOT from the crime scene, but 4 hours later when Ms Read was leaving her house and did a 3 point turn, and appears to perhaps have clipped the other car – hence the "broken taillight" debate – to be clear, there is NO video from the crime scene at all…

  15. Another case like this is the case of Chandler Halderson who killed his parents (Bart and Krista Halderson) because he lied about attending college and having a great job. His dad was going to meet with his son at the college he told them he was attending. He murdered them and then dismembered them and dumped them near a farm in a field. His life was one big lie. I can't believe he thought that this was the answer. Chandler left his older brother Mitchell with out his parents and his brother was charged and found guilty of murdering their parents. Truly evil. Chandler received life in prison with no chance of parole. Family totally ruined because one of their son's could not tell the truth.

    Then this case is about a 19 year old girl who murdered her mother because she was kicked out of college, because she flunked out. She lied and hid her getting kicked out of school and continued to pretend to go to school. She was living in the dorm and having a great time going to Sorority meetings . She gets kicked out of the dorm and hides out in a hotel. When she gets called out on her lies she hits her mother with a cast iron frying pan and then stabs her mother 30 times. Her Mom was on the phone and with the Dean at the University when this attack happened. They heard screams and called the cops. She appears to be a real sick spoiled brat that thought she could get away with murdering her mother by blaming an intruder. She staged the crime scene by braking the window and telling the cops her mom was attacked by a stranger. She may be mentally ill, but she is a cold and calculated killer. I am glad the jury saw through her lies and convicted her. I don't like that the Judge gave her an indeterminate sentence of 15 years to life and when she is 38 she will be able to go in front of the Parole Board to plead her case. i would not ever let her out, she is very dangerous. She has a real rage issues and if she is let out. She will hurt the next person who confronts her and she has another rage moment. Sydney Powell murdered her Mother Brenda Powell. Such a tragic story about a truly evil girl. Another person who lies and thinks that murder is the answer to her problems.

    Both of these stories the one they covered and the one that I pointed out are such minor things and because they could not tell the truth they murdered their parents. Total sick evil people.

  16. The only video you saw of Karen backing up was her own Ring camera video when she left John's house to go look for him.

    Brian Albert claims to have had not had any installed video camera – even though Google Street View shows some conspicuous holes in the walls near his door and garage where cameras likely once were. Oddly, there is NO historical Google Street View for Fairvew Rd in Canton. There is only the one set of images dated April 2022. Strange timing…

    Asst. Chief Tom Keleher lives across the street from Brian Albert. He has a Nest camera security system. He claims his cameras picked up nothing despite his camera have a clear view across the street. Explain that one…

  17. It is starting to become normal for bad people to use mental illness as their excuse. How about we just call it what it is: Evil, which can never be fixed by any psychiatric treatment. These people were born bad and they will die bad, period.

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