A woman forced to watch her boyfriend murdered. Then, she would be chained up for months inside a storage container. Nerissa Knight reports on the suspected serial killer hiding in plain sight in rural Spartanburg, South Carolina.
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Damn yall can't read her sign no interviews
I remember his mom saying her son treated Kayla nice. He just couldn't let her go…like wtf
And the low life press picks on the old parents….They are really human garbage too….
Wonder who he killed in arizona
I hope His big ass rots in hell and those poor women RIP I hope the haunt his big ballon belly ass this is some shit you’d see in a movie this man is so sick no one should go through something like that EVER they should of never let his weird ass out of jail the first time !! Did they not think he was gonna do it again!!!
Damn held captive for 2 months that's hectic
Rest in peace to all the innocent lives lost

Never trust anyone that chews their fingernails down to the cuticle
Rape and kidnapping.
So why was he on the streets?
They need to jail the fools who let him out!!
You're telling me… He made highly suspicious reviews online, displayed psychopathic tebdencies as a child and raped and murdered at 15 and not one person reported him? His mother didn't report him? What the fuck!
How on Earth did he get his realtors license being a convicted felon for kidnapping and rape?
If people don’t wat to be interviewed, respect that and leave them alone!!
Its stuff like this as to why no alien civilizations have visited us. Look how strange, violent and primitive we are FFS!
can she not read the no interviews sign on the door she was pounding on lol
All of this was preventable . I do not get why you let a man out of prison who was convicted for rape and kidnapping let alone let them become a real estate agent. That is not a surprise at all .
I really hate when reporters antagonize the parents/family of the suspect…. they typically have nothing to do with the crime, and are in mourning too. "Crimes of the father shouldn't be blamed on the son" and the same should be said for vice versa.
I would like to know why they waited so long to ping her cell phone? And that's how they found her last place she pinged then why do you take them two months to find her?
what is wrong with the stupid reporter who ignores the "No Interview" sign on the door of Kolpecs mothers house. Does she really think that she is so special that it will be different for her. This is one of the reasons people hate reporters.
What could have happened wtf u mean what did already happen!!! Does it need to get scarier
This is who Eminem was talking about when he said bitch I’m off the chain like kayla brown. Dayuum
I live in SC and I remember that Superbike murders. Idk how the hell he got away for this long. Needless to say we ain't got the best cops down here…..it's not exactly CSI down here
Leave them old people TF alone!
I need this guy to get rid of some people for me
These mfs really a thought a piece of paper was gonna stop people from knocking
There's a sign on his Mother's door saying very clearly 'No interviews given'. Come on True crime Daily.
Those Amazon reviews lol wow
Yeah but he seems like such a sweetheart
I live in the town over and I didn’t know this happened !!
Everyone saying they rude for trying to interview them when they do this every case
At this point I’ve seen absolutely every crime watch daily video ever released but I’m still rewatching… anyone else?
Proceeds to fucking knock anyways…
Imagine having a crazy family member doing something so disgusting and you not wanting to be associated to them then here comes Crime Daily all in your face. I'd knock you out if you stepped foot on my property
Don't bother that old lady
Serial killer is when you kill at least one person a bunch of times because you have a compulsion… not a guy who killed 4 people 20 years ago and 2 people last week. For a total of 6 people.
Gah Damn y’all Mfs crazy
Can someone explain how he got these people? This is fucking sad how can you kill 3 people n keep a hostage
I’m happy she’s alive to tell about that sick fuck he better not get released he might hurt her!
I saw a video of her when she was rescue.

Thats disrespectful they knocked and kept going on as you can clearly see a sign saying "no interviewers"
why harass his parents ?
What an insecure sad pathetic loser I believe everyone has the right to their privacy but for what this b*** did his family deserves none cz those ppl who lost their lives and their families suffering cz of their ugly son deserves no respect and no space and no peace. So reporters ya go crazy cz this is a murder not someone for petty crime!
You should see the reviews he left on amazon! Chilling!
Oh wow
glad her phone was tracked