Workers Violently Abused Babies at Daycare in ‘Exceptionally Shocking’ Misconduct: Court Docs – Everything Law and Order Blog

Elizabeth Wiemerslage, 22, and Chloe Johnson, 24, were arrested in Minnesota after police found security camera footage of the women allegedly abusing infants under their care at Small World Learning Center. The women are accused of violently flipping babies and pushing them down into pillows. Law&Crime’s Jesse Weber combs through the heinous accusations and speaks with state Rep. Nolan West, who says he removed his own child from the daycare center not long before the arrests.

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48 thoughts on “Workers Violently Abused Babies at Daycare in ‘Exceptionally Shocking’ Misconduct: Court Docs”
  1. I would pick a kindly older mama to care for my child any day over day care. When I was preparing to go back to work I approached the mother of a girl in my older child’s class and asked if she would be willing to care for my little girl. She was from Sri Lanka and had not got her settled status so couldn’t work. Her and her husband cared for her like her own and when I picked her up she usually had some new hair ornament in her hair. Her and her husband just in family life, shopping etc. she was a bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding and it was such a happy experience. Of course I paid her properly. Trust your instincts mamas.

  2. Every day.. We hear about these heinous crimes against children every day, yet parents still hand their children over to be raised by these monsters.. Then send them off to be raised by government schools..

    Priorities, people.. Raise your own babies..

  3. This is exactly why I absolutely refused to put my children into DayCare! Especially before they could talk! My husband & I had to tighten the money belt a bit but our children’s safety you can’t put a price on!
    I would be in jail myself if that was me..
    My 🙏🏽 to these families & their most precious little babies…

  4. My child has haemophilia which means he bruises easily and spontaneously. It makes me feel sick to think people like this would try to use his illness to get away with abusing him. Before putting him in a playgroup (purely for socialisation with other children, don't need it for child care), I had to ask his doctors, "if someone harms him on purpose, how will I know?" This just made me so angry, my heart goes out to all these poor innocent little babies and their parents. Such evil beings, I can't find a word low enough to call them. I really hope the infants heal and don't have any long lasting trauma. I can't watch this whole video it's too much to listen to as a parent.

  5. These parents want your sympathy to cover their own part in handing their kids over to being hurt when there is obvious signs, you should trust your kid way more than the show another adult is putting on for you. There is ZERO excuse for failing to guard your kid, NONE!

  6. This is so freaking sickening. Those poor babies. I wish this country could have adequate maternity leave so moms could easily stay home with their little ones until they are at least 1.5, if not longer 💔💔

  7. Hi 👋 everyone it's Maryanne from the UK wow these poor poor little babies and i really really hope that these monsters stay behind bars for life to and never ever to be allowed to work with any children ever again to i hope that these babies get better soon my prayers and thoughts are with them and their family to 😢🍼🍼🍼🧸🧸🧸🧮🧮🧮🩷💜🩵🦄🎈🎈🎈🪁🪁🪁👣👣👣😡🙏🙏🙏🙌🫶

  8. 9:10 I’m sorry but you have no instincts as a parent to keep taking your kid to a place that comes back with injuries and who cries when you hand them to the person who’s supposed to care for them

    I would not stop until it was investigated and I for sure would never take my kid back there after the first time

    You are supposed to be hyper vigilant and skeptical. I’d rather be overprotective than negligent

    And he said he didn’t like one of the workers- why would you leave your kid there? You thought enough to document injuries but didn’t report it?

    I’m sorry but parents have blame in these situations too when they ignore huge red flags.

    And saying things like “don’t blame yourself, you couldn’t have known” is a part of the problem. Society is conditioning people to ignore their instincts and assume no responsibility which only leads to more kids getting hurt

  9. I used to work at a daycare in the infant room, and never would I have thought of hurting any one f my kids, ever. Neither would the girl who worked with me. We saw these babies everyday, we cared for them, we learned their personalities, their likes and dislikes, we grew to love each one of them. Of course we had our faves, but we never showed favoritism. If a parent could trust me with their most precious gift, I could then at the least do my best for their child. We actually tried our best to give each baby some one on one attention and we would hug and carry them often because they were with us so long each day, they werent getting the affection they needed so we took that into consideration. Our babies were great kids and we were proud of them. I cant imagine spending that much time taking care of a child and not feeling love for them. These people shouldnt be around children if they dont have the patience.

  10. My gawd!!!
    What kind of hatred lives in their hearts? I just can't imagine this. You've got to be one small small small small small small hearted little person do you want to do these things to a little innocent creature that needs your protection. Families are trusting you to protect those babies and you do this!! This is the worst of the worst

  11. Just take a look at the people and think about it. How did they wind up in daycare and why would they want to be there? So many public daycare staff and public school faculty are drug addicts, alcoholics and they abuse as well as molest the children. Kids are far more likely to get drugs from a daycare worker, a public-school teacher, a pharmacist or medical practitioner if not a family member than anyone else.

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